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New Crookback Clinic Owner - Quentin Lockwood


Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
As of October 9 310 AC, QUENTIN LOCKWOOD runs the Crookback Emporium Clinic.

Crookback's streets are filled with violence and this will not change. The time to bring the clinic to its prime is now, a place to receive healing no matter who you are, what you are, or where you're from -- and who better than a man of compassion and vigilance than Quentin Lockwood? Former secretary and current owner of the Sucker Punch Bar & Pub, Llewyn Omaberos, compliments him in their latest notice:

"I also would like to take this.. Sort of moment, to recognize Doctor Quentin Lockwood, who has been a determined volunteer at the Crookback Clinic, even before the previous Crookback Council was dissolved. He was recently hired on the spot to take control of the hospital, and is always looking for volunteers." - Llewyn Omaberos

  • Recruit medics (Ana Cervantez and Quentin Lockwood hire a dozen staff on Oct. 8, 310 AC)
  • Support staff (Ana Cervantez and Quentin Lockwood create list of local cooks/bakers and arrange for Vartan Paeozana, owner of Crumbs and Cloths to deliver 3 meals a day, 7 days a week to Crookback Clinic for staff and patients as of Oct. 8, 310 AC)
  • Secure funding (Ana Cervantez and Quentin Lockwood create a list of benefactors to seek out on Oct. 8, 310AC)
  • Ban fighting on clinic grounds (Ana Cervantez and Quentin Lockwood hire muscle on Oct 8. 310 AC)
  • QUENTIN LOCKWOOD (Clinic Boss)
  • Iranela dei Ithania (New healer!)
  • Reynard Benac (New healer!)
  • Heinrich Benac (New healer!)
  • Kevin (New healer!)
  • Elly (New healer!)
  • Matlali (New healer!)
  • Askell (Muscle man!)
  • Stoloc (Muscle man!)
  • Lieven (Muscle man!)
  • Tara (Muscle man!)
  • Torhilde (Muscle man!)
Banning of Undead on clinic premises for sanitation reasons is under review by Quentin Lockwood. Expect the Clinic to be open daily. Mister Lockwood is a man of principle and you can expect exceptional care under his leadership.

Skilled in healing, cooking, or keeping the peace? Contact Quentin Lockwood! The clinic is entering a new era and you can be a part of it.

Ana Cervantez
I do not own, manage, or operate Crookback Clinic.

Ana Cervantez decides to give the clinic a face-lift, finds Quentin Lockwood and tells him "you run this clinic now." @Grimmsome @IreliaRamora @FolkFume @5eaweed @Amores @PeBB3L @retsag118 @Trackedpilled @IGutTheMidasTuch @MrScafuto @Elly and Kevin (couldn't find your usernames, sorry!)

Please DM me if I forgot to add your name on the notice! Apologies. It's been a night lmao.
A piece of paper is angrily slapped onto the notice.

"Prove that any of us have once brought disease. We keep ourselves very clean. We are not monsters."

A notice is tacked on under the assumed Undead's.

I presume you're a walking corpse, so: You're literally a corpse. They are not talking about the suits of armor waltzing around with Shadecores. The Crookback Clinic is talking about decaying, ROTTING corpses. You, an assumed Undead, are a biological nightmare to be practicing medicine on living people. Especially, in the case of dying from a contagious disease or spreading infections.

Do them a favor. You can do violence or whatever-- Just keep your hands away from practicing medicine in the Crookback Clinic or starting trouble in there. That is all the workers ask.


A paper is pinned just below, short and brief in it's context, but neat as ever in it's writing.

"Assuming that you're a medical practitioner, I struggle to understand how you'd be unaware of what risk your presence poses. Since you don't however, I'm going to just rattle off down the list of a few of the dangers.


Again. It feels silly that I even have to explain this to you. We've had an entire trial over this very discussion, where it was decided that yes, in fact, it would be too dangerous. I'd think we'd remember.

The subject can be reconsidered for any non-Hollow Undead when they arrive as bare bones, cleaned and sanitized thoroughly by alchemical means. Otherwise, it's not worth the danger."

Quentin Finley Lockwood.​
Last edited:
@Rowet @Grimmsome @_Breakshot_

Another notice, clearly put up with deep annoyance.

"In all the time I have worked as an emergency medic, from when I worked for the clinic in the Old Crookback Emporium to this day, NOBODY has gotten sick if I helped bandage them up. I am not rotting, my body is in a strange state of stasis. I keep myself very, very clean, there is no risk of disease because of these reasons, and I do not smell.

Fuck yourselves."
Another note is left to the side in regards to the squabbling.

"Ghuls or wrights which inhabit their former living shells having observed to no longer decay since the point of inhabitation. The once rotting sinew preserved by Ordial essences. Since fettered or fowl smells are caused by decay, perspiration, or pheromones, none of which undead are capable of, it should be obvious that they do not smell bad. If anything smelling better then the average Crookback denizen and to imply otherwise is henceforth a mark of ignorance."

Ta'Leos Necratos

A note is pinned between the prior two, albeit- with slightly less neat writing this time about.
"You being in denial of your own gradual decay, given you are, I will remind once more, a literal shambling corpse, is not my problem. In fact, even if you were somehow being kept 'preserved in stasis by Ordial Essences' which I for one doubt, you are still constructed of dead flesh. I don't know how to make this any more clear to you.

You are a walking dead body. Any person who works in a morgue, which I'm sure handles corpses who look quite identical to you, would not handle it gloveless and without precaution. I for one care little for your excuses, and will be holding you responsible if you attempt to bypass this request, because it is inevitable that if you continue to treat people, you are only going to continue to cause harm. Rot catches up to us all, and yours will be a rude awakening if you continue to remain ignorant. I however, will not allow myself to be fooled."

Quentin Finley Lockwood.

A note is pinned between the prior two, albeit- with slightly less neat writing this time about.
"You being in denial of your own gradual decay, given you are, I will remind once more, a literal shambling corpse, is not my problem. In fact, even if you were somehow being kept 'preserved in stasis by Ordial Essences' which I for one doubt, you are still constructed of dead flesh. I don't know how to make this any more clear to you.

You are a walking dead body. Any person who works in a morgue, which I'm sure handles corpses who look quite identical to you, would not handle it gloveless and without precaution. I for one care little for your excuses, and will be holding you responsible if you attempt to bypass this request, because it is inevitable that if you continue to treat people, you are only going to continue to cause harm. Rot catches up to us all, and yours will be a rude awakening if you continue to remain ignorant. I however, will not allow myself to be fooled."

Quentin Finley Lockwood.
A note is tacted on in reply to the above post.

"Flesh is weak, reject your rotting mortal form and embrace the blessed salvation of machine. For it more then anything else is free from decease. You are still young and your sinew still strong, but there shall come a when time will wither you to skin and bone. Until your body surrenders to age, too feeble to help yourself, when this happens you will beg to for the Salvation of Platinum and Chrome. But I will laugh, for I am already saved.

Reject flesh, embrace technology
Petra leans back as she reads over the copies handed off to her in a hurry, brows inching higher and higher with each correspondence read. With a shake of her head, parchment is retrieved from the drawer and quill set to ink.

To Mister Lockwood,
I first would like to extend my congratulations to you. The Crookback Clinic has been in dire need of dedicated staff for some time, which is in no way Lady Vaalia's fault, so it is good to see a familiar name. I will continue to supply the Crookback Clinic with medical supplies, alchemy, and medicines as needed and requested, simply pen me a letter or stop by the Sanctuary. We delivered usually once a month.

To the two uneducated,
It should be noted that it is no fault of theirs that they did not graduate from a reputable medical school nor work beneath a skilled doctor for their apprenticeship. For, surely, surely, had they graduated and studied at such a place, they would know that corpses (reanimated or not) are quickly separated from the spaces of the living.
It is why, during war, the medic tents are kept separate from the fallen soldiers. It is why, after a siege, the deceased are disposed of, far away from the living. Dead bodies spread disease, spread infection. Please use critical thought when handling the living. Just because you are a walking corpse does not mean the rest of us wish the same fate.

May They illuminate your paths,
Lady Petra von Schwarzkrau
Sage & Sanctuary Lead