Archived My Denizen Vampire Script

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Sep 8, 2013
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Hey guys here is my denizen vampire script if you guys want to use it go for it, what it does it when a vampire npc attacks you, you become a vampire but once you're a vampire you become friends and if you wear a mob head he wont attack you if you're not a vampire

  type: assignment
  interact scripts:
  - 10 Sitting
    On Assignment:
      - trigger name:proximity toggle:true radius:10
    On Enter Proximity:
      - run script:Spotted
    on hit on player:
    - if !<player.flag[isVampire]> {
      - narrate "You have been hit by the Vampire!"
      - execute as_server "v set v yes <>"
      - flag isVampire
  type: Task
    - if <> == 397 && <> == 2 {
      - chat "<&e><&l>Look a fellow member of the undead!"
      - walkto location:<server.flag[Vampire_Spot]>
      } else if <> == 397 {
      - chat "<&e><&l>Look a fellow member of the undead!"
      } else if <player.flag[isVampire]> {
      - chat "<&e><&l>Greetings fellow vampire"
      } else {
      - run VampireAttack
  Type: task
    - random {
      - chat "<&4><&l>I see the human!"
      - chat "<&4><&l>Attack!"
    - run script:VampirestopAttack delay:15s
    - attack
  Type: Task
    - random {
      - chat "<&e><&l>He's too fast"
      - chat "<&e><&l>Where is he!"
    - if <player.location.distance[<npc.location>]> > 15 {
      - chat "<&e><&l>He's not worth my time"
      - attack stop
      - walkto location:<server.flag[Vampire_Spot]>
      } else if <player.location.distance[<npc.location>]> < 10 && <player.location.distance[<server.flag[Vampire_Spot]>]> < 25 {
      - run VampireAttack
      } else {
      - attack stop
      - walkto location:<server.flag[Vampire_Spot]>
      - chat "<&e><&l>I have to stay close to the lair"
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
isn't this the vampire plugin website? i thought i would share this its good if you have citizens 2 and quester plugin
the point is to add vampire mobs that could react realistically, or at least that is what i think it is for.
isn't this the vampire plugin website? i thought i would share this its good if you have citizens 2 and quester plugin

This isn't exactly the Vampire plugin website, but the owner of Massivecraft codes several plugins like the races plugin. Although seems interesting, this isn't the vampire plugin website, this is the forums for Massivecraft server.
You could fork the Vampires plugin repository here on GitHub.

Other than that, moved to Feature and Idea Discussion as it could be a possible code implementation function.
For anyone who can't understand, This is a code... say hello to the code. This Code would make a creature in the game, that would act like an NPC vampire, it would infect you with the disease and would integrate vampires more into the game. I personally approve this, I think it's pretty cool to have some NPC's that are a bit tougher than just Zombies and stuff, One vote from me.
For anyone who can't understand, This is a code... say hello to the code. This Code would make a creature in the game, that would act like an NPC vampire, it would infect you with the disease and would integrate vampires more into the game. I personally approve this, I think it's pretty cool to have some NPC's that are a bit tougher than just Zombies and stuff, One vote from me.

Looking though the code again, the vampire would also talk, adding a new aspect of Role play into the game.
I don't know, I just feel this isn't for massivecraft, I've seen plugins they're just generic stereotyped versions, although I guess it could be changed around for the sake of massivecraft. :) I think it should be left to actual people rather than NPC's.
Yes, this is a better way to become a [through meeting one in rp] vampire instead of G:"Plz make meh vamp! I will pay you fo blud!!!" One Vote from me; and this would make it harder and rarer to be vampire
Hey guys here is my denizen vampire script if you guys want to use it go for it, what it does it when a vampire npc attacks you, you become a vampire but once you're a vampire you become friends and if you wear a mob head he wont attack you if you're not a vampire

  type: assignment
  interact scripts:
  - 10 Sitting
    On Assignment:
      - trigger name:proximity toggle:true radius:10
    On Enter Proximity:
      - run script:Spotted
    on hit on player:
    - if !<player.flag[isVampire]> {
      - narrate "You have been hit by the Vampire!"
      - execute as_server "v set v yes <>"
      - flag isVampire
  type: Task
    - if <> == 397 && <> == 2 {
      - chat "<&e><&l>Look a fellow member of the undead!"
      - walkto location:<server.flag[Vampire_Spot]>
      } else if <> == 397 {
      - chat "<&e><&l>Look a fellow member of the undead!"
      } else if <player.flag[isVampire]> {
      - chat "<&e><&l>Greetings fellow vampire"
      } else {
      - run VampireAttack
  Type: task
    - random {
      - chat "<&4><&l>I see the human!"
      - chat "<&4><&l>Attack!"
    - run script:VampirestopAttack delay:15s
    - attack
  Type: Task
    - random {
      - chat "<&e><&l>He's too fast"
      - chat "<&e><&l>Where is he!"
    - if <player.location.distance[<npc.location>]> > 15 {
      - chat "<&e><&l>He's not worth my time"
      - attack stop
      - walkto location:<server.flag[Vampire_Spot]>
      } else if <player.location.distance[<npc.location>]> < 10 && <player.location.distance[<server.flag[Vampire_Spot]>]> < 25 {
      - run VampireAttack
      } else {
      - attack stop
      - walkto location:<server.flag[Vampire_Spot]>
      - chat "<&e><&l>I have to stay close to the lair"
As much as I dislike vamps... I love the idea...
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