It must be so! ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ YOU MUST GO TO GAME RAVE/ CLUB LAN TO MEET FHFDOOM ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Its in the San Diego area
We had a flash flood yesterday.
Yeah m8 Panhandle sweg
Can't get much more awesome...
Pssh. Learn 2 NSW, n00b.
I'm from Wales... And I like sheep... Not many people on massive from around here, any more...
Do you like washing tons? x'3
Nah, central Florida is where its at
now we have a fragment of your identify, it won't be until long when your exposed...
You posh (insert some word which is unusable in what most would consider polite conversation) youUK. 'Cause the swaggiest and most pretentious come from this glorious (damn awful) country.
(Oxfordshire to be more precise)
You posh (insert some word which is unusable in what most would consider polite conversation) you
You're still a one of those...But... Look at the white bit. I don't particularly like the UK
Can't deny it, babycakes. (H)
But I love you <3
I love you too. Now let's take this to pvt. <3
@catcat1305 and I live about 25-30 minutes away from one another. Never met, though.