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Nordhjem & Gishkim Courtship Treaty


that short girl
Mar 18, 2020
Reaction score

On the Sixteenth of February, Three-Hundred-And-Ten AC, noble houses Nordhjem and Gishkim came to an agreement regarding the possible future of unity between the respective families.

Duchess Tuija Nordhjem and Duke Akurgal Gishkim have jointly agreed to the courtship of Jarl Godrun Nordhjem and Countess Enheduanna Gishkim. If the pair are to wed, the following terms will be met by both houses.

Should the courtship evolve into marriage, the Countess will take on the Nordhjem name and join the family's house to help their efforts within the Empire while keeping close relations with her original house.

House Nordhjem upon the marriage will provide a single-use of their navy to House Gishkim every month for expedition purposes. (1 cycle a month.)

The two houses agree to keep relations on good terms and assist in their missions to better the Empire and each other's house respectively.

Her Eminence, Tuija Nordhjem, Duchess of Risoyhamm, Minister of Commerce
His Grace, Duke Akurgal Gishkim of Pol Qat, Western Consulate