Archived New Silver Sink: Pay 200s To Give Item Personal Lore

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Lamb of the OCCVLT
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Hello, fellow MassiveCrafters! The idea is a simple plug-in:

1) Hold that special item of yours that is imbued with sentimentalism and your character's personal history in your hand.

2) Type in chat of something along the lines of /create item lore [Input lore here]

3) The plug-in will deduct 200s from your money balance, and within [Input lore here] you can type out a line or so of what you want written.

4) This lore will differentiate from the lore in server or staff created items. Rather than having the purple text of "official" lore items, it will be designated with a different shade of color: a different shade of purple, cyan, gold, etc. It will depend on what the server staff feel would look best. [Thank you manioo8 for the inspiration of this specific detail.]

5) There will be a 5 day cooldown for this feature. [Thank you Blaze H for this idea, definitely helps bring balance to this.]

Anything can have lore: weapons, armor, items, blocks, etc. Nothing quality-wise is different. These are just normal items (they can be enchanted, however, or you can even rename a voting reward and put your own lore), and they can be lost, broken, destroyed etc.

This will be available to everyone, and the primary purpose is to be an effective money sink and to add a nice personal touch for gameplay for roleplayers and general players alike. I do feel the cost should be significant, however. These items are meant to be special and unique, and careful consideration should be put into making it. You may disagree with 200s, but considering premiums gets a free 75s for each month, silver shouldn't be hard for the premiums. As for non-premiums, I'm sorry to say but, yes these are meant to be special, and you will have to work hard to have your special named pet apple with cool lore. In a way, this will be a indirect incentive for players to buy premium.

EDIT: Thinking about this, I am not to sure whether I feel if this should be a premium-only benefit or not. I do feel the current premium benefits as they stand are much too PvP centric, despite there being a significant number of premiums who solely roleplay. Perhaps this would be a nice benefit that would help gear the premium benefits towards roleplay?

Comments, feedback, suggestions? Peace out!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Myahh. It could become a bit overboard, don't you think? x
Myahh. It could become a bit overboard, don't you think? x

What do you mean by overboard? The cost? This is just the basic idea, and can certainly be tweaked in regards to the price. I do maintain, however, that the price should be significant as to be something one really works towards as a special goal.
What do you mean by overboard? The cost? This is just the basic idea, and can certainly be tweaked in regards to the price. I do maintain, however, that the price should be significant as to be something one really works towards as a special goal.

No, dear, not the price. I mean people could begin to do some ridiculous things with the lores' of their items. Making it silly. x

Ah, I understand. I respect that you do not think this a good idea. The cost of this is high (200s), so I would think people would invest some care and thought into the lore, but I have been wrong before. Thank you for the input.
If you are referring to the idea with unbreakable, undroppable items by Cruallasar, then I am offended. That idea was absolutely dreadful. Not only is it so ridiculously abusable, but it requires an enormous amount of manpower on part of the roleplay staff's end.

This idea, if you actually read the original post, is completely different. The process of getting it, the benefits... everything about it is different. If you don't disagree with the idea, that is fine, but please don't make such mindless comparisons.
Hmm... purchasable lore for an item would be kinda cool to be honest.
This is just a bad version of a good idea someone else already put forward ._.

which idea? please post link.
If you are referring to the idea with unbreakable, undroppable items by Cruallasar, then I am offended. That idea was absolutely dreadful. Not only is it so ridiculously abusable, but it requires an enormous amount of manpower on part of the roleplay staff's end.
If your going to assume he is refering to a certain thread, please link. It makes it so much easier for the rest of us to understand.

Hello, fellow MassiveCrafters! The idea is a simple plug-in:

1) Hold that special item of yours that is imbued with sentimentalism and your character's personal history in your hand.

2) Type in chat of something along the lines of /create item lore [Input lore here]

3) The plug-in will deduct 200s from your money balance, and within [Input lore here] you can type out a line or so of what you want written.

Anything can have lore: weapons, armor, items, blocks, etc. Nothing quality-wise is different. These are just normal items (they can be enchanted, however, or you can even rename a voting reward and put your own lore), and they can be lost, broken, destroyed etc.

This will be available to everyone, and the primary purpose is to be an effective money sink and to add a nice personal touch for gameplay for roleplayers and general players alike. I do feel the cost should be significant, however. These items are meant to be special and unique, and careful consideration should be put into making it. You may disagree with 200s, but considering premiums gets a free 75s for each month, silver shouldn't be hard for the premiums. As for non-premiums, I'm sorry to say but, yes these are meant to be special, and you will have to work hard to have your special named pet apple with cool lore. In a way, this will be a indirect incentive for players to buy premium.

Comments, feedback, suggestions? Peace out!

So really it just allows you to add descriptions to items for a cost?

The idea seems ok but if you were trying to do it lore correct then maybe someone would need to check the description before it is put in. I can see this being abused a little but probably not with such a high cost. However I think it would be rather nice if the price changed for certain items. For instance you could have an arrow with a description and shoot to to someone as a msg. If this cost 200s it would not be practical but for maybe 50 c people might do it.

Not going to choose one way or another, this idea could work as a silver sink, but I think with a bit of refinement it could be much better as a rp feature, maybe premium only, maybe not, with nothing to do with the silver economy.

Out of interest why do we need another silver sink? I mean if silver quantities increase maybe the price of diamonds will go back up... Now that would be interesting.
Mmmph. This will take some serious focusing and reading for me.
which idea? please post link.

If your going to assume he is refering to a certain thread, please link. It makes it so much easier for the rest of us to understand.

So really it just allows you to add descriptions to items for a cost?

The idea seems ok but if you were trying to do it lore correct then maybe someone would need to check the description before it is put in. I can see this being abused a little but probably not with such a high cost. However I think it would be rather nice if the price changed for certain items. For instance you could have an arrow with a description and shoot to to someone as a msg. If this cost 200s it would not be practical but for maybe 50 c people might do it.

Not going to choose one way or another, this idea could work as a silver sink, but I think with a bit of refinement it could be much better as a rp feature, maybe premium only, maybe not, with nothing to do with the silver economy.

Out of interest why do we need another silver sink? I mean if silver quantities increase maybe the price of diamonds will go back up... Now that would be interesting.

Yes, I am referring to the special purple text that you see on some of the voting rewards. Could you clarify what you mean by abused? All it is really is text... do you mean like god roleplay?

In regards to the arrow idea, it is interesting, however, it would be insanely difficult to implement. When you place a block that is named and enchanted, it loses all of that, so I would think it would be similar to your arrow idea. If the arrow were to be shot, it would lose any text it originally had. It's just the current mechanics of how minecraft works that limits your idea from being viable. I named a stack of arrows, and each arrow I shot lost the anvil name.

On to your next point, I'm not sure what you mean by "another silver sink". No new silver sinks have been implemented recently as far as I know. We need silver sinks because thousands upon thousands of silver are being created out of thin air each time someone purchases premium, thus reducing the value of silver significantly. Yes, as the amount of silver on the server increases, you would think the prices of diamond would increase as well, but that won't be the case in the midst of an economy that is completely saturated with diamonds. I am still able to consistently find individuals that sell at less than 15 copper per diamond.
I like the idea, but only premiums and one item every week or two you can name and lore. just my thoughts
that idea sounds great. the only thing you could alter that would fix every problem is: the lore text added by anyone would be altered, there would be a prefix like ~" to indicate that this lore was added by a player. at the end there would be an " added too
I like the idea, but only premiums and one item every week or two you can name and lore. just my thoughts

I definitely like the cooldown idea. I'm not too sure about the premium thing, but perhaps. Although I dislike creating boundless benefits for premiums over non-premiums, this feature is not really game breaking, it's just game play flavor. So yes, I can see where you are coming from in that it would fit as a nice premium feature.

that idea sounds great. the only thing you could alter that would fix every problem is: the lore text added by anyone would be altered, there would be a prefix like ~" to indicate that this lore was added by a player. at the end there would be an " added too

Ah, very interesting, that would certainly help to distinguish "official" lore items from potentially "god-roleplay" items. Who knows, maybe we could even have a different color for player-created lore! A different shade of purple, cyan, orange, etc.
Hello, fellow MassiveCrafters! The idea is a simple plug-in:

1) Hold that special item of yours that is imbued with sentimentalism and your character's personal history in your hand.

2) Type in chat of something along the lines of /create item lore [Input lore here]

3) The plug-in will deduct 200s from your money balance, and within [Input lore here] you can type out a line or so of what you want written.

4) This lore will differentiate from the lore in server or staff created items. Rather than having the purple text of "official" lore items, it will be designated with a different shade of color: a different shade of purple, cyan, gold, etc. It will depend on what the server staff feel would look best. [Thank you manioo8 for the inspiration of this specific detail.]

5) There will be a 5 day cooldown for this feature. [Thank you Blaze H for this idea, definitely helps bring balance to this.]

Anything can have lore: weapons, armor, items, blocks, etc. Nothing quality-wise is different. These are just normal items (they can be enchanted, however, or you can even rename a voting reward and put your own lore), and they can be lost, broken, destroyed etc.

This will be available to everyone, and the primary purpose is to be an effective money sink and to add a nice personal touch for gameplay for roleplayers and general players alike. I do feel the cost should be significant, however. These items are meant to be special and unique, and careful consideration should be put into making it. You may disagree with 200s, but considering premiums gets a free 75s for each month, silver shouldn't be hard for the premiums. As for non-premiums, I'm sorry to say but, yes these are meant to be special, and you will have to work hard to have your special named pet apple with cool lore. In a way, this will be a indirect incentive for players to buy premium.

EDIT: Thinking about this, I am not to sure whether I feel if this should be a premium-only benefit or not. I do feel the current premium benefits as they stand are much too PvP centric, despite there being a significant number of premiums who solely roleplay. Perhaps this would be a nice benefit that would help gear the premium benefits towards roleplay?

Comments, feedback, suggestions? Peace out!

Too bad you don't have silver any more :(
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