Archived New Lore To Support The New 1.9 Update And Legalize A Banned Building Method.

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Second Hand of Relictus
Nov 27, 2015
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With the new 1.9 update we have a lot of new items that are able to support new aspects of lore. With this we can make a new generation in the MassiveCraft lore as a form of a new development in the server Lore. MassiveCraft has tons upon tons of lore, some of which I'm sure are parts of a new lore added onto the server over the years. But this 1.9 update gives a new level to our lore. An opportunity to give us a new exciting form of roleplay by perhaps adding a new race if possible, a new culture, and to me the most important of all, a new method in building banned due to not fitting the original.

You may ask what kind of building method we could implement to MassiveCraft through legalization and what in the 1.9 update gives us this opportunity to add new lore. It's all thanks to one item in the entire update. This one item alone will support the entire new aspect of lore if this was to be added. This one item is the Elytra.

The Elytra can give us new lore with it's agile aspects in gliding or flying if possible with some. These wings can allow us to make a new lore of a skyborn civilization, adding a new race and culture to the server and a fun new way in roleplay for many of the roleplayers in MassiveCraft. These sky cities can allow perhaps a new form of a kind of event we may hold for the Elytra and make using the Elytra far easier for those who wish to spend their days gliding through the sky throughout their factions.

But sadly having cities or any creations floating in the sky is illegal throughout the entire server, making this aspect of lore unobtainable for all roleplayers everywhere. It makes the Elytra harder to use in your own factions unless you perhaps hold a city in the mountain tops.

So because of this I'm petitioning to legalize the building of floating cties or islands. I hope for us to be able to build amazing creations that are meant to be hanging among the stars with the clouds in high pursuit. But we cannot legalize floating cities with a building regulation that can help keep from unsightly works hanging in our line of view that will keep the support for the new lore.

Building regulations :
I advise that we make it so that all floating islands look like floating islands if you catch my drift. It's possible for floating islands to look flat and plain to the eye, not supporting the new lore for the islands. These islands must look like actual chunks of land that were torn from the earth.

Islands such as this, which holds a closer bond to nature. You may notice the stalactite like masses of earth h
hanging from the bottom of the island. if agreeable this would be apart of the building regulations to give the islands a more ancient and natural look. But not all islands must remain natural due to another type of island we can have.


We must also have regulations for perhaps an artificial look to the islands that don't defy the natural look, but are more man made by appearance. These islands look rather more enlightening to eye than a natural island, but seem to better support an non-illogical reason as to why they are floating in the first place. They give the players a better and safer environment to roleplay in without the worries of mobs or raiders, making the server far more enjoyable for those more interested in a peaceful and smooth ride throughout the server.



If the staff of MassiveCraft were to hold a vote for all the staff and players of the server and get an answer on the ideals of the players, we could perhaps talk more about the regulations for the cities and discuss more about this lore for the server. If we were to agree on the creation of new lore for the server then we could legalize the building of islands and cities in the sky. This would take a lot of planning and work for the lore if the staff who are in charge of lore are willing to find the time to do so. If possible it would be most helpful for the involvement of trusted members of the server to help in the design of the lore if this was to go through.

I hope I was as descriptive and reasonable as possible. Thanks. <3
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People say elytra are pointless, but I disagree. With elytra, I can jump off the tavern and fly all the way to my house on Templeton Road in the Old Gods District without having to land even once. How is that not epic?
Little off topic but aren't you banned ?
You can build floating structures if they are air balloons or air blimps. We aren't going to legalize other floating builds because people will just build flat floating cities, cities with flowing water from sky to ground (causes lag), etc. I'd anticipate the number of bad sky builds would outnumber the good.

If you want to use Elytra, build an air balloon or similar and make yourself a portal up there.

Lore staff are already discussing how to add the use of wings into lore. They already made a poll regarding this when 1.9 was initially released on massive.

For these reasons I will reject this suggestion.
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