Naming Rant

I tend to use unconventional names for my characters such as Finbarr, Chip, Courtney (people keep thinking he's a she). I never really looked into the time period because it never dawned on me. In the future I'll make sure of the time periods and such, thank you for the idea although I disagree fully with the ages part (point displayed all the way above).
Well as MonMarty stated, the time periods theoretically do not corellate to Aloria's time. So you might want to read his post. What I said is more just speculation and not fact.
For quite a large part of the Medieval era, surnames tended to be quite rare, especially for the poorer people. For one, communities tended to be a lot smaller, so there'd often only be one or two "Harolds" in a village, for example. Removed the need for surnames at all in a lot of situations, so it'd be pretty difficult to find many truly authentic Medieval surnames that suited a character's class.

Furthermore, with Aloria's fantasy setting, it's kind of unnecessary. A lot of the most creative and memorable characters on Massive have names that hold little resemblance to any historical name, and I think this type of original character is part of what makes this community what it is.

There's no real need to enforce such high standards of historical realism on a fantasto setting with loose Medieval influences, in my opinion. It'd limit more than improve, I think, even if it was feasible.

None of this is intended to be insulting of anyone else's views or anything, and I don't claim to be an expert on Medieval naming systems, either. Just my input on a matter that sparked my interest.
For quite a large part of the Medieval era, surnames tended to be quite rare, especially for the poorer people. For one, communities tended to be a lot smaller, so there'd often only be one or two "Harolds" in a village, for example. Removed the need for surnames at all in a lot of situations, so it'd be pretty difficult to find many truly authentic Medieval surnames that suited a character's class.

Furthermore, with Aloria's fantasy setting, it's kind of unnecessary. A lot of the most creative and memorable characters on Massive have names that hold little resemblance to any historical name, and I think this type of original character is part of what makes this community what it is.

There's no real need to enforce such high standards of historical realism on a fantasto setting with loose Medieval influences, in my opinion. It'd limit more than improve, I think, even if it was feasible.

None of this is intended to be insulting of anyone else's views or anything, and I don't claim to be an expert on Medieval naming systems, either. Just my input on a matter that sparked my interest.
Okay, so let me start with this. MonMarty has already said that using time periods in comparison with Aloria's is not possible. So let us drop that point. Next is that, like I have been saying, is to use the wiki for help with naming. Ithanian Ailors usually are based off real world France. The language, culture, and naming is all based off it. Multiple races are based off of a real world culture/race. And nobody is telling anyone to enforce this. I never said I want it enforced. It is just something that annoys me and I put my opinion out there. Character names should never be enforced, and I agree that the freedom of that is important.
Didn't mean to suggest you wanted to "Enforce" anything. Just used it as a way of putting my point out there. Secondly, I only added my opinion, part of which was some elaboration on Marty's point. I'll just reiterate the gist of my point without the detail, if you'd rather not discuss the time period issue. I don't entirely see the point of being annoyed by naming customs, or lack thereof. It's entirely your right to be, though, and I wasn't criticising you for it. In my view, it's one of those things that'll never be perfect, however hard we try, so it's probably one of those things we just have to look past. Thanks for taking the time to reply to me though.
Good points. The facts I made are very much disputable when put into comparison to massive lore. Apologies for that. However, the naming customs set in the lore still apply. So an Alt-Regalisch male would most likely have a German/Dutch name. Again, it just depends on how far you want to go. And it is unfair to say nobody should care about how their character is named. Generalizing a large group of people saying they should not care for something is a tad wrong. I know plenty of people who give their characters name that are more lore-compliant. @SilentsAppeal and I spent an hour arguing in Skype over our rp family's last name for example. People do care about this. But my purpose of ranting was to give out my opinion, not tell others how to roleplay. If someone wants to name their character whatever random name they pick, go ahead. I hope I do not come off accusingly, if so then I am sorry.
I think you're making the incorrect assumption that not caring for naming somehow degrades a person's research of value of the name they came up with. I went trough a large Anglo-Saxon research spree in which I took 10 names and narrowed them down by process of elimination. It took me a full two days to settle with the name Cedric. On the flip side though, I doubt anyone cares how the name was brought to be or how accurate it is. It's just a name and it doesn't make people want to actually interact with me just by itself. Similarly how little people care also doesn't affect how happy I am with the name.

It's kind of like. Laissez-faire.
I'd actually add in PS. that I despise names such as Azure Bloodrinker or Crimson Rockmage (surprise he's a stone mage woo!). naming is kind of like. Let it be cool. The only time when it becomes disruptive to other's immersion is when their name obviously reflects what they do or their habits, which would make their parents foresighted and that's icky.
I'd actually add in PS. that I despise names such as Azure Bloodrinker or Crimson Rockmage (surprise he's a stone mage woo!). naming is kind of like. Let it be cool. The only time when it becomes disruptive to other's immersion is when their name obviously reflects what they do or their habits, which would make their parents foresighted and that's icky.

What do you think of surnames like "Smithson" (son of a smith) or "Bromsson" (son of Brom)?
What do you think of surnames like "Smithson" (son of a smith) or "Bromsson" (son of Brom)?
I realize that this what not directed at me, so apologies for just jumping in. But things like this really get the creative gears turning. See, now you delving into meaning behind names. I think there are certain ways to word things like "Son of a smith" and things like that. However, I do not know for sure. These though are good ideas that can tell alot about someone just by their name.
I realize that this what not directed at me, so apologies for just jumping in. But things like this really get the creative gears turning. See, now you delving into meaning behind names. I think there are certain ways to word things like "Son of a smith" and things like that. However, I do not know for sure. These though are good ideas that can tell alot about someone just by their name.

And then have Smithson be a librarian, just to screw with people... xD
I was following this thread since the beginning and I'm a bit confused now. Should we rather use now names like they did in medieval Europe or should we come up with our own? In medieval Europe it was quite common to have the "Son of" or "Daughter of" in the name and also the surnames "Smith", "Carpenter" etc are not coming from nowhere (, yet we shouldn't use it because it's a common name in the modern US or "too describing"? It might not be the most original name out there, but that's pretty much what people did back then: They weren't really witty when it got to surnames..the Germans had surnames like BƤcker, Ackermann, Schmidt, ArmbrĆ¼ster, Baumgartner, Steinmetz, Faerber, Foerstner, Fuhrmann and so on, and most of them are also describing an occupation and are not really original. I might just sound/look "different" to English native speakers.

I can understand the rant somehow, because I'm trying myself to come up with good names that read well and have a nice sound to it, but some people are just not that good in finding names. Even name generators come up with a lot of crap and it takes ages (at least me) to filter through the suggestions to find a good one.

I also want to add that some people here are just getting into RP and maybe their first Character has a rubbish name - so what. Maybe they also didn't care much because they simply wanted to get started. As long as someone isn't naming their character xXCupid548576Xx I'm fine with that.

The resume for me from this rant is, that I will have another thing to worry about to do "right" before even starting RP in Regalia..
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@Sephite hey there. Never think that you have to do something 'right' to rp in regalia. Everyone rps differently and nobody is the same. Picking a name, at the end of the day, matters little. I just hate seeing dumb names like john smith. I can't think of anyone who would just deny you for a name. I wouldn't deny someone just for a name. It would just slightly annoy me and I would not think about it. Just look at the naming customs in the forums and it will give you a lot of info on the topic.
Woop-de-do. Someone starts another forums thread with a subject that's been beat to death. Stop beating the horse, its already dead. This is a pointless topic and one that has been discussed over the forums many times before.
Woop-de-do. Someone starts another forums thread with a subject that's been beat to death. Stop beating the horse, its already dead. This is a pointless topic and one that has been discussed over the forums many times before.
Nobody told you to read this. Please do not comment on my thread with negative off topic statements.

Well, while I may not RP all that much, I don't particularly mind names that don't fit the time period, but, (no offense to all of you people with names like the ones I'm about to describe) I find it rather disturbing that people share names with nouns. Names such as Axel or perhaps Canyon. Like, what? Doesn't it seem unfair to the kid that they have to live their lives knowing they don't have a name, just a noun?

But, back on subject, I do understand the frustration with reallyyyyyy cheesy and pathetically uncreative names, such as Fang Bloodmoon. Other than that, I don't really see the issue with people having names such as Jones or Smith. They may not be from the time period, but, if you wanna get super realistic, since when was there a giant, hellish realm with lizard people in the real world? And do those lizard people terrorize bearded midgets in the real world? Nope. Cause Dakkar and Dwarves aren't real. This is an RP server, as long as it's not a name like my previous example, I think people can name their character pretty much anything (with some obvious restrictions that are basically common sense).
I'd actually add in PS. that I despise names such as Azure Bloodrinker or Crimson Rockmage (surprise he's a stone mage woo!). naming is kind of like. Let it be cool. The only time when it becomes disruptive to other's immersion is when their name obviously reflects what they do or their habits, which would make their parents foresighted and that's icky.

As has been suggested multiple times in this thread, if you can't come up with your own name, go to a name generator. I've found plenty that are absolutely wonderful (and I even found one for rapper names. Y'all can call me Imperial Dolla Charley C Stubbs or V Hood aka Sinista Beatbox).
Wow you dug up an oldie. Basically an irrelevant post now lmao. I HAVE CHANGED. I CARE MORE NOW. but really just ignore this really old post.
I'd actually add in PS. that I despise names such as Azure Bloodrinker or Crimson Rockmage (surprise he's a stone mage woo!). naming is kind of like. Let it be cool. The only time when it becomes disruptive to other's immersion is when their name obviously reflects what they do or their habits, which would make their parents foresighted and that's icky.
I wanna make a Crimson Rockmage that knows Light magic just a screw with people now.
I would just like to say, that It doesn't exactly matter what century the names came from, It really just matters that you put much effort into it, and do not make it overly obvious what their job is. This had probably been said before-- but I just thought this would be a nice tip <3
As someone who has there age in there role play name, I did this because of how my character acts and talks. How Talia (my character) acts makes her seem older than 17, so I put that in to sort of narrow down my interactions. Some people probably do this because you can not tell people age easily from there avatars, and a say 9 year old should not be flirted with by say, a 31 year old.

and on the name thing, I don't think I have anything to say on that..........
As someone who has there age in there role play name, I did this because of how my character acts and talks. How Talia (my character) acts makes her seem older than 17, so I put that in to sort of narrow down my interactions. Some people probably do this because you can not tell people age easily from there avatars, and a say 9 year old should not be flirted with by say, a 31 year old.

and on the name thing, I don't think I have anything to say on that..........
Unless, of course... @Squeaker555 's character is the 31 year old.
Looking at this post and looking back at myself makes me laugh. Since my first character's name isn't even remotely european to begin with. Like Marty said, I don't mind unconventional names but one could use some deviation away from the cliche'd ones. Creativity is good and names shouldn't get in the ways of it. Since, yeah. It's a fantasy universe after all.
I believe putting an age on your character's name is no problem if they are under twenty. As in those ages there is a big difference that might not be obvious otherwise. Putting '6' for instance, would be appropriate. But '27'? I don't believe so.
Just throwing it out there - My first ever char when I was a noob, had the name "Venditori' Eusant"... And was from Cerdia.
