Archived New Bloodline?

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Oct 12, 2012
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
La Ganga, Registry of Merchants.
@Ryciera @Luthien @PizzaRoles

This is not a Write-Me Lore, as it contains none. This is a mere suggestion for you to be able to write for me, as consider this sensitive material to put into my own hands.

This will be short and simple;

I disapprove of Werewolves on the server, honestly. However I had an idea that due to popular demand, we have a Wolf Trait-Like Vampire. Dire Wolf blood could have been used to engineer this bloodline, and they would look much like a wolf, or canine-like race. The rest is honestly for the community or you to develop.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Like Arthur said, Thylan vampires could fit that. I would imagine it would be an interesting bloodline.
Due to the Thylans being marsupials it might make more sense for them to be like a rabid dingo or tasmanian devil, rather then strictly wolflike. It sounds like a good and interesting idea though...
Thylans were recently changed to be canines (because Marty wants me to suffer). @Shuikenai and myself have already claimed, and are working on the Thylan bloodline. We already have a solid idea of what they are going to be.
Thylans were recently changed to be canines (because Marty wants me to suffer). @Shuikenai and myself have already claimed, and are working on the Thylan bloodline. We already have a solid idea of what they are going to be.

Then this thread is irrelevant, please delete.