Archived Nerfing Unarmed.

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Ever Waiting
Nov 14, 2012
Reaction score
I've noticed lately that people have been using unarmed more and more. As you may know already, unarmed with a strength two potion can do 5 hearts a hit, while swords and every other pvp skill is doing much much less. Another thing is that you only have to level it to 250 to get the full damage bonus. Doing more damage with a fist than a bow, axe, or sword isn't very realistic, and even if it were with a sword, its doing way to much damage. Another thing to think about is when an unarmed comes at someone with a weapon, they can easily 2 hit them, but another thing they can do is disarm them which will completely disable them from any chance of winning. Unarmed takes the fun out of raiding, the most you will et when killing someone is an empty glass bottle from the guys strength 2 potion, that is, if you can kill him. The fact of the matter is simple, unarmed is too over powered and needs to be nerfed.
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I agree with you stven, the two are op together, but if damage is nerfed then it won't be that bad.
Most people nowadays are using unarmed. In a raid yesterday I ate a god apple, then managed to kill 5 ppl unarmed having only 150 unarmed cause I don't train it. People with over 1000 unarmed can do the equivalent damage per hit as a Sharpness III or IV sword. Disarming is just right, but the damage is a bit OP.
Doing more damage with a fist than a bow, axe, or sword isn't very realistic

neither is wearing diamond armor... or gold armor. or diamond weapons. nor is eating a golden apple, or flying through the air after you throw a green ball, which you got from this tall, skinny black monster looking thing.
I entirely disagree.

Unarmed users are fine where we are. We have disarming, and a damage boost.

Axes users have armor destruction, and 1/3 of the time crits at level 1000.

Sword users have one-shotting counter attacks and bleed damage which is crippling in its own right.

This has been said a LOT. "Minecraft isn't the game to play if you want REALISTIC."

Nagas are still OP. Why don't you complain about them? oh wait, that because YOU ARE A NAGA. Right.

Don't complain about something being OP when you're the one using an OP race.[DOUBLEPOST=1360623225][/DOUBLEPOST]Not to mention, our damage boost REQUIRES materials. I.e. Potions.

Axe users can drink strength pots and be fine against us with their crits. All I hear is unfair complaining.[DOUBLEPOST=1360623370][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, when you get high enough unarmed, you DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT BEING DISARMED O: WOOOOAHHHHHHHH!!!

No wayyyyy!!!!
My view: When some random with NO armor and NO weapon can dominate someone with DIAMOND armor and DIAMOND weapons, something is wrong.

Completely agree.
On a side note, if you can't kill a naked person, you're doing it wrong.
I entirely disagree.

Unarmed users are fine where we are. We have disarming, and a damage boost.

Axes users have armor destruction, and 1/3 of the time crits at level 1000.

Sword users have one-shotting counter attacks and bleed damage which is crippling in its own right.

This has been said a LOT. "Minecraft isn't the game to play if you want REALISTIC."

Nagas are still OP. Why don't you complain about them? oh wait, that because YOU ARE A NAGA. Right.

Don't complain about something being OP when you're the one using an OP race.[DOUBLEPOST=1360623225][/DOUBLEPOST]Not to mention, our damage boost REQUIRES materials. I.e. Potions.

Axe users can drink strength pots and be fine against us with their crits. All I hear is unfair complaining.[DOUBLEPOST=1360623370][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, when you get high enough unarmed, you DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT BEING DISARMED O: WOOOOAHHHHHHHH!!!

No wayyyyy!!!!

Alright you need to take it down a notch.
Unarmed caps at 250, Axes at 750. That is the end of the story.
I personally would support spreading the damage boosts out a bit more for unarmed, so it caps at the same as axes and swords
I wouldn't mind making it cap at a higher level either.

250 is easy to get, but as far as they go, they're very equal.

Also, I don't need to tone down anything. I'm not worked up =D I'm using valid points. Sorry for your not liking them butthurtedness <3
Valid points? The other day I killed a guy in iron armor with my unarmed skill and with no armor, if that's not OP then I don't know what is.
I wouldn't mind making it cap at a higher level either.

250 is easy to get, but as far as they go, they're very equal.

Also, I don't need to tone down anything. I'm not worked up =D I'm using valid points. Sorry for your not liking them butthurtedness <3
The point is, they shouldn't be equal. It doesn't make sense in weapons PVP.
Also, there is another benefit of having high unarmed. Not wasting materials on making swords. It might be a minor one for rich factions, but all those diamond swords/axes add up....

Nothing is realistic. Redstone isn't realistic. Creepers aren't realistic.

In the thousands of years of human existence, monks have been able to outmatch MANY swordsmen, as well as axemen, throughout the ages.

I'm all for making the cap be at 750.[DOUBLEPOST=1360625161][/DOUBLEPOST]Vampires? Sticks. They're punching you? Have better coordination. Lag is a problem? Don't go out during lag that's forced on us.

Lag is an issue that affects everyone. A vampire with an axe could have killed you just as easy if you couldn't hit it.
Oh goodie, another argument I can demolish. Your contradicting yourself with that last statement. You say nothing in minecraft is realistic, then you say IN REAL LIFE, monks have outmatched swordsmen and axemen. Keep your argument consistent.
Also, Favour, anyone can kill some noober in Iron armor easily. You can kill em JUST as easily with an axe, as you can unarmed.
Taco, if you were to test before talking you would notice that a crit with strength two plus dwarf is a 3 heart hit at the MOST sh4z0r and I were testing it earlier, while I got 6 hearts at one point with unarmed. I feel you are slightly biased as you only fight with unarmed, so you will openly defend it. I am not a naga. Also axes do just as much armor damage as axes at 800, axes at 1000 does a a slight bit more. Again, please do your research before going to try to start a flame war on a suggestion. And also jett has a 99% iron grip, yet he still gets disarmed all the time. Please do your research next time. Thankyou.
Oh really? Difference is, if your running around with a DIAMOND AXE and trying to kill "noobers" your probably going to be gained up and end up losing that diamond axe. If you have unarmed, well then, your not losing ANYTHING by dying are you?

Nothing is realistic. Redstone isn't realistic. Creepers aren't realistic.

In the thousands of years of human existence, monks have been able to outmatch MANY swordsmen, as well as axemen, throughout the ages.

I'm all for making the cap be at 750.[DOUBLEPOST=1360625161][/DOUBLEPOST]Vampires? Sticks. They're punching you? Have better coordination. Lag is a problem? Don't go out during lag that's forced on us.

Lag is an issue that affects everyone. A vampire with an axe could have killed you just as easy if you couldn't hit it.

We can't just justify unrealistic things by saying there are other unrealistic things. The more and more that are added take away from the RP experience. Ender pearls can be justified as magic, diamond armor and tools will never be nerfed in any way and are things we need to accept. This one though, we have complete control over it's un-RP value.
My unarmed fighting is entirely temporary until I reach 1000. However, it's very viable and handy. (Heh) I plan on using axes in the future simply because I wish to inflict the same annoyance on people who attacked me with them. Repairing armor.

I'd like to see the testing for myself, you've already proven to be a sycophant in my eyes. So anything you could say isn't really taken as the truth to me.

At any rate, the best way to counter being disarmed? Using unarmed. Increase your own power level, as well as increasing your iron grip.

If that's so true, Cowboys, why is that the statement that's thrown into peoples faces all the time when some sort of issue like this is brought up?

As I said, unarmed combat is realistic. Monks are very adept in their style and can fell any foe with their hands, just as easily as their swords.
I am yet to see a monk, yet any man who can beat a man to death with fists who has a sharp sword that shoots fire out of it. You may or may not know that axe damage got nerfed to only do 1/2 of the damage it used to do, again, do your research.
I did my research. You're acting as if I'm stupid, which would be just one of the many mistakes on your part.

I've done it to Kapry. You. Cowboys. Austin. Shortbus, and many others. Any well trained monk can persevere through any kind of pain.
unarmed, to make it RP, call it karate or something like that, when i read this, i saw people complaining about how they are killed by unarmed 'noobs'. dont want to get killed: dont fight... if thats not an option: sucks to suck...
You didn't because you think axes at 1000 can shred armor, which it can't. Now lets stop flaming this thread and see others opinions.
I did my research. You're acting as if I'm stupid, which would be just one of the many mistakes on your part.

I've done it to Kapry. You. Cowboys. Austin. Shortbus, and many others. Any well trained monk can persevere through any kind of pain.

I could use unarmed as well, but RP wise I feel like it gets stupid when we are at war and hitting each other with fists.
WAIT WAIT WAIT, Socat did you just say unarmed combat was realistic? Didn't you say "Minecraft isn't realistic"? Wasn't that one of your MAIN points in your argument?
I'm countering his points with both sides. He wants realistic, he can have realistic. On a more logical note, Minecraft ISN'T realistic.

You're trying to turn my words into something that was never there.[DOUBLEPOST=1360628811][/DOUBLEPOST]If he wants realistic, you have history.

Unrealistic? It's a game.
Walks into the room slowly and looks at people fighting. Slowly sits down next to the people against Socat. Stands up and states his point
Socat, your saying that unarmed is too OP so it isn't realistic but is a sharp sword with fire breathing powers realistic?
Also seeing as your in deathfist and being attacked alot, I see why you are defending this. Reason is with your faction being raided alot, you are running low on weapons to fight with ,right? So all you would do is charge out using unarmed and punch and disarm people. This idea of fighting (In MY opinion) is a very patheic way to fight. As of lately, I havent seen any of you fighting in the open.
Sits back down calmly.
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