Archived New Skill: Staffs

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Mar 14, 2014
Reaction score
The Old Guard
I see that the game uses staffs (diamond hoes) every now and then. Thing is it will alway be at the same strength and never change in strength unlike the other weapons. I would like to see a new skill added for staffs. For instance my unarmed is currently as strong as a vespid staff and I would like to use the staff more often. If its possible for this to be implemented that would be great.
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It's a decent thought. I personally have enquired about adding a skill such as scythes. The problem is that McMmo isn't a MassiveCraft plug-in, and as far as my knowledge stretches, they are focusing on the magic plug-in, improving maps, lore, and smoothing out MassiveCraft overall. Editing a plug-in that they don't own isn't very high on their priorities, but I don't speak for the staff. Who knows, maybe they do have plans to add in more weapon skill choices eventually.
If/when Massivecraft creates their own mcmmo-like plugin, a staff skill would be interesting.
If you will wish this to be added try talking to the MCMMO creators. But on the note of discussion I would really like staffs, they could have a dazing affect, allowing them to be used to ope combat. Or they could have more range, allowing you to do less damage but stay slightly back. On a final piece shovels into clubs could be great, I remember one time when @Th3_Drunk_Monk spoke of using a sharp something shovel as a club like weapon as a joke.
Believe me if i had my way, we would have weapon variety out of the wazoo, I've actually made textures for multiple weapons just to see how theyd look with the massivecraft texture pack such as spears, crossbows and even a musket :3
Believe me if i had my way, we would have weapon variety out of the wazoo, I've actually made textures for multiple weapons just to see how theyd look with the massivecraft texture pack such as spears, crossbows and even a musket :3
I can see you and Susan roaming around with giant Axe/musket/canons destroying cities now.
Believe me if i had my way, we would have weapon variety out of the wazoo, I've actually made textures for multiple weapons just to see how theyd look with the massivecraft texture pack such as spears, crossbows and even a musket :3
Actually, something similar to this popped into my head involving custom recipes. Basically what it would be would be a system of custom recipes for renamed and (somehow) re-speced weapons, for example, special renamed craftable iron swords with higher damage called great swords and such. FOr special weapons like katars and flails, it could be re-speced, renamed, and retextured golden shtuff since gold is typically for show anyways, and may as well give them a practical use.
Staffs would be intereseting sounds like a good idea, except for the fact that the Massive staff have no control over MCMMO development...
Im glad everyone likes the idea, i sent it to the creators of mcmmo along with the some of the other ideas above. Ill post back when they reply (if they do)
Only problem with hoes becoming usable as weapons... They don't take away durability when being used to hit something, unlike every other tool...
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