My Ban

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Aug 13, 2015
Reaction score
(BTW try to imagine a very dramatic person doing this, it helps)

Dranatic person: So... let me tell you a tale. There was once a really cewl guy known as MattTheKid2003. He RP'd pretty well... but then he got BANNED. Why? Because of a joke gone wrong! He waited long... but still with his efforts had shown, no REWARD! But now in a matter of days.... Judgement reply! When the authoritaih of the server judge the player, innocent or guilty! He has made a new character, A NEW START.

Me: Dafuq?

But srsly tho in a matter of days the staff will judge me and see if my ban should be accepted. So root for me in my attempt to get in the server! And if you don't wanna well...

I'm going to go ahead and lock this. Discussing your ban is meant to be done between staff and yourself only.

Please show some patience til the ban appeal team can review your appeal.
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