Archived New District: Harvest

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Oct 12, 2012
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Roleplay Guilds
La Ganga, Registry of Merchants.
The message will be short and simple:

Regalia is in need of harvesting district, firstly because its an Empire whom seems to hold about 85% of the human population in Aloria.

In dynmap the only area whom can be spotted that provides food, is that rather extremely small shack with wheat on its backyard. And it cant rely on trading from its harbor for in RP it will take say 3-5 days, at most, for food to reach it fresh.

I suggest Regalia gets some sort of outskirt district, not exactly the poor district, but beyond its walls, I say a plantation district is created or built, for role-play purposes.

Feel free to say what you think.
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Yes. That should happen, yes.
I support this - if the staff need help planting the farms I'm good at landscaping :)
I support this! Like, the people who live in the district could by small parts of land to farm on, along with perhaps a small house? It sounds like a lovely idea!
3 words. Best. Idea. Ever. If the staff goes threw with this, Regalia will be much more active and more life-like. If MonMarty can, he should make a application page for some farmers. I am not saying he has to, just think it would be a cool idea for that.
I can help plan out the landscape.
I like it. I would make Regalia a lot more active.
I think this is a brilliant idea! But if someone rents a house there and they leave the land destroyed after their rent is up, it would suck. Perhaps the farm could reset automatically every time the rent expires so no grief becomes permanent.
I think this is a brilliant idea! But if someone rents a house there and they leave the land destroyed after their rent is up, it would suck. Perhaps the farm could reset automatically every time the rent expires so no grief becomes permanent.

That is an excellent idea. But let it be the farm area only, i mean, what if you remodel the house for say? It would be a waste of resources and time.

Reset the farms

NOT the homes. (Players can request deadbolt removal if necessary.)
I agree with this idea and I would love to help in its construction!
Regalia is at the moment the "center of the human world". The harbour is one of the most important things, because it maintains all the trade business. And Regalia lives from trading! And that's why humans always try to find new parts of the world: to gain more resources to trade. Farms are not necessary in Regalia. (Besides, the admins have other things to finish first)

That's at least my opinion and how I see this town.
I think the whole idea has few things which sound good but don't work out to well..
  • Staff have better things to do such as create new lore, worlds and etc.
  • There is already the downtown homes were all the 'poorer' people live, that is quite enough.
  • There is already a lot of trading happening, no point expanding to the outter rim and making homes in which will be ruined or run over within the first few days.
In other words everyone has their own opinion in which they are entitled to a voice which may or may not be declined. Those few points are what I think. To sum it up there is already A LOT of people who trade throughout each world/city, living in tiny homes for a living. They gain a earning through trading and whatever else they can/could do.

Leave it the way it is now.
There are many cities and towns through history that have gotten by on just trading. It's the imperial holy city, a metropolis for all races, a beacon of civilization against the looming darkness of the demon invasion. There are no farms in Regalia.

To be honest, the only reason why the countryside exists in Regalia is that at our server status, we simply do not have enough players to fill what we have now. If we were to reach that player cap on a daily basis, JUST in Regalia, it would probably expand to envelope the entire island. As it stands now, the world staff have better things to do (Like build us nobles some ballrooms and fancy dining areas and such.) then to add houses and districts that will rarely be seen, let alone used.
Regalia is at the moment the "center of the human world". The harbour is one of the most important things, because it maintains all the trade business. And Regalia lives from trading! And that's why humans always try to find new parts of the world: to gain more resources to trade. Farms are not necessary in Regalia. (Besides, the admins have other things to finish first)

That's at least my opinion and how I see this town.

You cant rely primarily on trading for food.

If I where to destroy all trading routes, colonize all of the lands Regalia uses as trading sources, what will Regalia do?


And even if they do rely on trading for food, what about its quality? Meats would need to be preserved with salt, causing its quality to be bad, fruits and vegetables would arrive quite into the stages of rotting, or near rotting (due to the time it would take for the food to reach Regalia). Which is not good for this Empire whom is as you said:

Regalia is at the moment the "center of the human world".

To have poor food quality, whom would not only a disgrace to Empire, but an insult to the nobles, commoners and Imperials.

But I respect your decision.
You cant rely primarily on trading for food.

If I where to destroy all trading routes, colonize all of the lands Regalia uses as trading sources, what will Regalia do?


And even if they do rely on trading for food, what about its quality? Meats would need to be preserved with salt, causing its quality to be bad, fruits and vegetables would arrive quite into the stages of rotting, or near rotting (due to the time it would take for the food to reach Regalia). Which is not good for this Empire whom is as you said:

To have poor food quality, whom would not only a disgrace to Empire, but an insult to the nobles, commoners and Imperials.

But I respect your decision.
Actually you can survive by trading, as been stated before. However, you raise a valid point, which was likely the reason for the whole 'wipe out ALL the naga' war that occurred in Hadar and led to 95% of my race being murdered. So, I think that there could be farms somewhere, just not in Regalia.
And even if they do rely on trading for food, what about its quality? Meats would need to be preserved with salt, causing its quality to be bad, fruits and vegetables would arrive quite into the stages of rotting, or near rotting (due to the time it would take for the food to reach Regalia).

Then again, this is Medieval times, Salt was quite a precious thing, in some locations. Let alone, most people would be already acquainted to the taste of Salt on their meats, considering this happened often.

EDIT: Sorry for poor Grammar and such. Auto-Correct=D:<
You cant rely primarily on trading for food.

If I where to destroy all trading routes, colonize all of the lands Regalia uses as trading sources, what will Regalia do?


That I would like to see. You just all by yourself, facing hundreds of people :P
But I like this idea.
There are many cities and towns through history that have gotten by on just trading. It's the imperial holy city, a metropolis for all races, a beacon of civilization against the looming darkness of the demon invasion. There are no farms in Regalia.

To be honest, the only reason why the countryside exists in Regalia is that at our server status, we simply do not have enough players to fill what we have now. If we were to reach that player cap on a daily basis, JUST in Regalia, it would probably expand to envelope the entire island. As it stands now, the world staff have better things to do (Like build us nobles some ballrooms and fancy dining areas and such.) then to add houses and districts that will rarely be seen, let alone used.

There is a huge problem with the lore, and saying that Regalia depends on trading just tries to cover it up. Before the agricultural and industrial revolution, the majority of people live in the countryside as there was simply not enough food for 60% of people let alone the 90% the lore seems to imply not to be farming in medieval times. The main problem is that Regalia is WAAAY to large and powerful in the lore for it to be anything close to truly medieval.

The ultimate solution to this problem is to make multiple cities all around the world and add the interesting effect of international roleplay on a even greater level. However since the lore seems insistent on Regalia being the only power in the world a farming district would while to fixing the problem, make it a lot less noticeable.
You cant rely primarily on trading for food.

If I where to destroy all trading routes, colonize all of the lands Regalia uses as trading sources, what will Regalia do?


And even if they do rely on trading for food, what about its quality? Meats would need to be preserved with salt, causing its quality to be bad, fruits and vegetables would arrive quite into the stages of rotting, or near rotting (due to the time it would take for the food to reach Regalia). Which is not good for this Empire whom is as you said:

To have poor food quality, whom would not only a disgrace to Empire, but an insult to the nobles, commoners and Imperials.

But I respect your decision.
As Skull_man stated before: destroying all trading routes isn't as simple as it may sounds. You need to block down the whole regalian coast with ships! And ships are expensive. It would be much easier and cheaper to send out some saboteurs to burn down the farms, because they are not an obvious danger.

If people weren't able to preserve food in the medieval age, then please tell me how they survived winter? How much month lasts winter? 3-4?
They knew very well how to preserve food over a long time - even better then our generation today. So I believe Regalia would be able to withstand a blockade over month with its reserves.

Regalia can have farms, I have no problem with that! I just want to say that they are not very important or necessary. (Fishing would also be an option to gain food, btw)
Perhaps here is what would they could do. Build several farms or orchards and spawn a few villagers to serve as farmers. Or maybe have some fishing boats outside of the harbour.
An interesting idea, small cottages with farmland for rent. Too bad part of their crops could not be required as part of the rent. Rent this month: 10 silver + 500 bushels of wheat. Keep them producing and using the land, because the farm products market is pretty thin.
An interesting idea, small cottages with farmland for rent. Too bad part of their crops could not be required as part of the rent. Rent this month: 10 silver + 500 bushels of wheat. Keep them producing and using the land, because the farm products market is pretty thin.
I believe that these farms should be more like props of a play. Not actually used by people.
Maybe a near by Island in the Regalian world that you can take a raft or swim to the has a farm village
I do not know why there is a spoiler in a spoiler with what i wrote in it wtf xD
I really am gunning for this to be built because every person I've ask says it not possible for a city of supposedly 1.5 million to survive just by trading. If Regalia does, how what does it trade? I see NO development of natural resources for them to trade. That why I REALLY think this should be built.
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