Never Trust Dreams.


The tavern was empty, most of those in Rothburg had retreated elsewhere to rest, upstairs maybe, but the first floor was bare. Except for the lone Vauclain who sat in front of the fire, one that would struggle to stay lit until the dawn when someone would replace the burnt logs. She had her knees tucked against her chest, chin resting on top of them as bored overtook her.

The girl, lonely as of now, glanced about the room, remembering the drama of earlier.

Shae, Ztril, Eric, and Loic.

She frowned slightly at the name of Shae as she thought it, but the corners of her mouth lifted again thinking of the last two names, her dear friends Eric and Loic.

Her breath was frozen as she sat there. A small cloud that nearly looked like smoke from a sigg before vanishing. Her feet found their way up and she ventured outside the tavern, crunching through the snow. She turned the corner and was startled to find..someone lying there. Juliette wandered closer, realizing it was a girl not much older than her and wearing a rather familiar dress. The young Vauclain pushed the girl over with her left hand and screamed as the girl's identity was revealed.

It was Darcie, Her sister.

She turned and spotted a man in the snow with dark hair and a red cloak. Her voice became a higher pitch as she yelled the man's name;


She took off towards the man, hoping that he wasn't lost like her dear sister. The girl placed her hand on his shoulder and shook him but was greeted by nothing.

She turned her head and was greeted by dead eyes. The deathling took the collar of her dress and lifted her, grinning.

"If you die, my wrath will eternal."

She remembered her friend's words as she was struck in the cheek with a fist and dropped. Her head ached and it went all black as the deathling plunged his sword down on her.

Juliette awoke on the tavern floor. Tears frozen to her face from the cold as the fire had died. She pulled herself up, pressing her hand to her forehead from where she had fallen off the bench and face first into the floor. Her hand then wiped the tears from her eyes and she whispered, hardly loud enough for even her to hear.

"I won't die, I promise you that Loic."
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The tavern was empty, most of those in Rothburg had retreated elsewhere to rest, upstairs maybe, but the first floor was bare. Except for the lone Vauclain who sat in front of the fire, one that would struggle to stay lit until the dawn when someone would replace the burnt logs. She had her knees tucked against her chest, chin resting on top of them as bored overtook her.

The girl, lonely as of now, glanced about the room, remembering the drama of earlier.

Shae, Ztril, Eric, and Loic.

She frowned slightly at the name of Shae as she thought it, but the corners of her mouth lifted again thinking of the last two names, her dear friends Eric and Loic.

Her breath was frozen as she sat there. A small cloud that nearly looked like smoke from a sigg before vanishing. Her feet found their way up and she ventured outside the tavern, crunching through the snow. She turned the corner and was startled to find..someone lying there. Juliette wandered closer, realizing it was a girl not much older than her and wearing a rather familiar dress. The young Vauclain pushed the girl over with her left hand and screamed as the girl's identity was revealed.

It was Darcie, Her sister.

She turned and spotted a man in the snow with dark hair and a red cloak. Her voice became a higher pitch as she yelled the man's name;


She took off towards the man, hoping that he wasn't lost like her dear sister. The girl placed her hand on his shoulder and shook him but was greeted by nothing.

She turned her head and was greeted by dead eyes. The deathling took the collar of her dress and lifted her, grinning.

"If you die, my wrath will eternal."

She remembered her friend's words as she was struck in the cheek with a fist and dropped. Her head ached and it went all black as the deathling plunged his sword down on her.

Juliette awoke on the tavern floor. Tears frozen to her face from the cold as the fire had died. She pulled herself up, pressing her hand to her forehead from where she had fallen off the bench and face first into the floor. Her hand then wiped the tears from her eyes and she whispered, hardly loud enough for even her to hear.

"I won't die, I promise you that Loic."
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She turned her head and was greeted by dead eyes. The deathling took the collar of her dress and lifted her, grinning.

"If you die, my wrath will eternal."

She remembered her friend's words as she was struck in the cheek with a fist and dropped. Her head ached and it went all black as the deathling plunged his sword down on her.

Juliette awoke on the tavern floor. Tears frozen to her face from the cold as the fire had died. She pulled herself up, pressing her hand to her forehead from where she had fallen off the bench and face first into the floor. Her hand then wiped the tears from her eyes and she whispered, hardly loud enough for even her to hear.

"I won't die, I promise you that Loic."
Omg... I didn't think you'd remember that, but it's true. Loic loves Juli so much... so much he doesn't know in what way he loves you, as a sister, as a friend, or as something more. All that matters is he loves you, and he would go to the ends of the earth for you, fight a thousand deathlings, and Freya herself, just to have you back.
Omg... I didn't think you'd remember that, but it's true. Loic loves Juli so much... so much he doesn't know in what way he loves you, as a sister, as a friend, or as something more. All that matters is he loves you, and he would go to the ends of the earth for you, fight a thousand deathlings, and Freya herself, just to have you back.
Loic and Juli are adorable lmao