Archived New Race (although They Aren't Being Taken)

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Born from the flowers.
Feb 3, 2014
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I've noticed that, although the races we have on Massive right now are awesome, looking over them, I saw that, in my opinion, something was missing. Here's my idea.

+ Razor Claws: At night, unarmed DMG +5%
+ Wolf Speed: At night, gain Speed I effect
+ Canine Allegiance: Tamed wolves do +0.5 DMG
- Silver Bullet: Take +3 DMG from iron items
- Strength Fade: In the day, unarmed DMG -5%
+ Full moon Mode: When a full moon occurs, Unarmed DMG +20% and jump height +1 block.

Of course, if need be, there would be alterations, either by buffing the race or nerfing it. Anyways, tell me what you think! :)
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This has suggested so many many times before, it won't be accepted.
The problem with werewolves is that people will be to known to them, and the quality of characters will lower. People will copy from books, not original ideas, and they may be op.
Actually, I love this, As a pvper with a high taming level, This is pretty legit.
The race suggestion of a werewolf has been suggested many times. Honestly, if you're looking something similar to such, maybe you should check out Thylans. Lore/Roleplay staff is busy with other Lore writings currently and to make another race, in which they've rejected before, would just heave more work onto their shoulders. Plus, all of the PvP added effects on this would most certainly be abused, so this is quite unnecessary. Feel free to ask questions about said race though, if interested. :)
As said before, over and over, this has been rejected. So it's very probable that it won't be as well.

BUT. I do appreciate that you put more time and thought into this, rather than "i thnk that they shold ad werwolfs to masiveCraft"
I actually didn't notice how many others have suggested Werewolves before, but thank you to those who brought it to my attention. I just thought that maybe since they had one "Disease" race (transformation through a bite), that I thought it would be cool to have a less hated one.
And for those of you who are worried about the Lore aspect, honestly, it wouldn't be that hard for me to make one up by myself. Werewolves aren't that complicated to understand, they're just a person with a sickness.
TiroTypo Yes! Join me in my marsupial rage!
Reese_X Sorry for the off-topicness!
I thought I would drop in some links to the other threads which suggested adding in werewolves. Hopefully reading through these will answer some of your questions, and let you know why we are not looking to add werewolves to lore at this point in time:
These are the general concensus, so I hope these help~!
-reads through the thread, taking note of the commotion between Feykronos and @ObscureKoala- hmm, if they think Fey can rage, maybe I should show them mine.
How about you put on a wolf skin and run around naked, thats good enough :)
Hopefully reading through these will answer some of your questions, and let you know why we are not looking to add werewolves to lore at this point in time.
Okay, here's the thing I don't get. I understand it's been suggested before, but I noticed in all of those that either A) They were way too OP. B) Not enough detail was given. C) They were threads from before the newer races were added.
I think, with the current planning of many, MANY new races, adding in a werewolf (which seems pretty fair, imo), a creature from many myths and legends, would not be that big of a deal. Most of the races being planned atm have such strange names, that I think they're running out of ideas when I read them. I think that something that is very popular with many people would go over pretty well with a ROLEPLAY server, especially one that already contains vampires.
Okay, here's the thing I don't get. I understand it's been suggested before, but I noticed in all of those that either A) They were way too OP. B) Not enough detail was given. C) They were threads from before the newer races were added.
I think, with the current planning of many, MANY new races, adding in a werewolf (which seems pretty fair, imo), a creature from many myths and legends, would not be that big of a deal. Most of the races being planned atm have such strange names, that I think they're running out of ideas when I read them. I think that something that is very popular with many people would go over pretty well with a ROLEPLAY server, especially one that already contains vampires.

You think they're running out of names? BWAHAHAHA. I think the names are quite creative.
Okay, here's the thing I don't get. I understand it's been suggested before, but I noticed in all of those that either A) They were way too OP. B) Not enough detail was given. C) They were threads from before the newer races were added.
I think, with the current planning of many, MANY new races, adding in a werewolf (which seems pretty fair, imo), a creature from many myths and legends, would not be that big of a deal. Most of the races being planned atm have such strange names, that I think they're running out of ideas when I read them. I think that something that is very popular with many people would go over pretty well with a ROLEPLAY server, especially one that already contains vampires.

Just curious, were you a player on this server when the "vamp noob" epidemic happened? 99% of those who "roleplayed" as vampires at the time were "good" vampires apparently. God rp was rampant as a race of godlike vampires with not a single evil bone in their body flooded Regalia, until the Crimson Inquisition and the following anti-vampirism lore nuked the vampire rp population down to a more manageable level. Could you imagine adding werewolves into the server after that? A whole new epidemic would start, this time with MORE overpowered roleplayers who become indestructible werewolves.
Just curious, were you a player on this server when the "vamp noob" epidemic happened? 99% of those who "roleplayed" as vampires at the time were "good" vampires apparently. God rp was rampant as a race of godlike vampires with not a single evil bone in their body flooded Regalia, until the Crimson Inquisition and the following anti-vampirism lore nuked the vampire rp population down to a more manageable level. Could you imagine adding werewolves into the server after that? A whole new epidemic would start, this time with MORE overpowered roleplayers who become indestructible werewolves.

Well, I didn't personally think of what I suggested as indestructible, but, I guess that's a matter of opinion. And, how does one cause any real trouble when they are roleplaying in a safezone?
Well, I didn't personally think of what I suggested as indestructible, but, I guess that's a matter of opinion. And, how does one cause any real trouble when they are roleplaying in a safezone?

Breaking immersion, interrupting RP. Making it hard to tell who to RP with anymore. The fact is, it doesn't matter if you suggested something that wasn't indestructible, noobs who see the words "werewolf" will flock to it, thinking it will make them gods of the world because of stereotypes of that trope.
Well, I didn't personally think of what I suggested as indestructible, but, I guess that's a matter of opinion. And, how does one cause any real trouble when they are roleplaying in a safezone?

If you've ever seen a vampire in spawn spamming -breaks both of guard's legs, then flies out into the sky-, you'll realize just how much trouble godrper's can cause. As you have mentioned before, this is a roleplay server. When I mentioned that noobs will see themselves are indestructible, I wasn't referring to your traits, I was referring to the reputation of werewolves. Noobs already see vampires and automatically assume things from other pieces of fiction, I'm sure they'll do the same with werewolves.
Well, if people pretending to be incredible powerful beyond what the lore states that race is capable of, ignore those people. RP isn't going to ruin people's lives. I think there are probably those kind of players for every race and we just kinda have to live with the fact that they're there, and move on with our day.
I think werewolfs could be a good addition if the proper lore is added right away, and personally I think for both vampire and if werewolfs were added that a app to make a character with one of the diseases would needed, and needed now
Well, if people pretending to be incredible powerful beyond what the lore states that race is capable of, ignore those people. RP isn't going to ruin people's lives. I think there are probably those kind of players for every race and we just kinda have to live with the fact that they're there, and move on with our day.

I disagree with there being players like that for every race. For vampires and werewolves, noobs can often draw upon an extensive number of alternate universes where vampires exist. Examples can include books, movies, things like that. For races such as Urs or Thylans it would be much more difficult, since they are fairly original.
I disagree with there being players like that for every race. For vampires and werewolves, noobs can often draw upon an extensive number of alternate universes where vampires exist. Examples can include books, movies, things like that. For races such as Urs or Thylans it would be much more difficult, since they are fairly original.

Okay, but for most races, you can just take what they are and put it completely out of proportion. Example: "I'm an elf so I can haz magic and be invisible and super jump and HAHAHA I'M NOT A NOOB >:D", so I was just saying, even with a race not commonly known, there will be people who abuse it.
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