Preserved Sheet Noelle Mira Peirgarten

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Resident Foxgirl
Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score





  • Full Name: Noëlle 'Mira' Peirgarten
  • Age: 22
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ithanian Ailor
  • Religion: Unionist
  • Sexuality: Strictly Heterosexual
  • Pets: None
  • Theme Song:



(actually 27 but I need to get the correct color)

  • +17 Medical Science (from Points)
  • +10 Magical Knowledge
    • Sanguinology (from Points)

  • Noelle's body shape is Toned. Her body fat is Average.

  • Personal Tutors - Noelle has been privately tutored in the subjects of History and Literature.
  • Mentors - Noelle was mentored to be at her current place in her pursuit of medical knowledge by Ida Krupp (@DizPanda) and Jocelyn von Duerr (@Dekuras). She is currently being mentored by Dianne Black (@darkarely).

  • Common (Fluent - Secondary from Childhood)
  • d'Ithanie (Fluent - Native from Childhood)
  • Leutz-Vixe (Fluent - Learned)


  • Eye Color: Emerald Green
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Noelle ties her hair up in a bun on most days
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Clothing: Her outfit varies, though consistently includes a matching headband, a pair of amethyst earrings, and a silver necklace with a ruby pendant.
  • Height: 5'4"
  • Weapon of Choice: Noelle is a medic; so if possible, she'd prefer not to use anything that could influence lethal force. However, if forced to make the decision she'd likely choose a steel dagger.


  • How would Noelle express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • Noelle is often difficult to read, though when she is happy or content, she shows it through sudden meekness and sometimes a rush of unprecedented sentimental behavior.
  • How would Noelle respond to experiencing Fear?
    • In a situation where fear is involved, Noelle's entire world collapses as she suddenly struggles to maintain self-composure. She would find herself gravitating towards secluded areas, where she will try to regain herself and avoid others.
  • How would Noelle respond to experiencing Stress?
    • In high-stress situations, Noelle normally shuts herself away from the rest of the world as she internalizes every thought and every emotion.
  • How does Noelle view Law and Authorities?
    • Noelle views Law and Authorities as Peace and Order, both as necessities in every civil setting.
  • How does Noelle feel about Races other than her own?
    • Noelle is skeptical towards a majority of races, excluding a few which happen to be more humanoid than others. She has her personal reasons for this distrust, whether it's a poor experience or something influenced by religion.
  • How does Noelle feel about her Religion and other faiths?
    • Noelle is very comfortable with Unionism and with being a Unionist. Other faiths to her are simply heretical, though she does find herself curious from time-to-time about what these faiths believe (though she is confident in her own beliefs).
  • How does Noelle feel about the Arcane and Magic in the world?
    • She believes that these forces, much like weapons, are to be used with caution and should be prevented from improper use and general abuse.
  • How does Noelle feel towards her family?
    • This question is difficult to answer as she technically has two families. Noelle hates her old family, House Beaulieu for obvious reasons (see: life story). Though, she finds herself very happy, comfortable and content with House Peirgarten as she feels as though this is a true family that honestly cares for her and her affairs. Although she acknowledges that is is an adopted addition to her family and not a true-blooded Peirgarten, she still enjoys reminiscing about how lucky she truly is to be who and where she is today.
  • What is Noelle the proudest of herself about?
    • Noelle is proud of how she had survived the streets of Regalia as an orphan for the years after the Beaulieu family had abandoned her.
  • What motivates Noelle to move forward and better her life?
    • Noelle seeks both a name and relevance in life, as she doesn't wish to be forgotten in history.
  • What is Noelle's biggest insecurity?
    • She always questions whether she's good enough, whether she's deserving, and if she has disappointed or is a disappointment to her peers.
  • What is Noelle's biggest fear?
    • Noelle's biggest, deepest and darkest fear is of being abandoned again by those whom she loves and trusts.



"Never give up, and be confident in what you do. There may be tough times, but the difficulties which you face will make you more determined to achieve your objectives and to win against all the odds." - Anonymous

Noelle Mira of House Beaulieu is an Ithanian from La Portee du Paradis, born on 7 September, 286 AC. House Beaulieu was a family of Ithanian aristocrats who was largely known for involvement with military affairs. Noelle is the youngest daughter in a family of five; her parents being Amelia Beaulieu and Frances Beaulieu [more on them later], and her two siblings being the eldest son, Jaspar, and the middle being her sister, Fiana.

Ithanian Childhood (ages ~7-11)

Unfortunately for Noelle, she was considered a nuisance to the family, a fact that she was reminded of almost daily. This mentality had lead to Noelle receiving constant neglect through unfair treatment via the favoritism of her siblings. This fact, however, was unbeknownst to the general public. The public viewed Noelle as the next soldier to join the Ithanian military, specializing in the use of short swords, trained by her father, the great Frances Beaulieu. This was Noelle's initial destiny, at least that's what the public thought. Behind closed doors, Noelle had to show some degree of improvement in her swordsmanship in order to receive simple necessities of life such as food, water, and a proper place to sleep. Noelle did not always meet her father's demands. Needless to say, she didn't quite enjoy combat studies.

Politics for Noelle are a touchy subject. Her entire childhood was crafted around the public perception of her family's standings and achievements, causing her personal life to appear healthy and upstanding when it really wasn't. However, she also has immense respect for them because of the opportunities they had opened up over time. Sometimes, Frances would bring Noelle along to some political meetings for the sake of a public appearance. One day during one of these meetings, the window of opportunity had opened for Noelle: She was asked if she truly wished to become a soldier. This was when Noelle spoke honestly in public [probably for the first time], expressing her much higher interest in healing people rather than hurting them. Frances had to maintain his upstanding reputation amongst the public; his reputation meant more to him than anything, it's what caused the family to gain an aristocrat status. To avoid allegations and public backlash, the family had set their sights on Regalia.

Regalian Childhood (ages 11-17)

At the age of 11, and more specifically 3 July, 299 AC, the Beaulieu family set sail for Regalia, a place where Noelle may finally begin to study something she'd like: Medical Sciences (in spite of her father's teachings). The boat trip was nothing too notable, it was a typical rough ride as they traversed from Ithania to the Holy City, some seasickness was experienced. Once the family arrived in Regalia, Noelle quickly and easily assimilated to Regalian culture. When she wasn't studying under her mentor, she'd likely be out mingling with other commoners and otherwise forming friendships, doing all she can to avoid the unhealthy environment that was her home. This lasted for three years.

Despite the abuse, Noelle couldn't help but still have some attachment to her family. It's unfortunate how they must not have had mutual feelings. The one day Noelle will never forget, the one she will always remain insecure to would be her fourteenth birthday, 7 September, 301 AC. This day is important because of how unusual it started, and how tragically it ended. After a day of mentorships, she was hunted down by her brother, who had told her to fetch a possession of his from the Sewers, describing a very specific individual. Noelle refused at first, questioning why the guards were not informed; but she eventually succumbed to her brother's request. This was the day when she returned from the Sewers in a completely devastated state: She had been beaten, stabbed and had no possessions to return. After receiving treatment for her wounds, Noelle that night to an empty house. It was time to learn and get used to having no means of income, and no roof to shelter her; she was alone.

Turning Point (age 17-current)

Out of necessity, Noelle eventually started working in the medical field with the Crown City Sawbones, but she later left them in favor of Morbus Imperium. Noelle joined Morbus Imperium because of Ida von Rahm, the nicest person to her at the time-- the only motherly figure she ever had up to that point. After Morbus Imperium was disbanded, Noelle was out of the medical field for quite some time, until she eventually got a job at multiple different establishments. She went from working at the Azure Premise (owned by House von Rahm) to working at the Fier et Calme Teahaus (owned by House Peirgarten, later rebranded to the Gilded Leaf Teahaus).

After enduring three years of complete self-dependence and a constant bankrupt status, it was time to look for options other than downsizing what she lived in, or if she should try carrying another three jobs. It had already become a much too common thing for her to come home by the end of the day, and just break down to herself. That happened until she met Marie Peirgarten and forming a very strong friendship. The two first met in the Women's Union of Regalia, where Noelle became an employee of the Teahaus as well. It wasn't until Noelle asked to speak with Marie one night when she decided she'd like to be a Peirgarten. After a few meetings and a few weeks of anxious waiting, the night finally came. On July 5, 303 AC, Noelle was adopted into House Peirgarten by Amelina as her legitimized cousin. Today, Noelle is a proud member of the Victoria's Valiant regiment of the Violet Order.


I am aware that this is a HUGE change from the Varran Noelle many of you loved. To put it quite bluntly, I got bored of playing a Varran as if it was an Ailor. Noelle as a character is already quite different from her 14-year-old d'Vaud guard and Alchemia medic we all knew. Now, she is Noelle Peirgarten, and that's how she's going to stay. My time playing a Varran lasted far too long. Bluntly once more, it took over my (mostly) previously successful career with Ailor characters. Lautaro Wodenstaff got replaced by Noelle (Varran) and Theoderic d'Vaud never had a chance to gain any spotlight. My solution to this was to simply change the problem at its source, and that problem was Noelle, who she is, and why I had grown so attached to her. Today, Noelle remains my main and only character, and she will likely stick around for quite a bit, through thick and thin, through light and dark. I can't confidently tell anyone whether or not I will ever create another Varran character. I'm honestly burnt out: I've stuck with the race since it was called the Tigran race, and that started playing it in the year of 2014. Sometimes, you just need to recognize that change is inevitable, and I hope you can come to love the new Noelle as much as I have.

I use Mademoiselle Catherine ( as the font to represent Noelle's over-the-top handwriting.
Last edited:
Hello! Before this application is picked for staff review, I need to inform you that due to the imminent magic rewrite, mage character applications are no longer being approved. You can read more about the most recent updates here.

In light of this, you can either:
  • Remove the magic from this character and replace it with another skill, or;
  • Save this character application and resubmit it with new lore when the magic rewrite has been released.
Please make the appropriate changes and then tag me when you're done!
@Eccetra It's nice to work with you! I've completely removed the special permission for you. Thanks for letting me know about magic; Once it's reworked, if I chose to attempt to make Noelle a mage again, would I be able to seek re-approval (if this gets approved)?
I am claiming this character application for staff review!
Expect a response within 48 hours.

☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • To quickly answer your question, yes, once the rewrite is complete you're free to reapply for magic!
  • In the personality section, you describe a lot of how Noelle feels around strangers and friends/family, but not so much what her personality is like. Is she social or quiet? Studious or playful? I'd like to see a few more of these descriptors around specifically the first and fourth paragraphs!
  • As I guess you're aware by the comments left in there, the life story is a bit lacking at present! Try to avoid any "time skips"; as a general rule, if you need to write "time skip", then there likely should be something written in there. Here are a few question prompts that I'd like to see answered to bulk this up:
  • Why were Noelle and her mother kidnapped? Were the White family slavers?
  • What happened during the time they were kidnapped? How did she feel? Was she educated? How was she treated?
  • Why did Noelle's mother go missing? What happened to Noelle afterwards, how did she take care of herself?
  • How did Noelle eventually escape?
  • How is she surviving in the present day? Where does she live, what would she like to do with herself?
Please mark your changes in green and tag me when you're finished!

☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • To quickly answer your question, yes, once the rewrite is complete you're free to reapply for magic!
  • In the personality section, you describe a lot of how Noelle feels around strangers and friends/family, but not so much what her personality is like. Is she social or quiet? Studious or playful? I'd like to see a few more of these descriptors around specifically the first and fourth paragraphs!
  • As I guess you're aware by the comments left in there, the life story is a bit lacking at present! Try to avoid any "time skips"; as a general rule, if you need to write "time skip", then there likely should be something written in there. Here are a few question prompts that I'd like to see answered to bulk this up:
  • Why were Noelle and her mother kidnapped? Were the White family slavers?
  • What happened during the time they were kidnapped? How did she feel? Was she educated? How was she treated?
  • Why did Noelle's mother go missing? What happened to Noelle afterwards, how did she take care of herself?
  • How did Noelle eventually escape?
  • How is she surviving in the present day? Where does she live, what would she like to do with herself?
Please mark your changes in green and tag me when you're finished!
Would it be acceptable if I linked a google doc containing a life story in Noelle's perspective? Or would you rather me post it here?
It needs to be posted here and incorporated into the staff-reviewed life story.
Hello again!
  • Whoops, my mistake! In my previous review, I meant to say first paragraph and third paragraph of the personality section. The extra information you've put in is great, but it is in the wrong paragraph. Please move that information to where it would best fit (perceived by strangers, internal feelings, perceived by friends/family).
  • Unfortunately, the new life story is not adequate for the overview portion of a character application. Ideally, it should be an impartial list of events that happened in your character's life, with a bit of extra detail where appropriate. What you had before was good, but it needed a bit of extra detail as mentioned in the above review. I'd recommend adding it back and having a go at adding that additional information in where it fits chronologically.
Tag me again when you're finished!
@Eccetra Alright I think I've managed to fix it. With the Life Story, I think I generally made a summary of the short story I put in previously, I hope that's good.
The life story is looking much better, but there are still a few missing key points!
  • The life story should start at Noelle's birth. Where was she born? To whom? What happened in her childhood before she was kidnapped? At what age was she kidnapped?
  • The portion about what happens specifically to the slaves of the White family isn't necessary to Noelle's life, only what she personally received.
  • Did anything else notable happen while she was enslaved? What happened to her mother? How did Noelle feel about this / how did it shape her?
  • How did Noelle manage to escape?
  • Now that Noelle is in Regalia, what is she doing? Where does she live and how is she feeding herself?
Tag me once these have been explained!
The life story is looking much better, but there are still a few missing key points!
  • The life story should start at Noelle's birth. Where was she born? To whom? What happened in her childhood before she was kidnapped? At what age was she kidnapped?
  • The portion about what happens specifically to the slaves of the White family isn't necessary to Noelle's life, only what she personally received.
  • Did anything else notable happen while she was enslaved? What happened to her mother? How did Noelle feel about this / how did it shape her?
  • How did Noelle manage to escape?
  • Now that Noelle is in Regalia, what is she doing? Where does she live and how is she feeding herself?
Tag me once these have been explained!
Poke! I got it all done!
Yay! Great work! I can now happily mark Noelle...

☼ Approved! ☼
My Review:
  • @MCMANN32 The skills mentioned by RightChat are inherent, natural boosts to skills that each race possesses so naturally, they get a +10 in Sneaking, Acrobatics and Unarmed Fighting each. I would also ask that you please call each Proficiency by its proper title (ex. We do not have Singing, we have Vocal Music).
  • At the age of 17, she can only know one language as it is one per every 10 years while Common is free. Please choose which Language you wish to remove.
  • Overall, the name "Noelle" is Ithanian and I can understand why she possesses it however, she is now free. Why would she continue to use her slave name instead of a natural Varran name or the one she had before her enslavement? Maybe add a point in there to the Life Story to explain that.
Tag me once the edits have been done in green @MCMANN32
The skills mentioned by RightChat are inherent, natural boosts to skills that each race possesses so naturally, they get a +10 in Sneaking, Acrobatics and Unarmed Fighting each. I would also ask that you please call each Proficiency by its proper title (ex. We do not have Singing, we have Vocal Music).
Please add her natural, inherent racial skills into the Skill Information section in their proper place. State that it's a +10 from Race for each. Tag me once this has been done in orange @MCMANN32
Boop! Tagging @HydraLana to let you know that this application is in for a re-review. A quick summary of all that's changed.

Noelle as a character has never been a Varran as of this character application. She is just an Ailor from a wealthy Ithanian family.
With that comes new lore and looks.
Boop! Tagging @HydraLana to let you know that this application is in for a re-review. A quick summary of all that's changed.

Noelle as a character has never been a Varran as of this character application. She is just an Ailor from a wealthy Ithanian family.
With that comes new lore and looks.
Percuriam also told me I could try doing the 6 year graduation thing.
Percuriam also told me I could try doing the 6 year graduation thing.
He has told me that he has no idea what this is referring to. All Schools require ten years to graduate so please update this application first to reflect whatever changes you need to make with that information in mind and tag me once complete @MCMANN32
He has told me that he has no idea what this is referring to. All Schools require ten years to graduate so please update this application first to reflect whatever changes you need to make with that information in mind and tag me once complete @MCMANN32
In a ticket, Percuriam told me I could try having Noelle graduate at 16 rather than 20. However, I can go ahead and update it to being in progress in school since I'm not quite ready to age up the character.

I updated it for you. Took out the +10 from the School of Medicine, updated the Schooling heading.
My Review:
+7 Short sword (+5 from Points, +2 from Points)
  • Please edit this to be more concise and combine the two sets of + points.
  • The Culture Points cannot be halved to .5, they need to be whole point.
As for the rest of the application, I find the addition of the Order of Strength making little sense as the character application doesn't mention Unionism, faith, holiness or any sort of devotion to the Spiritual except beyond one added fact that it is her religion and the notes on her ability. As the Wiki says: "These abilities are only available for clean Unionists, meaning those who truly believe the gospel of Unionism in their heart..."

Your character shows no signs of believing in Unionism or in following it with the very core of their heart. Please tag me once you have edited the application in the Life Story and Personality Paragraphs to suitably reflect this devotion in green or have removed the Order. Beyond that, all other edits should also be done in green @MCMANN32
@HydraLana Boop! Finally finished working on it. How's that?

  • +8 Tailoring (+8 from Points)
  • +9 Literature (+9 from Points)
+7 Shortsword (+7 from Points)
Noelle doesn't even allow herself to slack on a single prayer time. For as long as she can remember, she's always taken the time out of her day to pray three times a day: Dawn, noon, and after dusk. She attended multiple masses every weekend she was available to do so.
She believes herself to be THE prime example of a good citizen, always working to set an example for others as a strong Unionist and as a working-class citizen. Though she never forces religion on anyone, she also does her best to try encouraging the Unionist religion amongst those she comes in contact with, excluding herself from those who appear to negatively influence her belief system.
Noelle never judges people based on race, either. She is a firm believer that one shouldn't judge another based on race. Rather, they should be judged based upon their religion. If they don't believe in the Imperial Spirit, then they better be prepared for Noelle to be a bit prejudiced towards them.
Noelle tried her best to never miss a mass or prayer during this time, even. On the trip, she'd normally be the one gathering her family into one spot, where they'd all pray together, at the corresponding times of the day: Dawn, noon, and after dusk. Noelle tries her best to never miss the opportunity to wish someone "Spirit's Blessings" or "Spirit's Guidance." Non-believers may see this as a quite annoying thing, but Noelle sees it as her way of spreading the Unionist Religion in the most pacifistic way possible.

Life story updated: Peirgarten
Title changed: Noelle Mira Peirgarten
Changed school currently being attended:
FROM: School of Medicine TO: School of Battlemed
Changed school currently being attended:
FROM: School of Medicine TO: School of Battlemed
If she is still attending the school, she can only have 7 Proficiency Points available as 10 points have been spent for her to enter and start attending the school. Please adjust your Proficiency Points to reflect this and tag me once it is complete.
If she is still attending the school, she can only have 7 Proficiency Points available as 10 points have been spent for her to enter and start attending the school. Please adjust your Proficiency Points to reflect this and tag me once it is complete.
Does this count even as a retcon? My intention was to do a retcon to change her from being a School of Medicine attendee to being a School of Battlemed attendee
Does this count even as a retcon? My intention was to do a retcon to change her from being a School of Medicine attendee to being a School of Battlemed attendee
She's still 17, still ungraduated, she still needed to sink 10 points into a School as an initial investment.