Mutiny In The Far West Sea!



Week 9 - Lore Story


The Grand Armada made its way along the Elven-held coasts of the Far West Sea at full speed, waves lapping at the hulls of the Calemberg Third Liners. Further and further the Regalians sailed, in hot pursuit of their makeshift foe. After a number of days, however, the lack of a place for the Regalian ships to port, and the fact that there were not enough ships in the fleet to hold enough supplies to counter this, began to take its toll. The Regalian crewmen grew nervous, while the elves in their shoddy vessels escaped deeper and deeper into enemy territory still.

The crews began to voice their fears to their officers. "Captain, we ain't got 'nough food to last another 3 days!" said a particular crewman to Captain Maxence Peirgarten, one such officer to find himself in a strenuous situation. The Peirgarten gripped the wooden balcony, calling, "Non, hold fast! We can last a little longer!" before reaching for his spyglass in an effort to catch any glimpses of the enemy fleet, and to also maintain an eye on the Regalian signal vessels. "But we ain't go' the stores!" another crewman persisted. On the lower decks, Peirgarten's crew silently formed a cluster of murmurs and whispers while Peirgarten himself continued barking orders to his helmsman. Seizing their opportunity, the crewmen gathered up axes, cutlasses and poles, and rose up against their strained Captain. "We be not endin' our days starvin' at the bottom of an elven puddle!" They rallied, converging on Captain Peirgarten, whose hands were too tied to notice the amalgamation of mutinous intent, he and his officers' only way now of escaping being detained by his mutinous crew being to jump overboard. The Captain's stay in the water was short-lived however, as nearby Captain Apoleno sailed by to fish Maxence out, while Maxence's mutinous crew sailed off into the gleaming sunset.

Captain Brydon Howlester also unfortunately suffered a similar mutinous fat during the scene.

Realising the futility of continuing onwards any further, Admiral Black gave the orders for the Armada to return to the Hadar Sea, where fresh supplies awaited them on-board the d'Ortonnaise vessels. Captain Maxence grumbled to Captain Apoleno the whole way back, which earned him a forgiving smile, and a pat on the back as the day drew to an end.


Rolls (performed in-game by the participants, in front of each other; see screenshots):


Christopher Black - 20 (no mutiny)
Sonja Apoleno - 16 (no mutiny)

Brydon Howlester - 8 (mutiny)
Maxence Peirgarten - 4 (mutiny)

This Lore Story is Canon Insight into the Mutiny befalling the Grand Armada in the recent World Progression, written by the members of the Grand Armada.
@Anseran @Film_Noir @Tenmaku @_Owlet