Fliers would be posted around Crookback and all of its entrances, from the carriage gate to the drawbridge.
To the Holier Than Thou Braunschweigers, Therese and Erwin.
I know you. I know what you have done.
Do not travel alone.
Overseer of Chaos
Once upon a time, there was a great and honorable leader that resided in the Undercity. A being so far above others, one who led us through fire and crusades with respect and perseverance. They did not use fear or punishment to keep people in line, they simply held out a firm hand and used the ultimate wisdom they possessed to help guide their followers along the path that they paved with their own will. Today, there is no such leader. Gone is the era of strength and solidarity, we now stand divided as we fade into irrelevance and anguish.
To that fact I say "fuck it." We hands of the Void do not have to lay down and take our beatings. We do not have to whimper and hide as the so called "Reality Enforcers" wash Regalia of us like we are mere stains on the road. Now is the time to stand tall and proud. To link arms with one another and show that we will not stand here and watch as everything we've fought for gets ripped to shreds.
Do not remain silent. Scream from the roofs at the top of your lungs, shriek into the midnight air. Not only that, but look at your Voidbound kin and admit similarities. Now is not the time to allow labels to separate us. We should not be one hundred names and titles, but a unified singularity that proves we are not to be put down.
I propose this. Join me in this fight for not only our home, but for our very free will. Let us come together and show force as the Overseers of Crookback.
To the Holier Than Thou Braunschweigers, Therese and Erwin.
I know you. I know what you have done.
Do not travel alone.

Overseer of Chaos