Naming Rant


ancient gay
May 26, 2015
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So, I keep finding myself annoyed by this. It should not be my concern, nor something that should bother me. However, it does. I am starting to become quite annoyed with people's names they give to their roleplay characters. I will not be using real examples, as I do not want to "call out" any people who fall into this category. I see people with very much lore-incompliant names. This is starting to get to me a bit. Many people use names that are very modern or even more American if you will. Surnames like "Wayne" for example, does not seem very lore-compliant. Wayne is a very "western" name, mostly used in our England, Canada, or USA. Even though the name was first used in around the 14th century, it just does not translate well to the lore of regalia. The english culture is not represented in the lore, therefore making the name odd. Many other names like "Smith" and "Jones" fit into this as well. Many people using Ailor characters tend to make up their last name. Just using random letters that do not fit anywhere. Many people also use very modern first names for their character as well. I have seen one quite a few times, "Hazel". This name did not come around till about the late 19th century and early 20th. Also it originated in USA, Canada, and England. Also adding your character's age next to your nickname is just odd. Not only does it cater to meta-game, it also is just not needed. I wil ask your age if I want to know it. Now this seems very nit-picky. However, is seeing the nickname: "Hazel Wayne '18" not a bit annoying? I know I sound very picky, whiney, and ranty, but this just bothers me and I wanted to put my opinion on the matter out there. I can actually name quite a few examples I have seen, but I do not want to slander anyone here. Apologies if you use this name in roleplay and I have offended you. It is not my place to control rp, but I still want to just put it out there. Please comment with any agreements, disagreements, suggestions for how we can address this, should we address this, etc.
I'd like to add in the overly evil and cliche vampire names. I suppose everyone knows what I'm talking about..
So, I keep finding myself annoyed by this. It should not be my concern, nor something that should bother me. However, it does. I am starting to become quite annoyed with people's names they give to their roleplay characters. I will not be using real examples, as I do not want to "call out" any people who fall into this category. I see people with very much lore-incompliant names. This is starting to get to me a bit. Many people use names that are very modern or even more American if you will. Surnames like "Wayne" for example, does not seem very lore-compliant. Wayne is a very "western" name, mostly used in our England, Canada, or USA. Even though the name was first used in around the 14th century, it just does not translate well to the lore of regalia. The english culture is not represented in the lore, therefore making the name odd. Many other names like "Smith" and "Jones" fit into this as well. Many people using Ailor characters tend to make up their last name. Just using random letters that do not fit anywhere. Many people also use very modern first names for their character as well. I have seen one quite a few times, "Hazel". This name did not come around till about the late 19th century and early 20th. Also it originated in USA, Canada, and England. Also adding your character's age next to your nickname is just odd. Not only does it cater to meta-game, it also is just not needed. I wil ask your age if I want to know it. Now this seems very nit-picky. However, is seeing the nickname: "Hazel Wayne '18" not a bit annoying? I know I sound very picky, whiney, and ranty, but this just bothers me and I wanted to put my opinion on the matter out there. I can actually name quite a few examples I have seen, but I do not want to slander anyone here. Apologies if you use this name in roleplay and I have offended you. It is not my place to control rp, but I still want to just put it out there. Please comment with any agreements, disagreements, suggestions for how we can address this, should we address this, etc.
Lol just tell them the more appropriate lore compliant name then , no use ranting here coz its a player's freedom to RP a certain way and it isnt illegal
You are right about nearly all of this, except one small thing: The ages. There is a huge difference in how you would react upon seeing a little kid being attacked, and seeing a grown man being attacked.
It is impossible to reach perfection , just like how humans can only use 10% of their brain at one point I time.

We can also relate it to pvp , reaching perfection in pvp is impossible , and so is RP , so dont expect people to go around reading the wiki on when was names discovered , 14 , 15 , 16 century coz now people get discouraged to RP knowing that you have to be perfect to RP , that making a mistake in RP is totally a setback and people will hate on u
It is impossible to reach perfection , just like how humans can only use 10% of their brain at one point I time.

We can also relate it to pvp , reaching perfection in pvp is impossible , and so is RP , so dont expect people to go around reading the wiki on when was names discovered , 14 , 15 , 16 century coz now people get discouraged to RP knowing that you have to be perfect to RP , that making a mistake in RP is totally a setback and people will hate on u

Um. That's not how it works. There isn't a list of 'discovered' names on the wiki. You should always do basic research before you start developing a character. This means going through multiple sources, reading up on the time period etc.

You don't have to be 'perfect' to RP, you just have to fit in with the lore.
You are right about nearly all of this, except one small thing: The ages. There is a huge difference in how you would react upon seeing a little kid being attacked, and seeing a grown man being attacked.
There are some extremes where ages would be acceptable yes. But I was more speaking where people do not need to use that. Also most people doing children use mpm to show them being smaller. But yes, in some situations the age is acceptable.
Lol just tell them the more appropriate lore compliant name then , no use ranting here coz its a player's freedom to RP a certain way and it isnt illegal
Well you are mostly wrong. Players all have freedom to RP as they please, but there are lines. You may rp as long as you are fitting into the lore appropriately. Running around regalia as batman shouting obscenities is "rping as you want", but it does not make it right.
Well you are mostly wrong. Players all have freedom to RP as they please, but there are lines. You may rp as long as you are fitting into the lore appropriately. Running around regalia as batman shouting obscenities is "rping as you want", but it does not make it right.

That is very obvious that it is lore incompliant , what i meant was dont expect people to search names on google when it was discovered , just accept it and let them RP , obviously u dont expect people who RP to use superman or batman as names , but Kingston , John , Steve , Richard are all names that are ok
It is impossible to reach perfection , just like how humans can only use 10% of their brain at one point I time.

We can also relate it to pvp , reaching perfection in pvp is impossible , and so is RP , so dont expect people to go around reading the wiki on when was names discovered , 14 , 15 , 16 century coz now people get discouraged to RP knowing that you have to be perfect to RP , that making a mistake in RP is totally a setback and people will hate on u
You are very wrong here. Players who care about this community and want to make the lore work would disagree with you. While you can just join massive, name yourself whatever without any regard to lore, then rp without any wiki research; it does not mean you are lore-compliant. There is a big difference between "Lore-Complaint RP" and just "RP". Same goes for PvP. Someone in your faction sure can run at an enemy with a stick and gold armor. Does not mean they are pvping the RECOMMENDED way. Would you be annoyed if someone in your faction did that? It is the same thing.
Um. That's not how it works. There isn't a list of 'discovered' names on the wiki. You should always do basic research before you start developing a character. This means going through multiple sources, reading up on the time period etc.

You don't have to be 'perfect' to RP, you just have to fit in with the lore.

Some people just want to experience the RP life without being very serious about it . just like pvp not everyone wants to PVP all the time , some wants to do survival and some pvp . not everyone is willing to research so deeply for RP , they have the freedom of names to choose in my opinion
Some people just want to experience the RP life without being very serious about it . just like pvp not everyone wants to PVP all the time , some wants to do survival and some pvp . not everyone is willing to research so deeply for RP , they have the freedom of names to choose in my opinion
It does not make it any less annoying or wrong. Yes, we agree, everyone is free to rp as they please. Just do not expect to get very far without proper lore-compliancy.
Some people just want to experience the RP life without being very serious about it . just like pvp not everyone wants to PVP all the time , some wants to do survival and some pvp . not everyone is willing to research so deeply for RP , they have the freedom of names to choose in my opinion
Most rpers don't like people who just screw around. Sure you are free to rp as you please, like we both said. It does make it right though. Plus, you need to read the post again. I am not telling anyone how to rp. I am simply stating my opinion and stance on the issue. And I will support my arguement thoroughly.
This is exactly why I keep my non-lore compliant RP to myself and friends.
Ok so in the end what do u intend to achieve out of this anyway in general forums
You are very wrong here. Players who care about this community and want to make the lore work would disagree with you. While you can just join massive, name yourself whatever without any regard to lore, then rp without any wiki research; it does not mean you are lore-compliant. There is a big difference between "Lore-Complaint RP" and just "RP". Same goes for PvP. Someone in your faction sure can run at an enemy with a stick and gold armor. Does not mean they are pvping the RECOMMENDED way. Would you be annoyed if someone in your faction did that? It is the same thing.
Just a head's-up, I think you posted this twice.
Why the hell does it even MATTER? Oh, the name doesn't fit perfectly into the timeperiod in a world WITH FREAKING ELVES AND VAMPIRES! Stop expecting everything to be perfectly medieval, it's not, it's a fantasy world and there is no reason for "modern" names to not exist in it since the entire timeline is different, thus making names that are modern very possible.
Why the hell does it even MATTER? Oh, the name doesn't fit perfectly into the timeperiod in a world WITH FREAKING ELVES AND VAMPIRES! Stop expecting everything to be perfectly medieval, it's not, it's a fantasy world and there is no reason for "modern" names to not exist in it since the entire timeline is different, thus making names that are modern very possible.
You... you have read the lore yes?
I stopped reading lore after then 27th rewrite -_-

I restate my point: why does it matter what someone calls themselves in a game?
It matters because everyone who roleplays wants to have fun and do it right. Yes, it is a game and everyone understands that. But, it being a game just strengthens my point. You have no excuse to take 10 minutes to look up a french name, or a german name, etc. You are here to play a game, why not take the extra step to make it all worth it? Like I said, I am in no way trying to tell others how to roleplay. This is my opinion and I cannot speak for why everyone else takes time to make the right character. It just depends your dedication to your character. Do you want to run around being called Jake "Crow" Bloodfist? Or do you want your character to actually be something that is more canon. I would rather roleplay with someone who goes that extra mile. That person would be fun, intelligent, and interesting. It is not a matter of "Why should it matter?", rather "Do you want it to matter?".
Fair enough. I personally think that it shouldn't matter since this is a game, not a job, but each their own.
Wise thoughts there. To each his own. It takes good morals to accept other peoples likings. However, I ask try to keep it that way from now own. You came off a bit condescending, but you usually cannot tell because this is text on the internet.
I don't care for it, and I doubt anyone else should. Aloria is a fantasy universe. Which means we could in theory be in a 2200 IRL year date with a different technological progression. Any sort of comparisons to linguistic and surname culture with real history is inaccurate and pointless as it sets the precedence that you can use IRL history as any sort of guessing tool to determine things in the Alorian Universe.
I don't care for it, and I doubt anyone else should. Aloria is a fantasy universe. Which means we could in theory be in a 2200 IRL year date with a different technological progression. Any sort of comparisons to linguistic and surname culture with real history is inaccurate and pointless as it sets the precedence that you can use IRL history as any sort of guessing tool to determine things in the Alorian Universe.
Good points. The facts I made are very much disputable when put into comparison to massive lore. Apologies for that. However, the naming customs set in the lore still apply. So an Alt-Regalisch male would most likely have a German/Dutch name. Again, it just depends on how far you want to go. And it is unfair to say nobody should care about how their character is named. Generalizing a large group of people saying they should not care for something is a tad wrong. I know plenty of people who give their characters name that are more lore-compliant. @SilentsAppeal and I spent an hour arguing in Skype over our rp family's last name for example. People do care about this. But my purpose of ranting was to give out my opinion, not tell others how to roleplay. If someone wants to name their character whatever random name they pick, go ahead. I hope I do not come off accusingly, if so then I am sorry.
If you really need a name, why not just use a name generator? I found one with names for humans, elves, orcs and then 14th century and pre 14th century and a vampire name generator which DOESN'T give really cliche names. I got the name Theron from it along with ones like Darius and Izira if you have a female character
It is impossible to reach perfection , just like how humans can only use 10% of their brain at one point I time.

Ehm... That is a myth. Humans use AT LEAST 10% of their brain during the day, and much more during recent activities. When reading simple texts people use at least 15% of their brain and much more if they concentrate on what they're reading. If they are doing difficult tasks that concern logics or mathematics, the number can grow up to almost 50%. However, the number never reaches 100%.

That has nothing to do with this thread, but I just had to correct you :3 Cus nerd
If you really need a name, why not just use a name generator? I found one with names for humans, elves, orcs and then 14th century and pre 14th century and a vampire name generator which DOESN'T give really cliche names. I got the name Theron from it along with ones like Darius and Izira if you have a female character
You bring up an excellent point! Like I said, it all depends on how far you want to get into roleplay. But let me explain. The wiki gives you ways to name your character. Most races are based off of real world cultures. The ones that are not, they tell you how they are named. So if you are a vampire, but an Ithanian ailor, then you would MOST LIKELY have a French based name. I say most likely because not all characters are the same. For example... My character, Annette Van Vichten, is a Te'suik vampire. But she was born in Ithania to Ithanian parents. So she was given a French based name. Her last name is Alt-Regalisch because of the vampire family she was taken into. But see my point. Just names can have backstories, and it makes it all that more fun to make your character.
Ehm... That is a myth. Humans use AT LEAST 10% of their brain during the day, and much more during recent activities. When reading simple texts people use at least 15% of their brain and much more if they concentrate on what they're reading. If they are doing difficult tasks that concern logics or mathematics, the number can grow up to almost 50%. However, the number never reaches 100%.

That has nothing to do with this thread, but I just had to correct you :3 Cus nerd

Also know that we do use most of the brain, just not for active thought. The majority of the brains work is entirely subconscious, like regulating hormones, managing internal organs, and the like.

More on topic, I basically attempted to say what Mon said so well :P
I don't see the issue. As long as it's not 'Bloodfang humiedrinker" or something like that, I'm fine with it. Besides, who /cares/ about the name? Shouldn't the character and their personality be much more important?

I mean heck my first character was a New Ceardian named Sakuya. the character was bad but that's beyonD THE POINT. i mean the personality was good, but everything else was bad.
I don't see the issue. As long as it's not 'Bloodfang humiedrinker" or something like that, I'm fine with it. Besides, who /cares/ about the name? Shouldn't the character and their personality be much more important?

I mean heck my first character was a New Ceardian named Sakuya. the character was bad but that's beyonD THE POINT. i mean the personality was good, but everything else was bad.
I agree. The personality is very important for a character. But the name is still important. It is what people will know you by as long as your character lives. Names have just as much weight behind it as the personality. But what is the harm at picking the right name? As long as you are creating a character, what stops you from taking 10 minutes to go the extra mile?
I tend to use unconventional names for my characters such as Finbarr, Chip, Courtney (people keep thinking he's a she). I never really looked into the time period because it never dawned on me. In the future I'll make sure of the time periods and such, thank you for the idea although I disagree fully with the ages part (point displayed all the way above).