No End In Sight.

Discussion in 'Player Stories' started by TalkChat, Apr 27, 2019.

  1. TalkChat

    TalkChat Thank you! And goodnight.

    Mar 29, 2015
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    Taking place within former Streke-enn lands, directly after the colonists rose and pushed the aiding Viduggla troops out, basically giving themselves control. Svante and his best friend, Eindride were sent to assist with the colonists and provide all they could for a short time.

    Snow crushed under the duo’s hardened leather boots as they ran in fear from the hooves that stomped behind them. Of course, it was the most likely duo, Svante Viduggla- and his best friend, Eindride. Sweat boiled down their faces as they trotted from the cavalrymen, fashioned in axes and pelts that followed closely behind, as the Skodje calls could be heard through the forest, these horse-riders were fast on their tail. Snow piled on top of the trees all around them, flowing through the dull greenery and distorting their view of any open escape from this hell.
    Soon enough, they could run no longer. The two Great Oak knights fell in hiding under a fallen tree log, which was covered in the white dust hailing from the sky, they dragged themselves closer to each other as their heavy breaths coursed through the air. Their chest felt as if anvils had been pressed down, running in all these thick pelts and leather, it was truly foolish to think they could outlast these stallions. The blond man, Eindride, looked to his blue-blooded friend, his eyes glossing him over before stating in slight sarcasm; “Tired yet, brother?” as he unlatched some pelts from his figure. They both let out an amused breath before they were reminded of their situation once more, hearing the clomps of hooves close eerily behind them. Eindride stood, unfolding his arms as he unlatched a shortsword, and a Skagger axe, similar to the Viduggla. Though, Eindride stood he gave his friend a knowing glance not to as his eyes met his, a look of assuredness cast over their gaze as the rapid calls of Skodje surrounded them, four… or five men at least the Viduggla thought from behind the log as his friend obviously had the visuals.

    “I am sorry for running, friends, but you must see I’m in quite the precarious situation,” stated Eindride wisely as he looked around, his weapons held firmly out on either side of him as his head turned to meet the four warriors gaze, those warriors were covered in snow over pelts. They were Velheim, assuredly, covered in various skagger tattoos and worn in scars and several braiding-styles as they stomped forward toward the man.

    “You will be put at the stake from running, Streke-enn have been outcasted and now we shall rule for our manors in the meantime!” spoke one of the various Velheim cavalrymen as he approached Eindride in haste. Moving forward with an arming-sword as he moved to swipe it at him, which luckily was deflected by the blond’s right axe, and the action was quickly put to consequence as shortsword caught the opposing Velheim in the neck, slaughtering him.

    At that, Svante stood as he unsheathed his own blades, deciding to take the more diplomatic route- the Viduggla began to speak, ushering his friend to stay quiet for now. “I am Svante, of House Viduggla, we are here to /aid/ your people. Not harm them.” he said, carefully keeping his eyes on these worn soldiers, as he himself began to back up in half-steps almost. Snow crushing slowly under his boot as the opposing Velheim’s visage’s changed into one of amusement.

    Viduggla are you? Must have some coin, and food.” spoke one of them, before another pipped up “Those are some nice blades too... “ he spoke out, grinning as now all the Velheim approached. Some of their thick wears dragging on the ground as they did, unsheathing their own weapons- composing of axes, swords, and daggers. They truly saw this as an easy match, without doubt, they moved forward to further usher the boys.

    The Viduggla shook his head, glancing to Eindride briefly before swearing under his breath, “Fuck it.” and moved forward, lodging the head of his axe in one of the younger members of the opposing group as they neared, shortly after the clashing of blades would commence. The Great Oak knights had far better training, official studies, from their respected lodge than these self-taught commoners. Slaying them down, with moderate ease. Though the Viduggla’s blond friend ended up getting disarmed by one of mangy North-men, causing him to earn a nasty scar across his right shoulder. And in his distraction, Svante was struck in his left arm, before cutting across his attacker's neck with his shortsword, moving to assist Eindride- striking down the last man left.
    They looted the bodies, leaving any signature of who they were, or who they belonged to with them. To get out of these dense forests was going to take days they both thought, settling on two of the various stallions. They began to laugh out of bemusement of the outcome, overthinking why they ran in the first place… though one thing was sure, these next few days were going to spend living like commoners until they met shore once again. But to most’s surprise, they weren’t rushing to make it home.


    Tried to do more of a light-hearted story this time. Capturing some of Svante's mentality out of being in Regalia and overall attempting to work on my writing skills. The dialogue was a bit hard, the combat seemed a bit lackluster as well, but oh well.

    If you want to be added to a tag-list for every time I post a lore story, MSG me, or tell me somehow.
    @BeashSlap @AtticCat @Sebbysc @HydraLana @OliverOnly @ArtisticPlanet (Everyone somewhat involved/who I'd think would be interested)
    • Winner Winner x 5
    • Powerful Powerful x 2
    #1 TalkChat, Apr 27, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2020

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