Archived Nameplate Toggle

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
Reaction score
This one is simple, but code-wise it might be complicated. I know in vanilla, you can do something similar with command blocks to set teams and make names invisible, but plugin wise I cant find anything on it.

Nametags, especially in large gatherings and events, look horrible. Its pretty much the sole reason I don't record RP events on Massive- if theres more than 20 people its going to be a solid wall of unreadable text in a wall over the entire scene, blocking the view of literally everything.

If its possible, being able to /nameplate off/on would be a huge boon for everyone who wants to take screenshots, make videos, etc.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
The only downside would be the lack of nametags in survival. Perhaps I misread the suggestion, but I'd be in favor if only the player themselves didn't see tags instead of having the whole server not see it.
The only downside would be the lack of nametags in survival. Perhaps I misread the suggestion, but I'd be in favor if only the player themselves didn't see tags instead of having the whole server not see it.
I intend for it to be toggleable, so players can change it on the fly as they like.
This is not possible. Name tags are hard coded. The solution would be to "empty" them, which results in a dark box above everyone's head.
For those of you who were in support of this feature, Conflee found a client sided mod that does the same thing called Nametags Tweaks
For those of you who were in support of this feature, Conflee found a client sided mod that does the same thing called Nametags Tweaks
Yea I forgot to bring that here: Its pretty solid, makes it so you only see names when you look at the player from 8 or less blocks away ish.

This is not possible. Name tags are hard coded. The solution would be to "empty" them, which results in a dark box above everyone's head.
Any way we can get that mod added to the Approved mods list? It has no benefit gameplay wise at all, more a disadvantage if anything. Just a nice thing for people like me who want to see during large events.