~'~ Naerishis Lil' Doodles ~'~


Ice Elf Simp
Apr 26, 2014
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Ohhai there~ ((gif4.gif
I know, I make too many of these but yeah.

So yeah, doodles will be dumped here every so often as practice mostly. ((gif.gif

Raendir Solcphen - Naylar Seedling Yanar [Usual sketch style]

Allar Naylar Bust

Okosuko thing

Puppet dude



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I really like the Chi'ijen and the Naylar seedling, perhaps put the hex one up on the wiki art request page.
So cute! They are all so amazing as well!


Don't ask why I included the gif, just cuteness all around.
Was feeling inspired and Sonya was bounding around with flowers so, yup. This quick thingy happened.

I think I made up my own dress and I'm sorry if I spelt it wrong o.o




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May Binghamton:

I don't know what you need buttt.....

References: Profile Picture (her face and hair)


Head Description
  • May's face is of an oval shape flattening out at the chin. Her nose, also rounded, is small while the eyes are larger but still in an oval shape. And her lips are rather thin and are a pale pink.
  • Her eyes are a blue-grey color like the sky on a cloudy day. And May's lips remain flat, never expressing any emotion, while the rest of her face does the talking. Her eyes are always widened trying to take in as much information as possible, usually from the pages of a book. While the eyebrows settle perked above her eyes in a curious manor.
  • Hair is auburn in color with small waves rolling throughout it. Most of her thick hair is pulled back into a ponytail with an old scrap of fabric. Though, some hair remains forwards to cover her ears and frame her face.
  • Her right ear is always covered with hair because of a small missing chunk on the top most part of the ear's helix. While her left ear has a cartilage piercing. . It is a small silver hoop with one light blue sapphire incrusted in it. However, it is also covered by her hair.
Clothing and Accessories

  • May wears a rougher navy blue and gold dress composed of wool and cotton. It resembling that of a naval jacket. The top comes rather close to her neck with a small lifted collar. The bodice of the dress, which accentuates her nonexistent curves, has six golden buttons to keep the wrapped portion together. These buttons are mis-matched, but all gold, with images pertaining to the sea. These most likely being collected by the tailor of the dress from various markets. Often old, rusted, or have fallen off jackets. May likes to pretend she knows the story behind each of them and where they have traveled to, and who they fought for and against. The sleeves go down to a little past her wrists. On the right side of either sleeve are two faux gold buttons, just as the ones on the front of the dress. The skirt portion of the dress does not billow out very far, staying rather straight up and down. Thankfully there is enough material there to allow for ease of movement in running. The coat-like part of the dress continues down to her ankles, but splits in the middle. The middle split is filled with aged golden ruffles, though luckily no stains to be seen. Finally on her feet she wears timeworn brown socks with three holes in the right one, her favored leg, and one hole in the left big toe area. Over these she wears dark brown boots also well-worn. The top of the boot reaches the middle of her calf. The leather has turned soft, and the treads are almost nonexistent.
  • A satchel always hangs from her right shoulder falling to her left hip. The satchel, brown, is made out of leather. May never lets it leave her side as her best friend and educator gave it to her before he passed away. He always wore it the same and never let it leave his side. It is her most cherished item.

Just tell me if you need more. You are amazing!

first gif didn't work

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Some lil' school doodle thingies...
Sorry about picture tilt, phone to Skype to computer isn't gewd.
(((2.jpg (((1.jpg

Can draw Tyrone, ja?

Character name: Tyrone Delano
Character App: http://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/tyrone-delano-w-i-p.26927/
Art References:
Extra notes: The white thing on his face, is a mask, just to clarify (You can look up "Phantom of the Opera" masks if you want more references). Um..his scars should be drawn prominently (especially the one over his left eye) And he's suppose to have a deep dark brown hair color, not pitch black. And his eyes are a light grey.

I was pondering the other day in biology and thought of something. If Isldar are so cold-resistant, it must be something to do with the way in which their body carries oxygen in the bloodstream, since they don't have any of the adaptations of the cold-resistant animals of today [Small ears, thick fur etc.]. So, if their blood is something similar to that of a mammoth-more cold resistant hemoglobin- then perhaps vampirism would affect them differently to the rest of the Elves... Just food for thought, since I am probably /way/ off with scientific accuracy.

Helethil Vampire [Ice Moon]
With lil' Llewellyn as my model owo

Edit: Humph, brightness was down when I drew this ._.
  • Skin discolouration to a very whitish-blue.
  • The iris turns an icy-white/grey instead of red.
  • Their eyes sport large purple/blue bags.
  • As with most vampires, there is a large intolerance to light.
  • With Helethil, they also cannot stand even the slightest bit of heat from even a torch in their hands. Some Helethil take it as far as to blood-let their victim and allow the blood to sit until their cold surroundings cool it quickly.
  • As with the rest of vampires, they do increase somewhat in strength though not a great deal.
  • They sport the usual Nelfin Vampire trait of four fangs.
  • The veins around the bite severely discolour to produce a near 'snowflake' effect.
  • And, they prefer to feed upon anything that isn't an Isldar or Naylar. They are adverse to feeding on Naylar as their mind, in this state, views them as the children of dragons.
I know it isn't going to be a thing, but its fun to think about.~
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Sooo, I've noticed a lot of the more fab artists doing comics of their RPs and also Liths pretty brill' drawings ... Since I don't get too many RPs interesting enough to art, I instead decided to just doodle characters that mine have met or seen. Might be a WIP, might stay sketchies.

Sooo, theres Lennox who happens to be an adorable shroom with ferrets. @The Golem
Aeson the hawk, nuff said. @Sevatrem
Telvos looking smug at the auction and being a creep. @0romir
Nommy looking cute. @Omnomivore
Ztril just grinning at somethin'. @Eyrok
A hoard of rapidly breeding Watson [Miiice] up there and Rae in the corner.
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Sooo, I've noticed a lot of the more fab artists doing comics of their RPs and also Liths pretty brill' drawings ... Since I don't get too many RPs interesting enough to art, I instead decided to just doodle characters that mine have met or seen. Might be a WIP, might stay sketchies.
View attachment 51167

Sooo, theres Lennox who happens to be an adorable shroom with ferrets. @The Golem
Aeson the hawk, nuff said. @Sevatrem
Telvos looking smug at the auction and being a creep. @0romir
Nommy looking cute. @Omnomivore
Ztril just grinning at somethin'. @Eyrok
A hoard of rapidly breeding Watson [Miiice] up there and Rae in the corner.

Sooo, I've noticed a lot of the more fab artists doing comics of their RPs and also Liths pretty brill' drawings ... Since I don't get too many RPs interesting enough to art, I instead decided to just doodle characters that mine have met or seen. Might be a WIP, might stay sketchies.
View attachment 51167

Sooo, theres Lennox who happens to be an adorable shroom with ferrets. @The Golem
Aeson the hawk, nuff said. @Sevatrem
Telvos looking smug at the auction and being a creep. @0romir
Nommy looking cute. @Omnomivore
Ztril just grinning at somethin'. @Eyrok
A hoard of rapidly breeding Watson [Miiice] up there and Rae in the corner.