Preserved Sheet Noelle Mira Peirgarten

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You don't need to include that but yes, it is correct, re-approved.
Remains approved.
  • First Paragraph: Noelle may be seen by others as a Good Samaritan. Her motives as a person have always been to put herself after others. She's also been known to be something of a perfectionist. In her own signature, even, every signal line must be perfect! She also strives to achieve more than what is expected of her. This means: Leave the area she was using better than she found it, she'd be that one kid to write a three-page essay when only asked for a few sentences of a response, and she's almost always going to do something with the hope to impress in the back of her head. Don't count on her to ask for help if it's needed, though. She fears that asking for the help of others is a burden, and she doesn't feel alright with burdening others. Just not her thing. Though she can be rather shy at times, Noelle is a well-mannered lady, raised to act as a noble before she even gained nobility. She doesn't even think of how she's acting most of the time, it's just sort of how she was raised to be.
  • Second Paragraph: Noelle feels rather lonely in the world. Granted, by this point she's found herself in a family who appreciates her more than her own bloodline does, she doesn't always feel very welcomed (not even around close friends). More often than not, Noelle is stressing herself out thinking about how much her friends or family are probably wishing she'd just leave and stop bothering them, even though she's quite well-mannered in her efforts to find someone to talk to after a long, quiet, and often taxing day. Perhaps one day, someone will finally help Noelle realize that she isn't alone in this world.
  • Third Paragraph: Though Noelle often feels as though she's burdening these individuals, her favorite people to be around are more often than not, her own friends and (adoptive) family! Around these people, she can open up and actually talk about what might be burdening her. Not only that, but she can actually show her more silly or casual side, making jokes and drinking Mead (rarely). Family has always been her main priority (except for the times when she didn't have a family to prioritize), causing her to focus more on the community than herself. Until she finally had a family to care for (and to care for her), her schooling was funded solely on money from, more often than not, up to four jobs at a time (enough to have at least dinner, pay rent, and pay tuition). Needless to say, Noelle needs as much support as she tries to give to her family.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Noelle is a generally good person. Not only is she a realist, knowing that (more often than not), everyone will do what they want and that she can't stop it. Not alone. However, she also knows that she can influence some people to do what's right. Noelle knows that her words mean nothing to most, but she deeply appreciates those who value everything she says. She believes that anyone can be helped, let them be good, bad, or fully evil. Simply stated, she's here to help, and though she may get annoyed by those who have malicious intent, she has no intentions to let someone lose their life at her hand. However, at times, Noelle may be a bit prejudice towards certain races, even more so those who don't follow the Unionist belief system.
Noelle's family life wasn't as great as one would expect from a family of a richer status. Constantly, there'd be persuasion attempts to try getting Noelle's decision to be a Battlemed to change to become a Tenpenny, but Noelle stood her grounds. She refused to give up on being a Battlemed, especially when her first year of instruction isn't even close to done yet. By far, the people who were most affected by this refusal to adapt to family standards would have been her parents. Amelia was disappointed because she felt as though she might've misguided her youngest child, where Francis was angered, as his child wanted to choose a path that was quite different from what everyone else had chosen. This family behavior continued on for four years, until, on February 13, 302 A.C., Noelle returned to an empty house. This is the true beginning of Noelle's life alone.

After enduring three years of self-dependence and near bankruptcy, it was time to look for options other than downsizing what house she lived in, or if she should try carrying another three jobs. It had already become a common thing for her to come home by the end of the day, and just break down to herself. No, it's time to look for a way to fill the emptiness in your soul, Noelle. That's when she met Marie Peirgarten, and became close friends. The two first met in the Women's Union of Regalia, where Noelle became an employee of the Teahaus as well. It wasn't until Noelle asked to speak with Marie one night when she decided she'd like to be a Peirgarten. After a few meetings and a few weeks of anxious waiting, the night finally came. On July 5, 306 AC, Noelle was adopted into House Peirgarten by Amelina.
@HydraLana yeah got more changes, they're just the quoted things. So the entire 'Personality and Abilities' section, and I added two paragraphs to the life story.
Remains approved.
On July 3, 298 AC, House Beulieu packed their bags and got on their ship to Regalia, where she [Noelle] later began studying History and Literary Arts.

  • +10 Medicine (+4 from Points)
  • +4 Cuisine (+3 from Points)
  • +3 Short Sword (+4 from Points)
Personal Tutors - Noelle is currently receiving private tutoring for both combat and medical knowledge
plus some minor changes to the life story. Please note that this is yet, another retcon @HydraLana
Body Build: Toned (Physical Stat: 17)
  • +5 Musical Arts (+3 from Points)
  • +5 Literary Arts (+3 from Points)
  • +4 Food and Drink Science (+3 from Points)
  • +10 Body Care (+5 from Culture, +5 from Points)
  • +3 Blades (+3 from Points)
  • Common (Mostly Fluent - Learning)
  • d'Ithanie (Fluent - Native)
@HydraLana all of those are updates to fall in line with the new system
Body Care Training is not Athletic Training, the two cannot be used interchangeably. Please make sure she only has the 3 points she can in the Physical Stat due to her Blades knowledge. Tag me once this edit has been made in green @mcmann
I think that was a recent change, actually Culture points are no longer free additions
This is incorrect, though I am aware of the problem that occurred last night. Racial/Cultural boosts are free. Please correct the Proficiency Points to reflect this and tag me when you are done @mcmann
It has been less than a week since you accommodated my request. I please urge you to be patient. In any case:
My Review:
  • Isn't the Proficiency Boost +10 to Bodycare? Why is it listed as only 5.
  • Her Life Story exceeds the maximum 900 words allowed. Please reduce and condense as is or where is needed.
Tag me once your edits are done @mcmann
It has been less than a week since you accommodated my request. I please urge you to be patient. In any case:
My Review:
  • Isn't the Proficiency Boost +10 to Bodycare? Why is it listed as only 5.
  • Her Life Story exceeds the maximum 900 words allowed. Please reduce and condense as is or where is needed.
Tag me once your edits are done @mcmann
Would it be possible for me to simply put a paragraph in a spoiler
Hiya! Seeking re-approval!
To make it a tad easier for you, all I changed were aesthetics, some of my math for the proficiency points, and added to present education to account for those proficiency points. Updated tutoring status as well, from in progress to concluded.
To make it a tad easier for you, all I changed were aesthetics, some of my math for the proficiency points, and added to present education to account for those proficiency points. Updated tutoring status as well, from in progress to concluded.
Re-approved but next time you do update anything, you should follow the new Personality section format.

Hey there, I went ahead and put everything into the new format and changed a very little amount about the character.

Everything that has been added or changed has been underlined and turned dark green.

tl;dr of it basically, I chose option one of the personality section, changed up a few descriptions, changed up my proficiency points and added a new learned language.

Hey there, I went ahead and put everything into the new format and changed a very little amount about the character.

Everything that has been added or changed has been underlined and turned dark green.

tl;dr of it basically, I chose option one of the personality section, changed up a few descriptions, changed up my proficiency points and added a new learned language.
Bump @HydraLana