Archived Nerfing Farming

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Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
EDIT: A lot of you rate disagree. I might just ask why?
  • Say why, if you don't then we can't do anything better if you don't say what you like/don't like.
  • A lot of people talks about "fixing" the economy. That is not something you just do. But this could be one of the steps.
  • Do you even farm? I have seen farmers here writing that they don't really care, or just make so much so it won't matter.
  • Did you even read the whole post.
So a few days ago, i wrote something about the economy. Read that here.
One thing is knowing how the economy works. Another is to use that knowledge.
I think getting food should be harder. So people can run into a food crisis. We could use this plugin.
  • Crops grow slower, or much slower. Why, because now food will get more expensive because it takes more time, and requires more space.
  • Crops have a chance to die. Why, That will make farming more frustrating, and some people won't do it.
  • Ability to ruin someones crops by trampling them. Why, now you can annoy enemies, and people can get unforeseen problems. That could cause even more problems if the amount of food on the server is tight.
  • Crops grow at different rates in different biomes. The biome you settle in now matters, if you want to farm.
  • Crops grows faster when it rain. Now someone will like the rain.
  • You loose food faster. Now people will have to eat even more. Maybe also filling more in inventories. (Can be annoying in PvP)
  • Rotten flesh should give less food point. Give longer hunger effect, and chance to poison. Why, because rotten flesh can be used right now. Rotten flesh should actually be disliked, and not something you eat when out of bread.
  • Food gives less food points. Why, now people have to eat even more. (Can be annoying in PvP)
  • Uncooked food should give more negative effects, not always but have a chance. Why, cook your goddamn food.
  • Crops can get old and die. Now people have to harvest in time.
  • This last idea will be very hard to code. Food can get old and then useless. Now people can't store food forever, and these other changes will be seen faster. Because all old food wil be useless.

Almost everyone can be self supporting without too much effort. By doing some of this, some factions will specialize in making food, and others will be dependent on those factions. It can even cause some factions to get into a food crisis.
Prises will rise, something a lot of people want.
If a faction is highly dependent on their own crops or others, and those gets trampled or destroyed in other ways. Problems can occur. EXAMPLE, faction A is a farming faction, they supply faction B which is a powerful PvP faction. Faction B and C is rivals. Faction C can now hurt faction B, by destroying the crops of faction A.

Why not
Food will be much harder to get.
People might not play if they can\t even get food.
It can create even more war and chaos.

Feel free to voice your opinion. I will add more information to this thread if you say something that is useful.
EDIT: for all the people just rating. Please voice your opinion, because I don't think you agree/disagree on all of it.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I didn't think about feed traits. Just seems like food isn't something necessary any more.
Even without feeding traits I doubt this will affect the economy, since the prices on the market are somewhat more dependant on what individuals think they're worth.
Plus individuals, such as me, with 1k + herbalism still wouldn't really be affected by this, due to always having double drops. I can make a double chest of hay bales from one full harvest of my farm fully planted with wheat, and a few dead crops wouldn't really make too much of a difference to that. Personally, I think it's fine as it is, as very few people farm proficiently as it is, and this would further decrease that number, offputting new players from the idea
Even without feeding traits I doubt this will affect the economy, since the prices on the market are somewhat more dependant on what individuals think they're worth.
Yes but what the individual thinks can change. If getting your own food turned out to be much harder. You would be willing to pay more for it. And if the farmers have to work more, it will affect the economy. It won't happen right away, but after some time.
Yes but what the individual thinks can change. If getting your own food turned out to be much harder. You would be willing to pay more for it. And if the farmers have to work more, it will affect the economy. It won't happen right away, but after some time.
Farming will always remain easy with the herbalism skill, I still highly doubt that prices will rise for something as common as food.
Farming will always remain easy with the herbalism skill, I still highly doubt that prices will rise for something as common as food.
Depends, depends. If everything is suggested got added, it would be much harder. If price then didn't change it wouldn't pay off to farm. And people would stop farming. That is simple supply and demand.
I think that ideas that give more value to supports jobs (gatherers, cafters, etc.), even if they would have little effect on economy (because of traits in this case) have a positive impact on RP and faction organizations (the need would arise to have specialized people), thus I like this idea.
As for traits, the number of traits is rather limited though, people have choices to make, and some won't take feeding traits, so I suppose it still has an impact.
I think that ideas that give more value to supports jobs (gatherers, cafters, etc.), even if they would have little effect on economy (because of traits in this case) have a positive impact on RP and faction organizations (the need would arise to have specialized people), thus I like this idea.
As for traits, the number of traits is rather limited though, people have choices to make, and some won't take feeding traits, so I suppose it still has an impact.
Yes, even when i declared my own suggestion for useless. Do somebody come up with an idea on how it can be useful.
I feel like this would really hurt us non-pvpers
I like this idea. It's terribly easy to get a vast surplus of food, even food that is no longer needed due to the feeding traits. Plus, this would add some flavor to farming and make it more of an activity and less of a passive act.
-Slower growth, chance of dying, and faster growth in the rain I support.
-Different rates in different biome I personally like a lot. Though I wonder if it'd be too restricting on people who choose to settle in certain biomes. Then again, the point of this was to encourage trade, yes?

  • Food gives less food points. Why, now people have to eat even more. (Can be annoying in PvP)
  • Uncooked food should give more negative effects, not always but have a chance. Why, cook your goddamn food.
  • Crops can get old and die. Now people have to harvest in time.
  • This last idea will be very hard to code. Food can get old and then useless. Now people can't store food forever, and these other changes will be seen faster. Because all old food wil be useless.
These I don't support simply because I feel it's too far. The other changes are big enough that these would just be an extra hindrance.
Although this is a very creative idea, I do not believe that it is very practical. Personally, I have always had an extreme excess of food which I would sell for only a deliverer's fee, previously one copper now one regal a chest/inventory full, just so I don't have to store it.
This could be a huge turn off for new players. Someone new joining would probably starve several times before being able to do anything productive. Yes, they could join a faction or buy food at the market, but many people who first join have little to no experience with plugins so it would still take them time to figure out how to get food.
Supposing that all the aspects worked just as they were planned and crops did become scarce, the largest problem I see is that people would turn to using animal farms instead which would cause large amounts of lag.
I would like to see negative effects from uncooked food though. Say everything that is uncooked has a chance to give the hunger effect rather than just chicken. Longer hunger or a chance for poison in rotten flesh could also be good to add.

Again, I like the idea, but it wouldn't change much on an already developed server such as Massive.
Although this is a very creative idea, I do not believe that it is very practical. Personally, I have always had an extreme excess of food which I would sell for only a deliverer's fee, previously one copper now one regal a chest/inventory full, just so I don't have to store it.
This could be a huge turn off for new players. Someone new joining would probably starve several times before being able to do anything productive. Yes, they could join a faction or buy food at the market, but many people who first join have little to no experience with plugins so it would still take them time to figure out how to get food.
Supposing that all the aspects worked just as they were planned and crops did become scarce, the largest problem I see is that people would turn to using animal farms instead which would cause large amounts of lag.
I would like to see negative effects from uncooked food though. Say everything that is uncooked has a chance to give the hunger effect rather than just chicken. Longer hunger or a chance for poison in rotten flesh could also be good to add.

Again, I like the idea, but it wouldn't change much on an already developed server such as Massive.
Right now mob farms isn't used that much for food. Maybe meat and porkchops would be used more.
How this affects new players would be a problem indeed.
Theoretically new players who want to start a farm for food would have to wait even longer for them to grow which would be quite frustrating.
In reality though, I wonder how many new players actually think about making farms as their first moves. I feel many players tend to join factions or search for sources of food without having to farm it themselves, whether through buying it, hunting for animals, or scavenging for farms that already exist.
However, for the new players that do start by farming themselves, yes, this would be very frustrating. Yet even now, farming for a new player is already slow and painful as you wait for the first crops to grow. Generally you would have had to already have some food to keep from starving to death before you find land, seeds, and tools. Which means the problem would be that initial waiting process that already exists and is relieved by either doing something else or hunting for bonemeal.

In terms of scarcity, I would think an ideal setting for this plugin wouldn't be to make crops scarce but to make it so that it wouldn't be coming in by chestloads per person per harvest.
How this affects new players would be a problem indeed.
Theoretically new players who want to start a farm for food would have to wait even longer for them to grow which would be quite frustrating.
In reality though, I wonder how many new players actually think about making farms as their first moves. I feel many players tend to join factions or search for sources of food without having to farm it themselves, whether through buying it, hunting for animals, or scavenging for farms that already exist.
However, for the new players that do start by farming themselves, yes, this would be very frustrating. Yet even now, farming for a new player is already slow and painful as you wait for the first crops to grow. Generally you would have had to already have some food to keep from starving to death before you find land, seeds, and tools. Which means the problem would be that initial waiting process that already exists and is relieved by either doing something else or hunting for bonemeal.

In terms of scarcity, I would think an ideal setting for this plugin wouldn't be to make crops scarce but to make it so that it wouldn't be coming in by chestloads per person per harvest.
It might annoy a few new players. But if the goal is to higher the prices of food. Then the amount of new farmers will be lowered. So that was partly the intent. Though i don't want players to quit just because of this.

-From all the farmers.
For new players, let's not forget that the first quest gives some food, it could give more, the time to settle. There could also be a quest ending in the delivering of a fishing rod to give a start to get some food that is unaffected by this change.

Humans are originally hunters/gatherers, it would not strike me as illogical to follow the same path
One big flaw: Premium trait Feedalways
Well that would give some advantage to those who stick to traditional feeding, that would have one slot for a PvP trait right ?
So tired of people just rating disagree. You don't say why. You don't say what is good and what is bad and why. You don't help the innovation, if you don't voice your opinion.
One big flaw: Premium trait Feedalways
Wouldn't that basically justify this more? The various feed traits make crops practically worthless. If the point is to increase value and trade in crops, that would mean making it more scarce such that it actually becomes a decently valued commodity.
I'm not sure about alot of this but...
If you want farming to be more realistically hard. Set it so that if crops do not have a clear path to the sky they grow much much slower then ussual.
I would love this idea, and believe the feed always is op and should be taken out.