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Played Character Niserya Asaar

This character is actively played.


the roach in your kitchen cupboards
Jun 24, 2015
Reaction score
Character Information

Full Name: Niserya Asaar ( Nisärya Vaian Asaar Vas Ryzaal Zafira )

Heritage / Culture: Vixit Isldar (Evolver)

Age: 29

Gender / Pronouns: Female (She/Her/They/Them)

Religion: Draconism

Occult: Valor Arkenborn | Genos/Elemental Magic

Character Occupation: Unemployed Tax-Evader/Bodyguard

Appearance Information

Eye Color: Ethereal Blue/Silver (Arkenborn trait)

Skin Color: Pale with Blue/Purple tints

Hair: Dark Navy Black with Blue/Lilac highlights

Height: 6'4"

Body Type: Athletic

Additional Features: Draconic scales, Horns, and sharpened teeth. Claws and spine-spikes all due to Body-Modding

Skill Information

Hobbies and Talents:
Athletic Hobby, Magical Talent

  • Isldar Heritage Mechanics 1 & 2
  • Urlan Heritage Mechanics 1, 2, & 5
  • Eidolon Cast
  • Long Living
  • Element Hearing
  • Common
  • Common Sulvaley


  • Reared in Ryzaal just outside of Islavaal's city of Zafira, Niserya's childhood was spent close enough to the Dorkarth war that the tales of warriors on Wyvernback sailing across the mountains to decimate Vampiric Warbands were common enough for her to fantasize of doing so herself.
  • With her mother being a Draconist Priest she was dutifully taught the ways of Draconism, allowing Niserya to grow into a devout follower of Silas and Aurora for their creation and duty to life itself. Though she is a follower of the Scale Pact in its entirety.
  • Niserya isn't aware of which Arken she is sired to, her mother never questioning the heritage of the one she bedded. Though she's not bothered by this, she does question whether her actions and personality align with her Arken parent, or are her own personality.
  • In her adult years Niserya was keen to make it to the frontlines and fight the Vampire menace in Dorkarth, pledging herself to the Evolver faction and undergoing body modifications as soon as she was deemed old enough.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: 7 (Strength, Magic)

Defense Stat: 5 (Con, Intelligence)

[11/15 points spent]

Proficiency Points:

Strength: 4
  • Bruiser Stance
  • Weapon Throw (Free)
  • Bruiser Slam
  • Bruiser Flurry
  • Bruiser Unsheathe
  • Diving Tackle
Constitution: 2
  • Iron Will (Free Isldar)
  • Interception
  • Rage Counter
Intelligence: 3
  • Shapeshift Pack (Magical Variant)
  • Oceanic Pack
  • Wardrobe Pack (Magical Variant)
Wisdom: 0

Dexterity: 0

Faith: 0

Magic: 3

  • Arcane Aura
  • Arcane Snare
  • Arcane Portent

Charisma: 0
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