Preserved Sheet Noelle Hath

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haeksen van regalia
Jun 22, 2016
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds


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Last edited:
Claiming this app. I'll have a review posted in the morning.
Changes to be made:
  1. Firstly, Naviphobia is a copout weakness as its highly unlikely this will ever be used in RP. Remove and replace.
  2. Second, Unassertive is more personality traits than weaknesses. Remove and replace.
  3. Lastly, merge Social Intelligence with Intelligence as the two are very similar. Add one Strength to fill the gap.
Make these changes in BLUE and tag me when done.
Yay! Thank you
Edited application to now include expansions~
Edited her life story and relationships~
Uh..any idea why it doesn't say Approved anymore..? (@Walrusaur_ tagging because you approved it, sorry if I'm not suppose to)
It happens if you go into the detailed edit mode as opposed to the quick edit, it does the same with other locked headers.
~Edited Relationships, if you were edited and don't wish to be just say, I will remove you! Also made some very minor edits!~
Errr something happened? I went to simply delete/change the song in Theme Song and uh the theme song, picture, and all of Basic Information vanished? Tagging @Walrusaur_ because you approved and might know what I did? (Sorry I keep bothering you with app ;-;)
I have no idea, I'm guessing you accidentally highlighted that section as well and deleted it unintentionally. You'll just have to re-enter the information.
Alright (rip me) I'll fill in later, thanks
Yikes, due for a rewrite
I changed Honesty to Charismatic and Timid to Manipulative. I also added Giving and Dishonest as well as edited Charming heavily. In weaknesses, I changed Sensitive to Unfaithful. All changed are in blue.
Hello! Here's my review:

Giving(+) Despite everything the woman has done, Noelle likes to give. She enjoyed giving her services as a barmaid and now she likes giving money to those that lack it. There have been times when she's been known to even share her home with pure strangers because they had nowhere else to go. One example of this is during the Lo Occupation, she very frequently was found in slave auctions, bidding on people who weren't going for very much - as she still did need to save her money - and then she'd basically give them freedom to do as they pleased once she 'owned' them.
  • In particular, this trait seems so out of place to me, in the midst of her cold, manipulative, self-serving demeanor. Is there a particular event that made her so giving? Perhaps something in her younger years that changed her to become so generous? Add a phrase or two to explain why this character trait is important.
She is a dreamer, always trying to see the world in a good light
  • Then why is she so negative, spiteful, and vengeful? Does she see it as "getting rid of the bad people" or is there another explanation? Please elaborate.
  • Add another weakness of any sort.
  • Your life story is 1490 words and exceeds the word count of 800-900 words. Please put your existing life story in a spoiler titled "Life Chronicles", and add a bullet point list of all important points in Noelle's life, with dates.
  • Make the edits in another colour and tag me when you're done!
Your life story is 1490 words and exceeds the word count of 800-900 words. Please put your existing life story in a spoiler titled "Life Chronicles", and add a bullet point list of all important points in Noelle's life, with date
Oh, there was no problem with it last time..but uh sure I'll do that and get to the other edits