Archived New Idea For Ships.

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Dragon and Cow
Jan 19, 2013
Reaction score
Winter Empire
A plugin (needs to be coded) which allows to buy a ship and move it in ports only, good for role-play.

/ship buy,b [exa. "Pirate","Trade","...] *A player can only buy one!*

/ship sell,s [Player|Regalia] *If you sell it to Regalia you only get 40% of the price back!*

/ship rename,r [Name]

/ship sail [exa. "Regalia","Deandroc","...] *The port needs to be free or a massage will appear, "cooldown" of 3h.*

/ship crew,c (un)invite [Player] *Even in different factions*

/ship crew,c kick,k [Player]
This is only for role-play, so people can actually own a ship and live there as a crew and hold partys or other stuff also the ports will protect the ships from getting griefed. Only the captain can place beds,signs,torches and chests.

-greetings Sahr'o.
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Despite the obvious problem of this being very tricky to code and possibly very laggy, I can't think of any idea in a long time I've seen that I've liked as much.

This would add a ton to roleplay and allow for so many cool possibilities with other players. This probably wouldn't be a priority for coders for a while, but I support this idea 100%, something like this should be implemented.
Despite the obvious problem of this being very tricky to code and possibly very laggy, I can't think of any idea in a long time I've seen that I've liked as much.

This would add a ton to roleplay and allow for so many cool possibilities with other players. This probably wouldn't be a priority for coders for a while, but I support this idea 100%, something like this should be implemented.
There will be a cooldown of like 3h, so people can't move their ships instantly and it makes it realistic. Nice to see, people like it.
There will be a cooldown of like 3h, so people can't move their ships instantly and it makes it realistic. Nice to see, people like it.

The only real problem I can think of is that even if ships are made to be very expensive, there are a lot of wealthy players on the server so many people will have them. (And then there comes a point in which if you make them too expensive to solve this problem, nobody will want them because they are overpriced.) Many people will be having ships (Like a couple hundred at least), and ports will either have to be very huge, or a limited amount of ships to be owned. (Perhaps there are like 30 ships captains that are allowed to buy a ship, and you have to apply on the forums to become a ship captain? Much like some of the other positions of authority in Regalia)

Edit: And then those people who are ship captains can use all of those commands, form crews so that other people can experience the ship plugin sensation even if they don't get their application approved.
The only real problem I can think of is that even if ships are made to be very expensive, there are a lot of wealthy players on the server so many people will have them. (And then there comes a point in which if you make them too expensive to solve this problem, nobody will want them because they are overpriced.) Many people will be having ships (Like a couple hundred at least), and ports will either have to be very huge, or a limited amount of ships to be owned. (Perhaps there are like 30 ships captains that are allowed to buy a ship, and you have to apply on the forums to become a ship captain? Much like some of the other positions of authority in Regalia)

Edit: And then those people who are ship captains can use all of those commands, form crews so that other people can experience the ship plugin sensation even if they don't get their application approved.

Could work but I also wrote that the "world team" could build ports all around the worlds.
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