Preserved Sheet Nadina Haaven

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Rat Mumther
Jun 10, 2014
Reaction score
Nenyarina Grove
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds


The Ex-Yanar | Converted Humanum | Kade Alchemist

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❀ F u l l N a m e | Nadina Haaven
❀ B i r t h N a m e | Niántha Ysollás Aalviëntá
❀ A g e | 106 Years
❀ G e n d e r | Female
❀ R a c e | Norean Ailor | Altered by The Garden.
❀ C u l t u r e | Imperial
❀ B i r t h R a c e | Yanar
❀ S e x u a l i t y | Pansexual
❀ W e a p o n r y | Diplomacy & Alchemy.

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P r o f i c i e n c i e s | 49/50 points
| Core Proficiencies |
+20 Alchemy Science (20 Investment)
+10 Medical Science (5 Investment, 5 Racial Bonus)
+3 Linguistic Science (3 Investment)
| Talent Proficiencies |
+10 Bodycare Training (10 Talent)
| Hobby Proficiencies |
+5 Needlework Art (5 Hobby)
+5 Mixology Art (5 Hobby)
+15 Horticulture Art (15 Investment)
+6 Husbandry Art (6 Investment)
+5 Theatre Art (5 Alais Passive)
+5 Dancing Art (5 Alais Passive)

B o d y S h a p e | Slim
15 + 10 (divided by 2) = 12.5 Physical Stat
Slim Body Shape | Average Body Fat​
L a n g u a g e s | Trilingual
Common | Common language, learned in Regalia | 10/10
Plains Elven | Parental / First language | 3/10
Modern Altalar | Invested language, taught by her Altalar mentor | 9/10​

❀ A f f l i c t i o n | Vampirism - Alais Bloodline
❀ M u t a t i o n s | 5/5

| Alais Passives |
Crimson Curse
Crimson Guiding
Crimson Lies
Crimson Dressage
Crimson Guile​

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E y e C o l o r | Moss green | Glass eye on the left.
S k i n C o l o r | Light olive.
H a i r C o l o r | Deep brunette.
H a i r S t y l e | Shoulder length, pinned up in crown braids behind her head.
C l o t h i n g | Feminine Imperial fashion in colours of green, blue and gold. Most often long, flowing dresses with a shawl or cape.
A c c e s s o r i e s | A crown of dried Yanar ivy leaves, a metallic bracelet with a curious azure gem, and a custom-built leather Alchemy satchel.​
H e i g h t | 5ft 6"

❀ C r i m s o n F o r m | "The Blood Rose"
Nadina's Crimson Form brings to mind the corruption of her long-lost Yanar heritage. Countless scarlet red roses bloom from her arms and upper body, anchored upon mahogany brambles that protrude from her skin. The more well-fed she is, the brighter and more numerous her roses will appear. These flowers seep red liquid shortly after feeding, futher staining her skin with a pinkish-red hue--not dissimilar to fresh blood. Her ears sharpen to a tall, impish point reminiscent of a Kathar, while her hair and eyes appear a constant bright crimson, unable to be faded or dyed away by any means. The final mutation of her Crimson Form is a demon-like pointed tail, similarly coated in the buds and brambles, which can be moved aesthetically but not used for any utility means.

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Nadina Haaven, prior to Ailor Conversion | 306AC | @MonMarty
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A l i g n m e n t |
Chaotic Good​
During her extensive time walking the face of Aloria, Nadina has toed both sides of the law. She has damned herself to the sewers in a heretical cult, and spent time serving the most prestigious of law-making nobility. As a result, she has developed a neutral, nuanced outlook on the concept of righteousness. Nadina believes that all but the most devout of Void Worshippers have their own ideas of "goodness", and that most are entitled to take their own paths in life. She therefore expects the same respect and allowance in return. Nadina wishes to help protect her city, and the ones she loves from the many travesties that shake it, but she wishes to do so in her own, unorthodox ways.

P e r s o n a l i t y T y p e |
INFJ-T - The Advocate​
An outspoken, compassionate, and thoughtful woman with years of experience at her well-worn heel. Nadina would often be described by friends as a hard-worker and a passionate, if not tired businesswoman, who has sat at the head of some of Regalia's highest diplomatic positions. Though she secretly desires to retire and spend the rest of her years in peace and relaxation, Nadina cannot find the apathy within her to sit idly by while Regalia is wrought with strife. Even without titles or wealth at her support, she has no qualms with making her voice and wisdom known to the public--regardless of what consequences may befall her.

R e l i g i o n |
Sancellian Unionist (4/10)​
Once a highly devout Faith of Estel worshipper, Nadina's spiritual beliefs were forever shaken when her professed Goddess returned to Aloria with a vengeance. Years of prayers and seeking answers from various Arken resulted in no favorable answers for the then-Yanar. It was then that Nadina was formally converted to Unionism: believing that the intangible Imperial Spirit and the union it brings among all faithful peoples will protect the Crown Isle. Internally, she believes that all religions have some basis in the truth, but does not have much faith in any deity's ability to perform the world-changing miracles that they claim. Her belief in Unionism is more of a conceptual one of the Empire's strength than a belief in the physicality of the Spirit.

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• 0 - 30 Y e a r s | Young Yanar Herbalist.
Niántha Aalviëntá was one of many Yanar children born within a Cielothar farmstead in Tanaar Llanara during The Wildering era of Altalar History. Her family were employed upon one of the few wheat plantations as herbalists, growing up in a poor but hard-working community.

As soon as she was mature enough, Niantha was put to work in her mother's clinic to assist in first aid. Here she learned the basics of medicinal plants and received education from the farmstead. However, shortly after Niantha's 22nd Birthday, a Kathar tribe aiming to reach nearby Ivaëlle released an outbreak of Dulofall in the village, which resulted in the complete collapse of the society. While the majority of her family remained under watch of the militaristic Teledden, she resolved to escape the farmstead in search of a safer future.
• 30 - 60 Y e a r s| Regalian Commoner.
Niantha accompanied a band of merchants to the Regalian Archipelago--a place renowned for its opportunities--and took upon a job as a freelance herbalist. She soon sought a position at the Regalian Clinic, finding the environment to be somewhat similar to her family's business.

In 254AC, the young Niantha was offered a working place at Die Akademie von Kaiseman (an Alchemical institute) in Waldmark to better hone her herbalist skills. The Yanar remained at the academy for a total of eight years learning alchemy and medicine, before leaving to start her own business.

Niantha's shop steadily grew in popularity, and she eventually resigned from the clinic to work upon it full-time. She began to take on more of Human culture, and assisted even low aristocracy with her medical expertise. It was through this that she met a Yanar physician named Azelloa Hallevandeia, and wed the similar-minded kin to grow a family together under their combined wealth.​

• 60 - 90 Y e a r s | Unlikely Aristocracy.
As her skills grew in renown, Niantha earned the unlikely role of a Kade servant due to her connections with a well-regarded Teledden Altalar servant— Shayanne Crassian. She was therefore forced to imperialize: choosing to take the name Nadina Haaven with her family following suit.

By early 300AC, Nadina had built a local monopoly on alchemical remedies. She funded her apothecary into a medical charter, and alongside her growing family, acclaimed enough wealth to be deemed an Aristocrat. Over the preceding years, she lived in relative luxury in a modest town estate, managing her business from afar.​

• 90 - 106 Y e a rs | The Rise and Fall.
During a series of unfortunate political events covering the years 306 and 307AC, Nadina abruptly lost the wealth that she had accrued over the previous years. Revoked of her titles by the conservative government at the time, it was then that Nadina sought the Regalian Peace Garden--a Draconic ruin rumoured to hold the capability of granting bodily changes. Within, she prayed to be elevated from her Yanar race and severed from Estel. Much to her surprise, her prayers were answered: in exchange for lifelong subservience to the Imperial Dragon, Nadina was transformed into a pure Norean Ailor.

Since her conversion to Humanum, Nadina has slowly assimilated back into the human society that moulded her. She regained her position as Kade Alchemist and settled down with a small business in order to keep herself afloat. However, in her naivety and hunger to regain the wealth she lost, Nadina found herself infected with Alais Vampirism by her royal employer. While her hopes to start her life anew continue, time will only tell how the blood curse affects her worn personality.
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☼ Character Flavour
Extended Reading:
Vastly outdated, needs updating.
Niantha bust, 303AC. By @MonMarty
Apothecarist Ni, 303AC. By @Naerishi

Niantha Heiwynn, 304AC. By @Gabriel

Niantha bust, 304AC. By @MonMarty

Nadina Haaven, 305AC. By @VanCeryneia

Nadina Haaven, 305AC. By @sparrowstew

Nadina & Zaan Haaven, 306AC. By @Annju

Nadina Haaven, 306AC. By @WildRoze
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Terrible. Do it again.

Peer Review:

Add Nico to weapon of choice.
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Here's my review -
  • Personality and Abilities:
    • The third paragraph should delineate more clearly between friends and family, unless she treats them as the same (which I don't think is appropriate for most characters).
Mark this change in red and tag me when you're done.
Just a minor update here. Here is the change log for you to review:
  • Shortened some of the personality paragraphs slightly, though the content has not changed.
  • Well-learned has been renamed to Scholarly, and has been reworded to specify her knowledge on Dimenthism.
  • Removed the Polearm Self-defense talent entirely, as it always felt a bit tacked-on. She still has basic understanding of how to pick up and thrust, but nothing that should be considered a talent.
  • Leadership Skills has been changed to the more specific Eloquent Tongue.
  • The life story was supposed to have been shortened, but it doesn't look all that much shorter... Either way, the bulk is the same.
The titles of significantly edited sections have been marked in pinkish red!
(I'll quickly note here that I may end up shortening the life story further to try and reduce bulk, but again it shouldn't be anything significant or review worthy. If it is, I'll tag you.)
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An update!
Since the previous reviewer is no longer a member of staff, this will likely be needing a full re-review!
Here is a list of things I have changed:

  • A few visual information bits have been changed to reflect the Yanar rewrite.
  • The personality traits have been completely rewritten.
  • The Scholarly strength has been replaced with Dimenthism Knowledge.
  • Two weaknesses have been removed due to lack of use (hope this is okay!)
  • The life story has had a number of changes to reflect the Yanar rewrite.
Changing the tag to "Needs Reviewer"!

You fiend you didn't mark anything in a separate color.
  • Can you clarify a bit more what she knows about Dimenthism Knowledge? I'm aware there's no proper school for it, but perhaps maybe mention a skill level like the intellect schools.
Hopefully that should clear things up! I've marked the edits in blue.
I can't really assign a skill level to her knowledge because it's limited solely to things she has learned in-character from Selwynn, which are very niche concepts. She's missing a lot of the basics (like Binral Essence and Vilitatei knowledge ) but knows the origins of a lost civilization, for example.
Proficiency update!
  • The skills information has been changed for the new Proficiency System!
  • The names of various academies have been corrected in the life story.
Changing the tag to "Needs Reviewer"!
☼ Skill Information ☼
  • Proficiency Points (55/60 Used)
    • +30 Alchemy (+10 School of Alchemy, +25 Free points)
    • +10 Quick Fingers (+10 School of Alchemy)
    • +20 Medicine (+20 Free points)
    • +10 Void/Exist Knowledge (+10 Free points)
    • +5 Nelfin History (+5 Free points)
  • Cultural Points (25/60 Used)
    • +30 Horticulture (+10 School of Alchemy, +20 Yanar bonus)
    • +10 Husbandry (+10 Free points)
    • +5 Poetry (+5 Free points)

  • You spent 70 points in proficiency. 10 for School of Alchemy, 25 into Alchemy, 20 into Medicine, 10 into Void/Exist Knowledge and 5 into Nelfin History. Cut back by ten points as you're over the cap.
  • Also, you have only spent 15 in cultural, not the 25 you listed.
Mark your edits in red and tag me when you have made the appropriate changes. @Eccetra
I think I fixed it! I decreased her Medicine skill by 10 and increased her Husbandry skill by 10. Also corrected an error I made in Alchemy calculations.
Another thing to point out. Given that she has no skill in any form of polearm, her weapon of choice is probably better served as being unarmed. @Eccetra
Proficiency update!
  • I have played around with Nadina's proficiencies a bit, adding Diplomacy and removing Elven History.
  • Poetry has been removed from Cultural proficiencies in favor of Literature, Drawing, and a bit of Pastry Cooking!
  • Nadina's body build has been changed to Skinnyfat as a result of Ovalation.
Everything new is marked in Blue! @AptlyRatley
I don't know how I keep forgetting to change these... Here we go. @AptlyRatley
It's time for an update, don't you think?
  • As I find that I enjoy medical RP far more than alchemy RP, I have switched her from School of Alchemy to School of Medicine.
  • I've given her a bit more proficiency in horticulture, and played around with the lesser cultural proficiencies.
  • I have altered her personality and life story in places to reflect a recent progression that occured with the slum-riddle mysteries!
  • If the life story is too beefy now, let me know and I'll trim it of the fat a bit!
Everything new is marked in Blue! @Bagley_
(Hopefully I haven't fudged up the proficiency points this time...)
I finally updated Nadina's app to the new proficiency format!
  • The Skills section has been changed, along with a small clause added to the end of the life story to account for recent happenings.
New bits marked in blue! @Bagley_
Hello! I am bringing Nadina back for a sort of "last hurrah" and to tie up some of the loose threads that I left when I took my break from the server. As such I've updated her app a little.
  • Proficiency points have been updated.
  • A new section to the life story has been added to account for her recent disappearance.
The new parts are marked in magenta!
Nadina has been updated to the new character app format! Her personality points have also been jostled a bit, as I'd like to transition her into a more scholarly niche than a medical one.
Here are a list of changes:
  • Age has been raised by 20 years.
  • Proficiency points have been reshuffled.
  • Personality section has been entirely redone.
  • Life story has been trimmed and re-formatted slightly.
Requesting a new reviewer!
Please make the following edits:
  • I don't believe Low Muscle is a body shape in the new body stat section. However Yanar Ovalate, so you aren't limited to your body stat points. Please update this with a body shape they wish to absorb.
Once you've made the following edits tag me!
Proficiencies updated! Everything else remains the same.
I may do a small amount of tweaking later on, as I want to pretty up the aesthetics.
This is going to be a weird one to review. Nadina had her race changed through the Regalian Peace Garden run by Spunsugar. This is entirely IC and should hopefully still be lore compliant. I've added it to the life story and updated the Basic Information. Hope this is okay!