Preserved Sheet Nelly Cassarina

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Jul 24, 2016
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❖ Nelly Athryne Cassarina ❖



❂ Basic Information ❂
  • Full Name: Chanelle Athryne Cassarina
    • Prefers to be called Nelly for short
  • Age: 70 years old
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Full-Blooded Isldar
    • Crystal Spires Sub-Race
  • Sexuality: To be announced
  • Preferred Weapons: Knuckle dusters



❂ Skill Information ❂
» Total Points: 70 - 50 Free - 10 Hobby - 10 Talent

Combat Proficiency

  • +10 Fist Combat Skill (+10 from points)
  • +10 Rapier Combat Skill (+10 from points)
Criminal Proficiency
  • +10 Conning Rogue Skill (+10 from points)
Arts Proficiency
  • +16 Architecture Arts (+11 from points, +5 from racial)
  • +5 Glass Art (+5 from hobby)
  • +3 Drawing Arts (+5 from hobby)
  • +2 Painting Arts (+2 from hobby)
Body Proficiency
  • +10 Perception Training (+10 from talent)
Special Proficiency
  • +9 Sorcery Points (+9 from points)
Body Shape
  • Physical stat: 15 Physical Stat
  • Moderate Body Fat
  • Toned Body Shape
  • Common 10/10 - learnt from father
  • Sulvaley Elven 10/10 learnt from father
  • Modern Altalar 7/10 learnt from temporary mother figure
Sorcery Spells - Level 3 Lightness
  • Healing Grace (Lightness Category - Ability)
  • Cast Away Impurity (Lightness Category - Ability)
  • Orb in Darkness (Lightness Category - Aesthetic)
  • Light in Home (Lightness Category - Aesthetic)
  • Hope's Beacon (Lightness Category Aesthetic)
  • Bathe in Light (Lightness Category - Aesthetic)
Exist Lavvanya Mutations
  • Exist Bite - pure white teeth that align naturally.
  • Exist Carry - a sweet following of fresh roses.
  • Exist Purify - all former unwanted skin negatives are glossed over.
  • Exist Ocular - shiny silver eyes.
  • Exist Sight - a continuous foggy circular swirl around the pupil.



❂ Visual Information ❂
  • Eye Color: Light Silver (naturally Stone Blue)
  • Hair Color: Champagne Blonde
  • Hair Style: Long, middle body length
  • Skin Color: Cream with a soft pink tint
  • Clothing: Normally outfits and dresses of red as a primary colour
  • Height: Six feet and one inch tall



❂ Personality and Abilities ❂
» Option Two: The Core List
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Neutral Good
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • The Architect
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Estel Worship being 7/10



❂ Life Story ❂

Tullaria Cassarina a traveller around the world seeking knowledge on science and Kenyther Willowsham an architect who lived in the Teled Methen for business opportunitues, were in a relationship for four weeks, living quite happy, with one another, they decided to have a child in a Tavern closet, ten months later, Nelly was born, and lived the next four years of her life, happy and joyful due to the couple agreeing to stay together for a short while. After Kenyth came out of the clinic for an illness, Tulla decided it would be the perfect time to leave Kenith to care for Nelly as Tulla wanted to go back to Regalia and she left.

⤞ After, a couple of months without her mother, Nelly was feeling depressed and lonely, as Tulla normally stayed home, as Kenyth worked, but that was no longer the case anymore, so Nelly decided to make her own entertainment, and would go out to a open meadow, filled with flowers, and pick them for her father.

⤞ Five years later, Kenyth had found someone new, and Nelly felt happy once more. Kenyth and his girlfriend had just revealed to Nelly that she was going to get a little sister, and Nelly was ecstatic to hear this, since she'd be less lonely and have some more company. Months after the surprise of the new baby, there had been a murder and Kenyth's girlfriend had been a victim, along with the four month old baby.

⤞ Once a few years went by, Nelly had to start cooking for her father as he was unable to cook for himself anymore, and earning money was real tight, since Kenyth had been sacked from his job. Nelly had to make a stand for flowers, dedicated to what the season was, and this was actually quite successful and earned just enough money for food. Nelly then decided to roam further into the fields, meeting a little camp that Nelly had soon found alluring as they all had a taunting and calm, mixed term of personalities.

⤞ It was at the age of twelve that Nelly had stumbled across a book from her mother, and this was all about her travels around many places in Aloria. Learning more about her mother made it aware that she had other siblings and family out in the world, providing Nelly with aspirations to eventually go out and discover more about her lineage.

⤞ Nelly was now eighteen, with a job in a pub she ditched her father who attempted to assault her one night whilst intoxicated. She left to study architecture with her father's employee and was a great deal within her studies before developing her skills in sorcery instead and having aspirations to aid people with it. This involved her within a shady trade of being involved with fraud as to sign off documents even when work was not complete, learning the deception her father's employer used to cheat the system. In the process around this time Nelly decided to rid some of her Isldar qualities in order to fit in more with society and in the process met a devout worshipper of Estel called Lillema who not only influenced Nelly's worship but agreed to apply the mutations and aesthetic alterations to help make her less distinctive.

⤞ Now, at the age of fifty eight, Nelly decided to go sell her flowers, throughout the world, since she was still young and pretty looking like a twenty year old, but was stopped, as she had heard her mother was an outlaw in Regalia. Nelly traveled to Regalia, to hear the answers of why she left her and her father. Sadly, Nelly never got the answers she wanted, as Tulla was killed before arrival and always questioning on why she did so. She then gave birth to a child from a monthly relationship. Nelly later found out that, through her new friend, Malia Bennet, she was given a diary and some books that Tulla gave her, and then found out that Tulla wanted Nelly to be her successor, and take over her ideals and dreams, to fight against Regalia and help people across the world.

⤞ Nelly also raised two boys temporarily, which halted her issues in drinking because she wanted to be a better motherly figure. They sadly were killed in a house fire that Nelly feels partly responsible for., affecting her in a negative and good way, her drinking has gotten worse. Yet mentally it has made her developed, such as she has to complete something and tells herself it's for the sake of her boys. However her actual son Luca named Lavroethi was not in the burning building at the time and thus continued to live with Nelly.

⤞ Nelly and Malia soon met up and Nelly was horrified to see that Malia had been the subject of Kathar torture. Now riddled with mutations all over her body, Malia was at a dark point of her life but Nelly pledged to help her through the pressures of life. The two eventually found someone who could get rid of these mutations and this brought the couple both closer and they wanted to put their foul and crime-riddled lifestyle behind them. Nelly resumed her studies on architecture and started her own personal architecture company that aids in the construction of Regalia's buildings. He was renamed Luca Bennet and is a wonderful addition to the Cassarina family.

⤞ The two then soon fell into a questionable way as the accumulated wealth Nelly sustained opened the venture into the underworld of crime when it came to deals where Nelly learnt from others to sustain her own criminal activities as down-low as they were. But before that time Malia became an infected Werebeast which caused Nelly to begin drinking again, and although she can control it now, her former alcoholism may catch up to her as she persists.



  • Malia Bennet - "I love her. But only because she needs me." An odd love sparked by Malia's sudden feelings for Nelly. The two kindled a passionate flame but for Nelly it always seems to be on a loose thread, but the two have made it far together.​
  • Meia Cassarina - "Such a nice face. But a simple mind." The two aren't the closest but on decent terms.​
  • Faye Cassarina - "Once an invested fool into a woman she didn't know, now a single mother who can barely raise herself." Nelly wasn't a big fan of Faye when they met. The ground between them has been rocky but since the last time they saw each other at a boat crash to Ithania, Faye discovered Nelly was romantically involved with their mother's follower, Malia.​
  • Elliot Cooke - "A little dense but I trust him to a degree." Nelly and Elliot have only met on few meetings but when they did Nelly dispensed her own experiences and wisdom to Elliot as he suffered the loss of his dearest sister Mercia.​
  • Jared Kade - "He's very sure of himself, and is too concerned about the small things." Nelly's former boss Jared Kade employed the woman to act as a barmaid in the hotspot Willow Tavern but with altered motives. The two have not seen each other in years.​


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Peer Review
I would review this but its just too gosh dang pretty, Like, Fuck this is a nice App, I do no detect any flaws in this.

Okay so maybe I lied just a little, tiny bit, but a few things on formatting and content;
  • Darken the colors of the colored text, cause at this moment they are kind of hard on the eyes, although this is not important to the content of the app, you obvious cared enough to make it nice looking.
Example.png <-----Example

But all in all this is a nice looking App.
Hi, I'm on my phone so I'll try to make this brief.
  1. Isldar do not have brown hair. Not naturally, at least. If it's from dye, you should specifically state that it's from dye. Also, as an Isldar, she'd be quite a bit taller. You should read up on Isldar physical traits here.
  2. Why is her culture Dressolini instead of Elven/Isldar? Seems sort of random and you do not explain this. Dressolini is an Ailor culture.
  3. I noticed that you only have two negative personality traits and four positive ones. Please balance this out a bit so there's an even amount.
Thanks for the feedback. ~ @Fillyjonk

I have made changes and just for a reminder, it was put about her hair being changed because she didn't want to have the same hair as her father, this was said in the backstory. Also, my character is not like normal Isldar, and really didn't grow up around Isldar culture. So, I will keep it as what it is now, and see what staff think, but, thank you for looking and giving me excellent feedback, this really helps boost my confidence.~ Moon.
Hey there @SassyMoon! First of all, your application is nicely detailed, I've a some edits for you mentioned below however that need fixing before I can stamp this approved.

  • Whilst I admire your initiative to add elements to the template, your archetype point in basic information isn't really necessary. Please remove it and try and stick to the basic template in future, or put it in a spoiler under the expansion section provided on the character sheet template.

  • Dressolini is an Ailor culture and considering Nelly only traveled to Regalia in her later years she has no reason to apart of said culture, please remove the entire point.

  • Full-blooded Isldar have exclusively white hair, the only way an Isldar could have brown hair is if they were a half breed. Please fix this accordingly.

  • The specials point in visual information can be bumped down into the visual information expansion section on the original template. You can include all expansion information in a spoiler and are also free to elaborate on her scar or any other specifics regarding her appearance in that section also.

  • In Nelly's kind personality trait you speak very casually about her killing people in the near future. I'd like you to think of the mental drawbacks that your character might have to overcome after taking someone's life, especially being the kind character she is. I also think that 'killing people in the future' is a bit of an odd reason to bring about the aspect of kindness within her personality. I'd remove that reasoning entirely and just stick with what you've written in the first half of the description.

  • I feel like a calm and kind person would not be inclined to taunt people in an insulting way. Your traits contradict each other in this aspect. I'd recommend redescribing taunting in a more lighthearted way or simply switch out the trait all together for another negative trait.

  • Again, your traits contradict one another, Nelly can not be angry and calm. Remove one of your choice and replace it with a corresponding positive or negative trait depending on which one you removed.

  • The first sentence of Nelly's observing strength is off topic, remove it and further elaborate on it about two more sentences. Consider why she developed this strength and how it benefits her in her everyday life or in particular scenarios.

  • (If you decided to removed Nelly's anger trait) Remove her hotheaded weakness as it, once again, contradicts with her calm personality. Replace it with another weakness.

  • I'd also like you to add one extra physical weakness to the character to balance her out.

  • Mages, at the youngest, begin their magic training at fourteen. Please bump up Nelly's starting age correctly in her life story.

  • In order to keep Nelly's Expert Level Light Magic please either bump up her age to 64 or bump down her skill level to Mage. Also include the weapon of choice point under visual information and add Light Magic alongside all of the sub forms she's learned underneath said point. Also include the skill level she's reached for each sub form under that point as well.

  • Nelly's special permission would be 'Expert Level Light Magic', please fix that point up so when it comes to registering your app after approval you register it under the correct title.

Please tag me once you've completed the above edits and highlight all changes you make in green.
I believe the proper edits have been made, please mention if I have missed out anything. All edits made in green and I have underlined about the reason why she dyes her hair in the life story cause you may have missed it.~ Thanks.~Moon
Hey! The edits you've implemented so far look good. You've forgotten a few points however and there are still some more things i'd like to point out, but these should be a quick fix.
  • This is just a little edit but you can remove the culture point all together considering you've not got anything listed under it now.
  • Her annoyance trait is titled weirdly. From the title people would assume she's annoying but from the way you've deceive it follows more along the lines that she's annoyed easily. I'd change the title to something like irritable or even like passive aggressive.
  • Please add another physical weakness. Nelly has Expert Light Magic and speed so I think it's necessary to balance the character out. You can include that she's weak because she's a Mage or anything else along those lines up to you, just make sure you include it.
Once again, please tag me once you've completed the above edits and highlight all changes you make in green.
Hiya @SassyMoon, I'm just going to put this under review again because I misunderstood the capability of learning sub forms all at the same time.
  • Whilst you can learn sub forms of magic at the same time, you will still need to add on extra time the more sub forms you choose. You can not learn more than one at the same rate. As of right now I'd like you to choose one sub form for her to be expert in and then one for her to be mage level in. That equals to 40 years of training to reach expert in one and then an extra 10 to learn mage level in a second form of her choosing. Choose the two that you will use the most and update everything accordingly. Pardon if there was any confusion.
Highlight all changes in green.
I've raised the age to 65 and I have set two for expert, and one for caster. I'll change this if you think this is a problem. Also, the reason I've made two experts, reasons being is cause on the wiki it says fifty experience training in two makes you expert, and the extra caster one is she has had 51 years of experience. @JarlJade
I've raised the age to 65 and I have set two for expert, and one for caster. I'll change this if you think this is a problem. Also, the reason I've made two experts, reasons being is cause on the wiki it says fifty experience training in two makes you expert, and the extra caster one is she has had 51 years of experience. @JarlJade

Hey there! We usually allow one special permission per player in order to keep everything balanced. I'd prefer you to choose one to keep expert and then another one to keep at mage level. Caster barrier is okay to keep as is. Every sub form that reaches the level of expert counts as one special permission, and I'd recommend you stick to one for now.
Changed her Healing to Mage for now. If in the future may I bump her age higher and go for expert? Not now, but in a few weeks or so? Anyway, changed it as per so. Thanks!~Moon.
Changed her Healing to Mage for now. If in the future may I bump her age higher and go for expert? Not now, but in a few weeks or so? Anyway, changed it as per so. Thanks!~Moon.

Personally I'd advise you stick to the one permission in the near future in order to prevent the character from becoming too overpowered. I'm going to approve this for now. You've accidently listed Cutting light as Mage level, so just fix that up when you can. Also do not forget to make a thread in the special permissions registry after you've fixed the above edit.
Personally I'd advise you stick to the one permission in the near future in order to prevent the character from becoming too overpowered. I'm going to approve this for now. You've accidently listed Cutting light as Mage level, so just fix that up when you can. Also do not forget to make a thread in the special permissions registry after you've fixed the above edit.

@JarlJade Okay, thanks. Question; do I apply for the Expert permission only? Or the others too?
@JarlJade Okay, thanks. Question; do I apply for the Expert permission only? Or the others too?

Yes, you only need to apply for the expert permission.

Also, Healing isn't hidden. So? I don't really understand. @JarlJade

Expert level is a special permission in itself regardless whether the magic is hidden or not. One sub form at Expert level counts as one special permission. Light magic is not hidden but if you were to have two Expert level sub forms they would count as two seperate permissions.
I've looked on the wiki and seen that Nelfin don't really age physically until they reach a certain age so.. I was wondering if you'd know the age where I could bump her Barrier Light into Mage level. So, I'm not saying I am editing this, only if you know the age where Nelly would be considered Mage level in her barrier magic? Is the age fine already, or is there need of a specific age bump? Please let me know.
Thanks!~Moon.~ @JarlJade
I've looked on the wiki and seen that Nelfin don't really age physically until they reach a certain age so.. I was wondering if you'd know the age where I could bump her Barrier Light into Mage level. So, I'm not saying I am editing this, only if you know the age where Nelly would be considered Mage level in her barrier magic? Is the age fine already, or is there need of a specific age bump? Please let me know.
Thanks!~Moon.~ @JarlJade

I'm going to be honest I would not suggest that you bump her age up anymore for the sake of learning magic. I think it's a cheap cop out to use Elven aging in order to give your character more magical strength. Being learned in three sub forms, one at Expert, one at Mage and one at Caster is already bordering on being over powered. Keep it as it please.
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Nelly found her mother in the sewers, but not alive.
She restrained her in a cage, and Nelly has kidnapped an Isldar, and made friendship with a Soul Mage.
They plan to put her soul into the kidnapped Isldar.
Nelly now has a scar on her arm, due to Tulla attacking her once the transfer was complete.

Nelly has changed her hair color into drak pink, due to her having a bounty on her, she also wears dresses more often to hide her identity.

I'll put this on the sheet after I've posted this.
No worries this is all seems okay @FabulousMoon. The only thing I'd question is how she got her hands on expensive pink hair dye.
Looking forward to see Nelly's full potential as a death ling, should be exciting to see how she reacts to her other sisters :)