Archived No More Food Traits + Starvation In Regalia

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.
Oct 6, 2013
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It does not take a rocket scientist to agree that food traits such as FeedLight and FeedAlways etc are BAD for the server economy.

Whats EVEN worse for the economy is the fact that the ENTIRE population of Regalia
(people who stay in regalia all the time ) who would add TONS of regals to the economy if they had to buy food rather then sit 100% shielded from hardships of any kind

Making food an item that must be hunted or farmed OR bought with regals by EVERY player would benefit the server by adding a whole new currently non existent area of the economy that simply relates to general survival that would be VERY stable because all players would require food.

Also having players require food would encourage PvP by raiders who would raid farms etc to kill players who produce it

THIS simple solution could PERMANENTLY fix and stabilize the server economy.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
The only thing I can say is that I'm more than comfortable to go to a survival world and gut a few cows here and there.

While the argument could be made that RPers shouldn't have to worry about starving to death during a RP session, I don't think it would be too bad to have that little necessity involved every few hours.

It also incentives RPers to make an actual food shop or sell food, so there's a plus there.

This idea has my support since it doesn't take much to actually get food on massive. or minecraft in general.
On one hand, it makes sense, but on the other hand, I always think it's awkward to be in the middle of rp and then my character has to suddenly loudly swallow like 4 potatoes.
I also agree because I miss being able to /starve myself to death and leave all my friends laughing and wondering how I died three times in just as many minutes to hunger.

I don't do that now because I have basically zero regals. ;3
While it seems like a generally good idea, I must disagree. It is indeed rather awkward to be in the middle of a wedding ceremony only to suddenly hear someone in the back row eating steak so they don't die in the aisle. For the faction side of this server, it makes sense and is something generally done in any survival server but for massive's RP side, there's the massive (ahahahah what a pun chal) need for automatic saturation.

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I've seen the comment a few times and want to make a comment:

The most recent massive resource pack has the sound files for drinking and eating muffled. So you can barely hear others eating or drinking.
I remember back when i had to get food by hand, grow bread with 1 block of farm land, food is always so hard to get, near impossible...

Thing is, that's not true, there is no food economy, food is and never will be an issue JUST like dirt, because it can be harvested and grown fast, 2 minutes and I have a dc of what ever crop i want.
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While I like the idea and how it aims to help the economy, I see a few issues. For Roleplayers like me, it sounds tedious to have to eat food when Rping and to acquire said food when I could be Rping. That's a commitment that only serves to eat up time that I'd rather spend elsewhere. Voting or JobIsle is an option, but being forced to use either sounds unappealing, especially when I don't care much for hoarding Regals to begin with. Still, helping out the economy is a good thing.

As a solution to being forced to either vote to play or burn time to feed your ever hungry avatar, can I suggest that food goes down much more slowly in Regalia? It makes interrupting yourself to eat a chicken less frequent and still allows for Regals to flow from the RP half of the Massive community.
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So are we just like, ignoring the obscene housing prices in Regalia when it comes to determining whether Roleplayers pull their weight in the economy? I see 0 merit in enabling hunger in Regalia.
So are we just like, ignoring the obscene housing prices in Regalia when it comes to determining whether Roleplayers pull their weight in the economy? I see 0 merit in enabling hunger in Regalia.
^ this

It costs 300-500 regals a month to have a reasonable/non-Slum house and we can have three houses so that estimates to about 900-1500 regals to maintain only three houses for a month unless you have like all slum houses that ranges to about 450r.. but anyways it stretches from 150-1500r a MONTH. That's a lot of moola.

Don't forget the Estates either, I don't own one, but don't they cost a bit of money?
idk... i geuss have all lore drinks include saturation or something... but yea, I don't see the point either
So are we just like, ignoring the obscene housing prices in Regalia when it comes to determining whether Roleplayers pull their weight in the economy? I see 0 merit in enabling hunger in Regalia.

thing is tho that 300r a month on the rent doesent go in other players pockets. lones suggesting a more player-player relationship, not a player dumps money into housing that poofs into thin air relationship
thing is tho that 300r a month on the rent doesent go in other players pockets. lones suggesting a more player-player relationship, not a player dumps money into housing that poofs into thin air relationship
If it all went to one place wouldn't there just be a huge wealth gap or if it went to the goverment would they ever use it? Or if it should go to multiple places then where?
Just add a command that people can use to fill the hunger from items in the inv.
I said this like a year and a half ago but yeah

Obviously I agree
@MonMarty while I also I am against enabling hunger in regalia.. you can't really compare housing prices to contributing to the economy. Paying housing rent contributes just as much to the as paying faction tax does (not so much) nobody really considers that part of the economy
If you're not considering housing prices to be part of the economy, why consider roleplayers in general part of the economy? There's no real way to work to obtain regals in the roleplay world apart from voting or visiting other worlds. With the money sinks in place, I don't see why you would want to put more strain on the finances of roleplayers specifically, when they barely have any income as roleplayers anyway.
Target other worlds, where there's actual potential to earn regals, instead of forcing roleplayers to visit those worlds because otherwise they'd starve.
If you're not considering housing prices to be part of the economy, why consider roleplayers in general part of the economy? There's no real way to work to obtain regals in the roleplay world apart from voting or visiting other worlds. With the money sinks in place, I don't see why you would want to put more strain on the finances of roleplayers specifically, when they barely have any income as roleplayers anyway.
Target other worlds, where there's actual potential to earn regals, instead of forcing roleplayers to visit those worlds because otherwise they'd starve.
I don't consider anything that happens in regalia part of the general economy because everything that happens money-wise there, is purely a sink. Rental regions, estates, or any other regalia expenses are just money sinks. Not to mention the only way they get money most of the time it's either through voting or job Island, which also isnt part of the economy if it goes toward a sink. It's like printing your own money just to flush it down the toilet. There are no effects from it. But when role players make skins, or art, or sell they're writing experience for applications now THAT is part of the economy. but nothing else that I just mentioned is..