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Work in Progress New Character Megathread

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.


undefeated yaoi warrior
Nov 6, 2016
Reaction score
stacey's mom's house

< / / Basics
  • Name:
  • Race / Culture:
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Occult:
< / / Design

Core Concept:

Religious Beliefs:




< / / Skills

  • STR:
  • CON:
  • WIS:
  • INT:
  • DEX:
  • FAI:
  • MAG:

< // Story

Plot Hooks:

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The Lothar Knight
< / / Basics
  • Name: Kurt Erhardt zu Vietenhauser
  • Race / Culture: Wirtem Ailor
  • Age: Twenty-four
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: God-magic
< / / Design

Core Concept:
We came in peace, but left in horror. Kurt zu Vietenhauser is a fairy-tale Knight of the Brothers Grimm variety, galvanized against the Occult forces of world by his family and the forests he grew up in. He has one goal and one foil: He thinks himself the hero of the fable. He is also, firstly, the victim.

Religious Beliefs:

Taal, defend me. Elia, uplift me. Everwatcher, guide me. [ Absolute dedication to Dogmatic Unionism].


Kurt has blond/auburn hair kept neatly according to family tradition and pale blue eyes. His frame is decently muscular and at the average height for the males of his family, hovering around the six-foot mark. Most often, he is garbed in his plate, but otherwise wears traditional Witerm clothing, suitable for exercise, conversation, and modesty.

< / / Skills

  • STR: 7
    • Technique Parry, Concussive Blow, Unyielding Strike, Diving Tackle, Steady Body, Unarmed Expert, Force Toss
  • CON: 0
  • WIS: 0
  • DEX: 1
    • Agonizing Shot
  • ARC: 1
    • Pure Sanction
  • FAI: 5
    • Divine Defense, Divine Wrath, Divine Smite, Exorcism, Divine Savior
Common, Calem, and Letez.

< // Story

Plot Hooks:
Kurt loves to praise his family. He can go on and on about his father, and always smiles when he mentions his mother. The smile never reaches his eyes.
Kurt's destined familiar is a large black dog affectionately named Bachter, taken from the Calem word for 'watcher.' This dog often lurks far behind Kurt.
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left blank for development
left blank for development
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The Perfect Wizard
< / / Basics
  • Name: Volokh'orr Eriani Szykh'iirn
    • AKA: Eolain Bel-Valadar, Erasmus Bolt
  • Race / Culture: Kathar
  • Age: 257
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: Void Mage
< / / Design

Core Concept:
A well-traveled and self-taught Magelearned wizard with a charismatic smile and plenty of secrets. Older than he seems; more cunning than he lets on. Ultimately, his motivations have tamed over the span of his long life, and he searches now for love, money, and a greater purpose amid constant progression.

Religious Beliefs:

PAIN BEGETS CLARITY. CLARITY BEGETS POWER. POWER BEGETS DEATH. [ A very complicated relationship to the Void God Onu.]


Volokh'orr has very pale grey skin and bone-white hair that falls in long rivers down his back and chest. His eyes glow an inhuman yellow, and like all members of the Szykh'iirn Kaahl, he has one singular sabre-like horn that grows from the crown of his head outwards. He is roughly 6 foot five and maintains the lithe, graceful frame of the old Saivale bloodlines. His clothing is at best opulent and at worst violent.
Eolain: A fire-haired Teledden with startlingly blue eyes and a wider frame, dressed as a middlingly wealthy legacy of the Cataclysm eager to learn new magic. Six foot three.
Erasmus: A Fin'ullen man with black hair kept in a longish mullet, a neat five o'clock shadow, and several tattoos. Piercings adorn his ears and jewelry his fingers; his eyes are yellowed and slitted, like a cat's. His clothes are at once pirateish and bookish, and his frame is well-muscled, standing at just about six feet.

< / / Skills

  • STR: 1
    • Unyielding Strike
  • CON: 0
  • WIS: 5
    • Enchant Shift, Enchant Bolts, Enchant Strategy, Enchant Revenge, Enchant Mimic
  • DEX: 0
  • ARC: 7
    • Radiant Push, Radiant Relocate, Radiant Shield, Sinistral Break, Sinistral Leap, Sinistral Rage, Chem Bang
  • FAI: 1
    • Hex Sapper
Common, Pannarokh, Skodje, d'Ithanian, Saan, Altalar, and Droque.

< // Story

Plot Hooks:
Volokh'orr: His horn is silverish in patches and seems to sharpen as it reaches its tip. Runes dot the length, corresponding to passages of prose in Pannarokh.
Erasmus: His eyes are artificial. Or so he says.
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left blank for development
left blank for development.
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The Poised Mage-Guide

< / / Basics
  • Name: Arctyr Dupont
  • Race / Culture: Breizh Ailor
  • Age: 24
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: Exist Mage
< / / Design

Core Concept:
In the blink of an eye. Arctyr Dupont is a classic courtly Wizard who was born with a magical ability he absolutely abhorred. Taken in by the Aelriggan Order and raised a wide-eyed, staunchly Breizh student of the arcane arts, Arctyr has worked his whole life to measure up to the countless people around him to ensure his innate ability never costs him his dream: ascending to Mage-Knight.

Religious Beliefs:

Whose story will you tell? Whose story will you end? [ Fierce dedication to Guided Unionism. ]


Arctyr is a dark-haired man with a meticulously kept appearance; clean-shaven, sharply dressed, and fastidious about presentability. He has slate-gray eyes and has grown early white-gray hairs, as many Ailor do when confronted with daily stress. He wears rounded glasses and always, always has gloves on.

< / / Skills

  • STR: 0
  • CON: 0
  • WIS: 7
    • Enchant Shift, Enchant Bolts, Enchant Protect, Enchant Strategy, Enchant Revenge, Exorcism, Enchant Mimic
  • DEX: 0
  • MAG: 6
    • Radiant Push, Radiant Relocate, Radiant Bolster, Radiant Shield, Radiant Barrier, Sinistral Leap, [Sinistral Rage - Ailor]
  • FAI: 1
    • Sacred Gear
Common, Breizh, Anglian (broken)

< // Story

Plot Hooks:
Arctyr is never seen without his gloves. He says he doesn't like getting his hands dirty.
Arctyr has a profound adoration for the Aelriggan Mage-Knights, quick to tell the story of the time he encountered one.
Arctyr knows a fair bit of Altalar and speaks it with a Sollerian lilt.
Arctyr speaks about attraction to men, but often freezes up or deflects when approached.
Arctyr's own magical 'style' is extremely sharp and poised; he heavily favors telekinesis and has an extensive grimoire of spells which he checks, updates, and references often.
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Newly-Made Fusion
< / / Basics
  • Name: Lukander
  • Race / Culture: Brakin (Regal Culture Ailor + Bronn)
  • Age: Twenty-two
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: Exist Occult
< / / Design

Core Concept:
What am I? Who are we? Born and raised in Regalia, Lukander is a veteran of the Sendrassian war who suffered a terrible injury which left him unable to cast magic and physically weakened. A series of events lead him to be fused with a Bronn veteran of a different war, and now, Lukander must re-learn his own strength as he struggles to figure out where he belongs.

Religious Beliefs:

I lay my life at your feet. Lukander has a strong dedication to his Emperor, for whom he fought in the war. [7/10 Guided Unionism, Alexander focus]


Tall and well-framed, Lukander has tanned skin and blond hair, which has been altered by streaks of metallic pink. His eyes are pink as well, and his pupils are diamond-shaped; metallic swathes stretch along his left arm, up his shoulder, and down his spine. A diamond-shaped crystal-like structure is embedded in his sternum.

< / / Skills

  • STR: 1
    • Building Smash
  • CON: 0
  • WIS: 5
    • Tech Defense, Tech Lasso, Hook Shot, Tech Gravity, Enchant Revenge
  • DEX: 1
    • Soft Landing
  • ARC: 7
    • Chem Enrage, Chem Endure, Chem Experiment, Chem Bang, Technique Parry, Sinistral Rage, Radiant Shield
  • FAI: 0
Common, Intuneric, Brix (fragmented)

< // Story

Plot Hooks:
Lukander wears a set of dog tags: one with his name, and one with another.
Lukander was fused to a Bronn very recently, faraway from Regalia on some personal expedition.
The parts of his body which are overtaken by Bronn pieces have scarring on their edges, which looks to be magical in nature.
Lukander fought as part of a division of Mages in Sendrass at the behest of a Noble family. He is very careful not to mention which, or many details about this battalion.
Lukander has lived through every major Regalian event, including several invasions, occupations, and magical disasters. He has a story for each.
NASA Scientist
< / / Basics
  • Name: Sovoq Kalmaaqi
  • Race / Culture: Tohn Maraya
  • Age: 36
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: None
< / / Design

Core Concept:
What is the price? Did you pay it? Sovoq is a Maraya scientist who worked for his entire short life to find a way to save his race from the Bright War, trained to be inquisitive, perceptive, and logical. His last memories are of Blacksite [Redacted], the howls of demons, and the voices of his Kul'Merai bodyguards. Thousands of years later, he would open his eyes to the darkness of a Vault--and now, in Regalia, he must try to reclaim what he lost.
Sovoq is naturally inquisitive and bright, best described as an eccentric-scientist type. This kind of snark-filled wit is in his nature, but it easily gives way to a dark, brooding grief.


Religious Beliefs:

There may be a god. I would deny him. Sovoq is completely areligious; he recognizes divinity, but places no faith in it.


Sovoq is 5'10" and lithe, with dark orange hair kept short and sherbet-orange skin. His eyes gleam a bright pink. Rare is the day where he is not found wearing some sort of lab coat or dressage, but underneath it all, he favors practical Allorn-style clothing.

< / / Skills

  • STR: 0
  • CON: 0
  • WIS: 7
    • Tech Sanction, Tech Gravity, Tech Lasso, Tech Defense, Hook Shot, Tech Stim, Radiant Barrier, Tech Armory (Maraya Racials)
  • DEX: 0
  • ARC: 7
    • Chem Enrage, Chem Endure, Chem Cleanse, Chem Experiment, Technique Parry, Chem Slip, Chem Revive, Chem Bang (Maraya Racials)
  • FAI: 0
Shalota. Common. The beginnings of d'Ithanie, for reasons unknown.

< // Story

Plot Hooks:
Sovoq is a Meraic revivalist through and through, and pays lip service to the Regalian Empire. If pushed, he is quick to mutter his distaste for Ailorkind.
Sovoq wears a name-badge in Shalota, upon which is written:
'SOVOQ' and underneath this, 'PROJECT COORDINATOR: BLACKSITE 57'
Sovoq holds an eerie relationship to magic: he hates it, but as a knowledge-seeker first and foremost, cannot help but to be fascinated by the many ways it denies the logic he worked his whole life to prove.
Sovoq carries a precious three Mem-keys, Qadiric inventions upon which he impressed valuable memories. Each hold significance; all three he guards viciously. If he is ever knocked out in combat, they may be taken from him at the price of his fury.
Regal Hypercapitalist
< / / Basics
  • Name: Orville
    • He does not have a last name. No one has ever learned it.
  • Race / Culture: Regal Ailor
  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: Yes; Avarice Arkenborn and Void Mage
< / / Design

Core Concept:
I can resist everything except temptation. A vain, glittering capitalist born into the pretentious wealth of Vixhallian estatehood, Orville is a young, opulent man who extolls the virtues of excess, vice, and hedonism, driven by a darker need that boils in his cursed blood.

Religious Beliefs:

For PROFIT. For ART. Orville is a lackadaisical follower of the God Savellon, but owes his true allegiances to his mother.


5'11" with brown hair in a longish wave and a mustache, often sporting sunglasses. His dressage is at once opulent and inviting, and his body is a thing to behold: lithe, muscled, and nearly glittering with vanity.
Unmasked, Orville sports a curling pair of golden ram's horns and gold body-corruption that touches his hands, throat, and most of his torso.

< / / Skills

  • STR: 0
  • CON: 0
  • WIS: 1
    • Enchant Shift
  • DEX: 7
    • Cutthroat Dodge, Cutthroat Evasion, Cutthroat Timer, Cutthroat Tears, Cutthroat Backstab, Escape Artist, Sharp Reflexes
  • MAG: 1
    • Sinistral Mindvex
  • FAI: 5
    • Hex Defense, Hex Synergy, Hex Choice, Hex Plot, Hex Parasite
Common, d'Ithanie, Leutz, and broken Anglian

< // Story

Plot Hooks:
Orville lives in a lavish estate in Vixhall as the sole proprietor and owner, which is bizarre, considering he is only 23. The estate used to belong to a family known as the Sinclairs, but Orville was given ownership of the whole estate upon the last family member's untimely passing.
Orville is famous in Vixhall for throwing lavish parties for young people, especially the sons and daughters of the nearby elite. These parties are fraught with rumors about illicit drugs, Occult influences, and other illegal activities, but somehow, no one has ever been caught...
Orville's own father and mother 'live far away,' according to him. He makes little secret of his Arkenborn heritage, but a partiality to sunglasses and ever-conflicting accounts of his past have made it nearly impossible to determine where he comes from.
Orville has a penchant for rare coins.
Orville is known for having a ravishing appetite for handsome suitors of all genders and appearances, but favors men.
Erasmus (Redux)

< / / Basics
  • Name: Erasmus Bolt
  • Race / Culture: Kathar
  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: Very. Void-aligned; Magewise
< / / Design

Core Concept:
Born a reject, Erasmus was nearly killed for not possessing Magic at birth, and so he became singularly obsessed with obtaining as much of it as he possibly could. He's mellowed out a bit, now, and spends most of his time searching for purpose, the company of men, and the ever-fascinating complexities of the individuals around him.

Religious Beliefs:

Undecided. He was raised an Evolist, and believes that magic is power, but refuses to buy into the system.


Currently, Erasmus looks sort of like an Ailor mixed with a Fin'ullen with tan skin, long black hair, sharp emerald eyes, and a bright smile. He changes his appearance at a whim, but usually stays recognizably himself. He generally hovers at around 5'10," and prefers to have lithe musculature.
Erasmus' unmodified appearance is stark of color. He has pale gray skin, white hair, yellow eyes, and bone-white horns, standing at a ridiculous seven feet tall.

< / / Skills

  • STR: 0
  • CON: 1
    • Rage Counter
  • WIS: 1
    • Technique Parry
  • INT: 0
    • Shapeshift Pack (Kathar Heritage), Wardrobe Pack (Kathar Heritage)
  • DEX: 0
  • MAG: 12 (7 Attack, 5 Defense; True Mage)
    • Magic Bolts, Magic Snare, Magic Trip, Magic Smog, Magic Resist, Magic Cleanse, Magic Bolster, Magic Warp, Magic Isolate, Magic Counter, Magic Feather, Magic Shove
  • FAI: 0
Pannarokh, Altalar, Common

< // Story

Plot Hooks:
He has a distrust of other Kathar, and prefers to not mention his own heritage unless truly pressed.
He prefers not to use a magical focus, but owns several, including one that seems to be very ancient. He keeps it close to him.
Erasmus has a vested interest in what people's innate desires are, for mostly genuine reasons.
Apparently, for roughly four years, Erasmus resided in a city in Daen and wound up with the title of 'High Warlock of Mazatlin.' He calls himself this constantly.
Erasmus is never far from small demonic spirits. They trail him like ducklings.
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Levi (Redux)
< / / Basics
  • Name: Levi Woodrow
  • Race / Culture: Ailor (Invaded Spirit)
  • Age: 20
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: Void
< / / Design

Core Concept:
Levi was a simple farmboy living a life of poverty and piety before a dark spirit heralded the destruction of his life as he knew it. Now, he shivers his way through the world, fighting for control over his own body as a demon chews on his humanity like a piece of frayed rope.

Religious Beliefs:

Levi was Unionist. He still is, but the Gods do not look at him any longer.


Levi has sandy blond hair and a farmer's strong frame that has since been strangled by stress and malnutrition. He is about 5'10" and wears simple, poor clothing.

< / / Skills

Proficiencies: uh fuck i have to fix this later it's 3am

  • STR: 0
  • CON:
  • WIS: 0
  • INT: 0
  • DEX: 5
  • FAI:
  • MAG:

< // Story

Plot Hooks:

Sett (From League of Legends)

< / / Basics
  • Name: Omar
  • Race / Culture: Feka-Asha (Legacy of Adoration, Half-Ailor)
  • Age: Twenty-four
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: No
< / / Design

Core Concept:
A sea-faring, money-wise, co-dependent right-hand constantly looking for a new captain to work under or a new friend to have. Came from a life of piracy and relaxed into a life of exploration; grew up rough, but has sanded down some of his edges, despite the work he has left to do on himself.

Religious Beliefs:

5/10 Unionism [ Dedication to Menes and Hor, Gods of Wealth and Trading. ]


Standing at 6'1" with auburn hair kept loose and messy on the top and shaved on the sides, Omar is a large, muscular Feka-Asha whose animal traits take closest after a feline; his mother was Lioness Asha and his father was a Daendroque Ailor. His skin is tanned and scarred from accidents and a few fights, and he prefers to wear anything that doesn't have sleeves. His ears and his tail are both red-gold, like the fur of his mother.

< / / Skills

Proficiencies: i'll do this later

  • STR:
  • CON:
  • WIS:
  • INT:
  • DEX:
  • FAI:
  • MAG:
  • Member of the Augur Guild Order.
    • Associated Augur mechanics: [ Active ]
Common, Ibeth, Daen, broken Altalar

< // Story

Plot Hooks:
Has lived on ships as part of a Corsair most of his life, only coming to ports for food and sometimes during the roughest winter months.
Has a soft spot for brawling, especially when drunk.
Loved his captain. Misses his captain. Refuses to talk too much about his captain.
Aphelios (from League of Legends)

< / / Basics
  • Name: Iqari
  • Race / Culture: Vixit Isldar
  • Age: Twenty-one
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: Yes (Exist mage)
< / / Design

Core Concept:
A self-made wanderer from Ellador searching for a way to heal his family and satisfy his curiosity in Regalia, convinced of his own importance and yet grieving for the people he lost during the civil war. Guided by visions from his twin sister, a priestess of Aurora who lives in Ellador still, trapped within her own spell.

Religious Beliefs:

8/10 Draconism [ Devotion to Aurora, Regulus, and some paid fearful service to Umbra. ]


A young man standing at 6'2" with split-dyed white and black hair and a few crowning horns of ice, Iqari is a muscular, lithe individual whose skin is dappled in moonlit sigils and blue-purple dragonscales, shown off by exposing his chest and arms when he can. Otherwise, Iqari wears form-fitting clothing suitable for day-to-day living.

< / / Skills

Proficiencies: some kind of gunmage idk

  • STR:
  • CON:
  • WIS:
  • INT:
  • DEX:
  • FAI:
  • MAG:
Common and Sulvaley

< // Story

Plot Hooks:
Iqari's parents left him and his sister to become Glacial cultists when the civil war happened, a fact that will quickly come up when asked about.
Iqari's twin sister is stuck in Ellador, ensorcelled in some prison of her own making, presumably for the purposes of safety. She reaches out to him through dreams, and taught him how to use magic.
Iqari has learned some sharp wit from his two years of being abroad, and while still having the dry tone of an Isldar, finds himself surprisingly at home in most conversations, relying on blunt observation to get across what he means.

< / / Basics
  • Name: Eduard Adamovsky
  • Race / Culture: Zeměvčel Ailor
  • Age: Twenty something
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: Yes (secret)
< / / Design

Core Concept:
Are you sure? On any given day, Eduard Adamovsky will do up to three things: lay around doing nothing, criticize someone else's work, or help his brother make some kind of (usually entertaining) mess. Obsessed with his self-image, convinced of everyone else's mediocrity, and characterized by a bemused, lazy smile, Eduard will do everything possible to convince you his life is easier and cooler than yours will ever be.
A black heart isn't broken. Beneath the surface, Eduard is a stupid, hopeless romantic, and he's convinced he'll find a soulmate, someday. He's actively making it harder for himself by being the worst person imaginable, but the right person might find something fierce past his prickles.

Religious Beliefs:

... Eh. [ Eduard thinks that Gods are overrated. ]


Eduard stands at six foot two and has long black hair swept into a convincingly effortless just-woke-up mullet. He's decently muscular for being tall and thin, and being a brood, his canines are sharp to match dark red eyes sunken beneath perpetually shadowed lids. He consistently wears dark purple sunglasses and long dramatic overcoats over sleeveless shirts meant to show off purposefully artsy tattoos that you just wouldn't understand.
Eduard's Vampire form [wip]

< / / Skills

Proficiencies: idk whatever proficiencies necessary to help him enable his brother's behavior

  • STR: 7
    • Bruiser Tackle, Bruiser Slam, Bruiser Flurry, Bruiser Rampage, Bruiser Ruin, Bruiser Feint, Technique Parry, Building Scale (Ailor Heritage), Weapon Throw (Free)
  • CON: 5
    • Debuff Endurance, Rage Counter, Interception, Thick Hide, Bulwark
  • WIS:
  • INT:
  • DEX: 2
    • Soft Landing, Sharp Reflexes
  • FAI:
  • MAG:
  • Vampirism: [Active; Greater]
    • All common Vampire mechanics
    • Vintgast mechanics
Common, Cesky

< // Story

Character Trivia:
Eduard is generally a snob about most things except for certain foods. Butter, for instance, is something he enjoys immensely, even if it did not come from an underground artisan experimental enchanted cow who was raised by a disgraced Imperial prince.
Eduard is left handed. You will learn this within thirty seconds of meeting him, at the most.

Plot Hooks:

Eduard has a secret love for shitty poetry that he will never, ever admit to. There is a black notebook he keeps very well hidden somewhere related to this fact.
Practically no one is safe from Eduard's habit of systematically bullying people for what they enjoy except for his brother Vilem and his cousin Evelina.
The most important thing to understand about Eduard is that you could fix him. You could, if you tried. Don't you want to? Try. Go on. You can fix him.
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< / / Basics
  • Name: Simon Morganson
  • Race / Culture: Ailor (Regal)
  • Age: 21
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: Prideborn [Catheron Aspect]
< / / Design

Core Concept:
Simon was born under a dark omen and raised by a superstitious coven of Void-worshipping pagans. Having grown old enough to go out on his own, Simon is now on a mission to prove something to the mysterious woman who taught him all he knows--and surely, where Simon goes, misfortune follows.

Religious Beliefs:

Simon was raised around a myriad of faiths, and so believes in many Gods but pays homage to few. If anything, he knows he will rarely walk anywhere else but in the dark. [ 4 / 10 Evolism ]


Simon stands at 5'10" and weighs roughly 180lbs. His hair is short and raven-black, feathered where it sticks up at the top of his head; he is decently muscular and his skin is often marred with soot for ritual purposes. He is most comfortable in loose, dark clothing. His eyes glow an unavoidably bright gold, and so he often wears a hat to hide them behind.

< / / Skills

  • STR: 1
    • Technique Parry
  • CON:
  • WIS:
  • INT: 5
    • Mimicry Pack, Safeguard Pack, Wardrobe Pack, Shapeshift Pack, Mind Control Pack
  • DEX: 1
    • Escape Artist
  • FAI:
  • MAG: 7
    • Magic Bolts, Magic Snare, Magic Trip, Magic Smog, Magic Curse, Magic Bolster, Magic Warp, Magic Shove (Ailor Heritage)
    • Magic is Void aligned; Simon is Magewise
Common, Pannarokh, Altalar (broken)

< // Story

Plot Hooks:
Simon is a member of the Gloomfolk Order despite hailing from a different place. There are friends of his 'family' hiding in the Gloomrot, and so the woods are a sort of second home to him.
Simon was born without a strong grasp of magic, and so most of what he has learned was via tutoring, study, and the dark instinct his birthright has afforded him. It's a touchy subject, apparently.
He believes in the art of divination, and is well practiced in various arts which relate to fate and chance, such as reading cards, scrying, and the like.
Simon is well versed in religious teachings that involve the Void, especially the art and history of demonology and Spirit Sovereigns. One in particular seems to be represented in much of his runework.
Simon's 'family' is centralized in deeply haunted woods littered across Rosendale, where old Ceardan customs and a reverence for the Void have created a community of Evolists, Kathar, Pagan Ailor, and demonologists.
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< / / Basics
  • Name: Cecil Alarie
  • Race / Culture: Half-Lanlath (Dominant Lanlath / Ithanian Ailor)
  • Age: Twenty-five
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: Yes (Mageborn, multi-Dimensional)
< / / Design

Core Concept:
Cecil is a magical scholar and businessman who has survived quite a lot to arrive at the position he is in today. A new magical curse and unanswered questions have led him back to Regalia, where he will attempt to unlock stolen memories at the risk of awakening old demons.

Religious Beliefs:

An old hunger tempered by modern faith. [ 7/10 Evintarian Unionism ] Cecil was raised to hate Unionism, but has since come to respect and love the Gods which he thought had once abandoned him.


Red haired, fair skinned, and freckled. Tall like an Elf and broad-shouldered like an Ailor. His eyes are prismatic, burnt mostly magenta on one side and coppery-gold on the other, though the magenta eye has seen itself glow many different shades. Cecil dresses with the self-importance of an Ithanian aristocrat and the magewise practicality of a Lanlath academy graduate, favoring fashionable, form-fitting clothing.

< / / Skills


True Mage
  • STR:
  • CON:
  • WIS:
  • INT: 4
    • Shapeshift Pack (Magical), Safeguard Pack (Magical), Wardrobe Pack (Magical), Mindcontrol Pack (Magical)
  • DEX:
  • FAI:
  • MAG: 10
    • Magic Bolts, Magic Snare, Magic Trip, Magic Smog, Magic Cleanse, Magic Bolster, Magic Disengage, Magic Warp, Magic Shove, Magic Summon, Magic Revenge (Lanlath Free Pack), Magic Revive (Lanlath Free Pack)
Common, Lanlath, Ithanian, Altalar, Pannarokh, (broken) Sulvaley

< // Story

Character Basics:
Cecil is an archetypal sorcerer with elements of wizard scholarly fanaticism. Magic has ruled most of his life, from birth to the present, and he is one of the insufferable kinds of people who have a very hard time doing anything without magic.
Cecil is very culturally Ithanian. He has a loud voice and no trouble sharing his opinion, and though he is imminently likeable by virtue of being friendly and cultured, he will argue like his life depends on it.
Cecil has allies in Mages, scholars, scientists, Unionists, and Ithanians. He has enemies in Wirtem-folk, Viridian Knights, irresponsible Mages, and Aelrrigan Knights. He has murky moral relationships with Evolists, Vampires, Bloodcast Knights, and Arkenborn.

Character Plot Hooks:
⤐ An Old Face - Cecil has a history in Regalia. Public records indicate several extensive arrest records for things ranging from minor thievery to anti-state acts of terror. Those on the side of the law might find valid concern regarding his re-appearance, even if he seems to have cleaned up his act.
⤐ Stolen Memories - For an unknown reason, Cecil is missing some of his memories. He remembers his past, and many aspects of what made him who he is-- but information about his time in Regalia is full of holes. He suspects that something stole them from him, and he wants help from other Mages, priests, and scholars to track them down.
⤐ A Forgotten Birthright - Cecil is half-Lanlath, but has never set foot in Lathan and does not know what his Starbirth would have afforded him. He feels a connection to Lathan magic--he always has--but his birth in Regalia aligned him to the Void, and he never had the chance to connect to the culture of his late father. He seeks Lanlath Elves in Regalia to help him understand what he never had the chance to explore.

< / / Basics
  • Name: Anuk Urhuruk
  • Race / Culture: Zabar Eronidas
  • Age: 28
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: Aegis Archon (Attuned)
< / / Design

Core Concept:
Anuk is a shining example of the front-line of the best of Kezzeret Artamon, having served under Daiana and Caius--now Cinnerius--his whole life and raised by his rich family to be ready for the next Great War. He currently lives in Pol Ishgaru-Urhuruk and works as a popular pit-fighter, accomplished blacksmith, and general socialite.

Religious Beliefs:

Anuk firmly believed in Caius, and now even more fervently believes in Cinnerius. Passion, zeal, and energy guide his life, and he pays deep tribute to Daiana in recognition of where his family came from.


Anuk has the deep clay skintone that many Zabar Eronidas claim, and a shock of well-kept black hair with a rebellious streak of red run through it. He stands at a staggering 6'8" and has an imposing muscular frame, shaped to his long limbs. He shows this physique off with pride, wearing outfits that often lack sleeves or midriffs, richly colored.

< / / Skills

  • STR:
  • CON:
  • WIS:
  • INT:
  • DEX:
  • FAI:
  • MAG:
Common, Vasar, Ibeth

< // Story

Character Information:
Anuk Urhuruk is the son of Enaki Urhuruk, one of the Lugals of Pol Ishgaru-Urhuruk, and thus ingratiated into the 'richest' layer of Zabar society. His father is cousin to Georg Erhardt zu Vietenhauser, and Anuk is therefore cousin to Kurt Erhardt.
Anuk has the highest win-loss streak in the Pol's fighting pits, a title he carefully upholds with a master's grasp of the spear.
Anuk, despite preparing his whole life for conflict, has never seen it beyond the walls of his City. There is a quiet dread in his heart about the future.
ooc note i am not playing this character (i don't think) but i'm writing him in for a lore story involving kurt tee hee
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Regal Hypercapitalist
< / / Basics
  • Name: Theodore Fitzroy Hale
    • He goes by Fitzroy or Fitz. Those closer to him are begrudgingly allowed to call him Teddy.
  • Race / Culture: Regal Ailor
  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: Avarice Arkenborn and Void Mage
< / / Design

Core Concept:
I can resist everything except temptation. Fitz is the reluctant heir to a shady capital empire, sent to Regalia so he can keep an eye and an ear out for where money is coming and going from. Really, though, he'd rather spend his time doing what any rich, young bachelor desires: whatever he wants, all the time.

Religious Beliefs:

They say money is power. Fitz has never cared enough about the gods to worship one. However, everything he does eventually gets back to his father.


5'11" with dark hair, a mustache, and permanent stubble. He keeps his hair styled in a perfect coif, and wears sunglasses often to hide his viciously mutated eyes, whose sclera burn red and whose irises shine like coins. Despite a life of excess, he takes careful pains to remain active, almost entirely so that he can look as appealing as possible. He dresses like he acts: richly, lazily, with little in the way of him getting rid of whatever he's got on.
Fitz is cursed to reflect his own greed. The more he allows himself to wallow in selfish, stingy greediness, the more monstrous he appears: curling ram horns, slitted eyes, sharpened teeth, and cloven hooves to represent the false idol he was conceived to be.

Fitz has a mundane persona named Devrim, which he rarely uses at the behest of his parents to participate as one of their sponsors in the Augur Guild. Devrim is a reddish-blond Ailor man who looks unobtrusive on purpose.

< / / Skills

  • STR: 5
    • Technique Parry, Diving Tackle, Pinning Throw, Force Toss, Steady Body
  • CON: 0
  • WIS: 2
    • Chem Bloodboil, Chem Berserk
  • DEX: 0
  • INT: 2
    • Magical Shapeshift Pack, Magical Wardrobe Pack, Mind Control Pack
  • MAG:
  • FAI: 5
    • Shaman Pounce, Shaman Quake, Shaman Darkness, Shaman Ancestor, Shaman Brutality
Common, d'Ithanie, Leutz, and broken Anglian

< // Story

Plot Hooks:
The Hale family is a Red-blood Aristocrat family in Vixhall who runs an extremely successful, stupidly lucrative 'business.' What, exactly, it is that they sell is not as well known--they mostly deal in real estate, but there are whispers that what they really 'own' is more nefarious than that.
Fitz Hale himself is more well-known in Vixhall and surrounding market cities for 'house-sitting' his parents' many luxurious homes by inhabiting one for months and hosting incredibly debaucherous and illicit parties in them for whole crowds of young aristocrats, favoring entertainment acts of dangerous magic.
Fitz' jewelry is all hand-picked not for its weight in gold but for the rarity of each piece. They all have stories. Some of the stories are not very pleasant.
Fitz has come to Regalia ostensibly to 'keep an eye on the trade', but wants desperately to be farther from the control of his parents. To that end, he's extremely gullible--any hint of an adventure is one he'll take, convinced as he is that he will live forever.

< / / Basics
  • Name: Alaqaari Staavriskar
  • Race / Culture: Vixit Isldar (Evolver Faction)
  • Age: 55
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: Dragon (God) Magic; Beast Magic and Ice Magic theming
< / / Design

Core Concept:
"This is the land where Gods walked." Alaqaari is a wander-stricken soldier of a war he did not want to fight in, whose heart belongs to the wild, beautiful land of Ellador. Half-raised by Isldar noblemen and half by Urlan hunters, Alaqaari seeks now to defend what either side of the war is at risk of destroying--the lives of all smaller things caught in the crossfire.
Tl;dr --> Half-Urlan half-Isldar soldier and druid with a youthful sense of uncertainty.

Religious Beliefs:

"What matters more?" Draconism. [ 9/10 Devotion to Aurora, 8/10 Devotion to Luna, 5/10 Daiana ]


Alaqaari is a bit of an oddball by Isldaari standards. He stands at a terrifying 7 feet tall and is very muscular with a healthy amount of body fat. He is ginger, with a fair amount of white streaked through his hair, which he keeps short. His clothing splits itself much like his heritage, mixed between traditional Isldaari garments and more freeing Urlan clothing.
As part of the Evolver faction, Alaqaari is rather mutated. He has an increased amount of body hair, a slightly flattened nose, larger and more bovine-esque ears, stag-esque antlers, and some jagged scales around his collarbones, elbows, and wrists.

< / / Skills

  • STR: 7
    • Technique Parry, Diving Tackle, Pinning Throw, Break Down, Building Smash, Force Toss, Brawl Stampede
  • CON: 0
    • Bulwark (Evolver Heritage)
  • WIS:
  • INT: 1
    • Wardrobe Pack, Magical Variant
  • DEX:
  • FAI: 5
    • Shaman Aura, Shaman Quake, Shaman Ancestor, Shaman Brutality, Shaman Fury
  • MAG: 1
    • Magic Bolster (Isldar Heritage), Monstrous Invocation
Sulvaley, Common

< // Story

Plot Hooks:
Alaq was raised a nobleman's son in Isldaari society. After an unspecified incident involving a noblewoman, a disappearance, and a failed marriage, he left his home for the Dorkarthi front-lines and abandoned any pursuit of becoming his House's patriarch.
Alaq spent a large amount of time among the Hurltak Urlan while out on the Dorkarthi frontlines, leading him to adopt some of their cultural stylings and a more naturalist attitude than some of his peers. He still struggles between the two cultures.
Alaq decided to become an Evolver during the height of the civil war after witnessing a specific event caused by Bene Rexit, one he dislikes talking about. He is more distant from the faction now, caught between wanting to continue the fight and wanting, even more, to rest.
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✧ < / / Basics
Name: Ankhvi
Nickname: Ani
Race / Culture: Remet Asha (Hedjet, culturally)
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Occult: N/A

✧ < / / Design

Core Concept:
⤐ Ani is a born-and-raised Regalian whose life has been about as bog-standard as any Regalian citizen's: mixed with culture, frequently odd, and occasionally mired with danger. After spending a year or two abroad with his family in the wake of the Bralona Occupation, Ani has returned to Regalia to put his degree (finance, with a minor in psychology) into good use in the Augur Guild and among other citizens.

Religious Beliefs:
⤐ Ani was raised a Khama worshipper, but his family placed a lot of hope and trust in Mendes, the Unionism God of prosperity. As such, he guides his life by Divi (his namesake) and Mendes, who he hopes will lead him toward a bright future.

⤐ Ani is a 6' Remet Asha best described as doglike, with blond and brown fur with white toned fur at his extremities. His living metal is a coppery gold, and his eyes are a deep brown. He dresses in a middle-class Regal style, though sometimes incorporates a satoor or goes shirtless during warmer months or while doing physical activity.

✧ < / / Skills

STR: 4
  • Steady Body, Force Toss, Building Scale, Brawl Stampede
WIS: 5
  • Mobile Command, Attack Command, Defend Command, Shield Command, Overwhelm Command
INT: 0
  • Tech Exhaust (Asha Heritage)
DEX: 0
  • Disguise (Asha Heritage)
FAI: 2
  • Desperate Prayer, Safety Prayer
CHA: 3
  • Hosting Presence, Stubborn Presence, Political Presence
Other Mechanics:
  • Augur Order member
⤐ Common, Ibeth.

✧ < // Story

Plot Hooks:
⤐ Ani was raised in Regalia by working-class merchants who dealt in the sea-trade, and lived his life accordingly. As a consequence of this, he has lived through every major disaster befallen to the City, and has a story (and usually some kind of traumatic event) associated with each one. These are the only times in his life he's had to learn how to fight.
⤐ Ani is wavering between his faith to Khama and his faith to Unionism, unsure of in which he better belongs. Religious figures from either faith have a shot at convincing him where to look for guidance most often.
⤐ Ani is a member of both the Interfaction Society and the Augur's Guild. He's a little hesitant, sometimes, about being in the Augur's Guild-- his parents pushed him to do it--but he'll gladly use either connection to help people.
< / / Basics
  • Name: Byrne
  • Race / Culture: Old Ceardan Ailor
  • Age: 21
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: Yes, Godcursed Marken and a Blessed Mage
< / / Design

Core Concept:
Raised in Millswyn by parents who fled the destruction of Old Ceardia, Byrne lived a contented life among the woods and farms until poverty forced his family to move to Rosendale to find work. After a violent confrontation in a Unionist Temple, he was cursed by the Gods, and turned to embrace the old blood: the Covenant, the mother Goddess his ancestors worshipped.

Religious Beliefs:
[8/10 Covenant Worship] Byrne is a Broken Gods cultist and follows what remains of the old rites of the Covenant. He hates other religions.

Byrne stands at six foot two, with short-cropped dark brown hair and lighter stubble that frames extremely dark brown eyes. He has the powerful muscles of a hunter and a fighter, criss-crossed with recent scars, and wears practical clothing that is easy to replace.

< / / Skills

  • STR: 7
    • Bruiser Slam, Bruiser Flurry, Bruiser Parry, Bruiser Grit, Bruiser Tackle, Technique Parry, Chaining Throw
  • CON: 0
  • WIS: 2
    • Chem Purge, Chem Berserk
  • INT: 0
  • DEX: 2
    • Sharp Reflexes, Fancy Footwork
  • FAI: 0
  • MAG: 4
    • Arcane Aura, Arcane Portent, Arcane Snare, Arcane Cleanse
Common, (some) Gallwech

Magic Information:
Anima aligned; blessed to know the Elemental School and Matter School

< // Story
Plot Hooks:
Byrne is an unstable man due to his Markenism, and struggles with alcoholism as a method of coping. He is forced to transform every blood moon, though can be triggered to transform during fits of great anger. Despite this, he finds calm and comfort in certain things: the company of trusted people, acts of physical labor, and music.
As a cultist of the Covenant, Byrne holds an active hatred for the faithful of other religions, especially Unionism and Evolism. He blames both pantheons for the destruction of his parents' home; any other religion, to him, is full of similarly absent or cruel Gods. His great (delusional) wish is to be the balancer of scales, and use the strength gifted to him by the Covenant to kill deities by choking out their places of worship.
Byrne fervently wishes to see the restoration of Old Ceardia, and will immediately forgo most any reservations if someone truthfully agrees to assist him in this venture. To that end, he can actually turn out to be a reasonable and understanding person, hinting at how he might've turned out had he not been cursed.
Seller of Amber
< / / Basics
  • Name: 'Isil'
  • Race / Culture: Teledden; Anima-touched
  • Age: ???
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: Anima Mage; possessed by Anima Demon
< / / Design

Core Concept:
Isil broke into the Anima an aeon ago in the wake of the Cataclysm and never came out. An untold time of suffering ended when a disgraced Fae Demon stole his body to free them both from the chasing High Courts of Summer, and now, the two must navigate an unfamiliar world bound together.

Religious Beliefs:

[None]. There are no Gods but them under hill and stone. All others have been forgotten.


Isil is a pale elf with copper-ginger hair and clear green eyes. His appearance is constantly degraded by the effects of high summer: a sheen of sunlight in his eyes; hair caught halfway transformed into leaves; chunks of his skin crystalized as amber.

< / / Skills

Proficiencies: something something Arcane point buy something something Bardic point buy
  • STR:
  • CON:
  • WIS:
  • INT:
  • DEX:
  • FAI:
  • MAG:
    • Schools: Moxy, Evergrowth, Elemental, Luminance
Altalar and Common.

< // Story

Plot Hooks:
'Isil' is the name given to an elf boy servant who lived a timeless torture in the palaces of Summermore. He is far more accustomed to the Anima than he is to Regalia, despite infrequent trips out, and is still struggling to adjust not only to a different world but a different time, some two hundred or so years later from when he disappeared.
'???' is the nameless Anima entity which haunts Isil, taking shape in quiet moments as a towering figure of pine antlers and amber-riddled limbs. Isil has taken to calling it a salesman, because it has a penchance for bartering.