Archived New Trait: Sharp Hearing

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
EDIT: Is now here

We have Klein of various types and other races with supposedly better hearing, yet, that is no help when standing just outside reach and miss some dialogue that you sneakily need to listen into.

I would suggest a trait that allows one to hear by an increased amount of blocks. It'd help if you want to roleplay any of the races that have supposed better hearing and should not (as far as I can see) cause too many problems with RP.
I would want that off for example when in a crowded place...

I can imagine a possible problem to be with the way the chat plugin works. If the plugin is active on the actor's side rather than the perceiver's.

A possible counter suggestion is the damaged hearing trait, like blindness, that will mask more of speech, in chat.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
We will refuse to make any such trait on the following grounds:
  • This requires a full rewrite of the chat plugin. The chat plugin currently controls the falloff for chat messages. Traits cannot just magically influence the config for the server, it would have to dictate a different config for every player which at this point is not worth the effort really.
  • This will probably lead to severe metagaming such as listening to conversations inside buildings or underground.