Mumbling Art: Limited Freebies

What's MumbleBear's nickname?

  • ur r mumbles ok

    Votes: 39 88.6%
  • lolno ur bear

    Votes: 5 11.4%

  • Total voters
Pshh, I'll draw him. It may take a while since I'm drawing the other characters atm.

Dis is Hana, probs will be morphed into a Chi'en-Ji mix.

Added 12-13-14 [Hana]
Awh, yes. After getting inspired by a lot of artwork, I drew up this. It's nice because you don't really need to color.

Added 12-15-14 [Possibly a new char design?]

Ign: Vyi.

Character Name: Ayumi Xie.

Gender: Female.

Race: Talar Nelfin & Ch'ien-Ji hybrid.

Body Description:

Standing at 5'2" and weighing approximately 98 pounds, Ayumi is a rather petite lady, exhibiting a delicate figure and a feeble appearance. Her height often rouses confusion which causes her to be mistaken for an adolescent, appraising the assumed semblance of a pure Talar at first glance. Diminutive in its choate format, her abdomen is flat and proclaims no obvious signs of apparent muscle or excess fat. A slight curve upon her torso morphs into a slender waist, migrating anent a gap between the thighs and a modest knock-knee structure comprising her sylphlike legs, its roots arising from an inborn distortion diagnosed as 'genu valgum'. Absent of an immensely salient existence, it distributes no confirmation of foisting any malaise nor drastic maneuvering restrictions, other than a trifling limp and the simple verity that she is unable to properly straighten her legs to an absolute extent. Neither a routine of accustomed exercise nor inherent strength is discernible, sowing the seeds of lithe arms and frail ankles to further validate her vulnerable state of physical weakness.

Ayumi's tone of flesh is a pale pigment, containing a vague hue of a flourishing, olive sun-kissed. Ayumi has multiple freckles scattered across her cheekbones and the bridge of her nose; the messy speckling spreads in a haphazard pattern, adorning her shoulders, scapulae, and clavicles, whilst a roseate blush accentuates her generally pallid countenance.

Head Description:

Cherubic, almost – an impression drawn due to holding a relatively round contour, her face is distinguished through the presence of a short, button nose, ample doe eyes, and cute, pudgy cheekbones that rest high upon her visage. She has small lips displaying a daintily plump facet, whittling themselves in somewhat of an innocent or pouting expression without deliberate intent. A jawline deficient in any genre of keen prominence fades fluently into a dulcet chin, that of which demurs to bulge outward boldly nor falter from its frugal width. Her teeth are slightly crooked, cherishing a negligible overbite. Two elongated ears protrude lateral from her skull, craning into blunt nubs at their finale – pitiable by breadth in comparison to the folk of her kin. In contempt of abiding by a fraught life, she, as a young woman, falls remarkably vacant of wrinkles or unattractive blemishes, flaunting none other than a youthful image.

Ayumi's irises divulge a serene and solacing shade of golden, honoured by twinkling gleams that illumine the lustrous hues of honeyed tinges. As if demonstrating albinism, a verging white chroma graces her frangible lashes, presenting a fair tint akin to her hair.

Ayumi's hair is a light, ashen blonde color, consisting of an exiguous tinge similar to beige. The long locks tumble to the small of her back, kempt free-flowing to maintain a subtle waviness that swirls into a flowering of flaccid curls at the ends. A garland of loose braids embellish each side of her head, connecting astern before weaving together. Her bangs cascade as a prim fringe, halting just above the hollows of the eyelids, whilst a shorter layer of wispy tresses frame her florid cheeks in an aspect of perfection. ( My forums avatar may be used as a reference for her hairstyle. )

Clothing & Accessories:


Ayumi wears a kimono with an obi. Over her upper anatomy she wears a creme cloak with scarlet ribbons attached to the hood. A golden rose brooch secures the diverge together. Attached to the cartilage of her right ear is an intricate, golden cuff accessory.

( Don't be afraid to request more information on the outfit if need be. ♡ )

Background Color: #E8CBC5.

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IGN: PandaSkies
GENDER: Female
RACE: Talar Elf
APPEARANCE (u need to be very detailed): C: But, I'm not sure if its updated, but her bangs are currently split to frame her face. And uh, for clothing..
That good? C:
Crimson Red.

IGN: verityg
CHARACTER NAME: Lyla Anne Linscott
GENDER: Female
RACE: Qaadir
APPEARANCE: HEREHERHEHRERE (wearing her casual outfit ye)
BACKGROUND COLOR: Caramel? You can decide. c:

Amelia Lydar




Ailor Human [ Chyga ]


Visual Information

Body Description ~

• Amelia has the average build of a scholar. She is quite short and rather slender; standing at roughly 5 foot and 3 inches tall. She weighs 77 pounds. She's clearly underweight, and lacks strength anywhere on her body. Due to her being a Chyga Vampire; she lacks any physical impurities other than her worrying weight.

• Amelia's rather lightly skinned. She is almost covered in freckles that she once hated, but now likes to think complements her looks. Due to being a vampire; most of the scars from her life have completely healed to be replaced with perfectly smooth skin.

• Amelia finds long hair incredibly hard to maintain, and the risk of someone grabbing it too great. She also doesn't think she suits it, and thus has shortly cut hair. The rest of the hair on her body is completely shaved, as she finds it messy and thus wishes to remove it from her.

Head Description ~

• Amelia's head is rather oval-shaped. She has a lightly defined diamond jawline which compliments a small rounded chin. Her small button-like nose fits between her less than defined cheekbones, and her relatively full cheeks. Small rounded eyes sit under thin, low resting eyebrows that match the ginger of her hair. Quite a few freckles dot her beautiful face, complimenting her smooth pale skin.

• Amelia's eyes are a light amber that almost match the colour of her bright ginger hair. Her natural expression comes across as rather charming, however an obvious hint of cheek or deviousness can be seen if one pays attention. This also transfers to whatever expression she currently holds. Unless she is deliberately trying to hide it. She used to have a habit of sticking her tongue out, however... Forked tongues usually don't bode well when stuck from the mouth of what looks like an Ailor Human.

• Amelia has short/medium length hair, which just reaches her shoulder area. The colour of this shoulder length hair is quite a light shade of ginger, although to some it may be described as 'orange'. Her hair moulds around her face nicely, complimenting her features; as if her hair was the boarders of a picture frame, and her face: the picture.

Rough description of clothing~

Amelia's fashion sense is a rather simple one. She prefers tight-fitting clothes to dresses and the likes, as they allow for easier/increased mobility. She prefers dark clothing as it makes hiding easier. Most of her attire is stolen, and thus of higher quality than mere rags. She cleans her clothes regularly as she hates being dirty.




Red, Green, or Black =)
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All apps have been accepted btw, one slot left since I changed it to six for now. Probably going to open up some more after I finish the current ones.

FOR @kizzlez :D

Added 12-19-14 [Arabella Monataigu]
Ah! Ah! Pick meee~ :3 Such cute art ow o"

IGN: ObscureKoala
CHARACTER NAME: A'ishah Zahirah
GENDER: Female
RACE: Qadir.
APPEARANCE: A'ishah stands at a height of 5'10 with a slender, athletic frame weighing in around 138 pounds. Some would say her hair is the color of the darkest pupil and her iris the color of untouched gold. She is typically found wearing lightweight clothing that allows her to move swiftly in between attacks. The fabric of her clothing is certainly not cheap looking- perhaps a little dusty, but far from peasant-like. Her lips are very defined as much as her collarbones and jawline is. Cheekbones high and prominent, she stands with confidence wherever she goes, arrogance obviously present. Her common expression is a very light smirk.
BACKGROUND COLOR: A light blue color.
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I know the freeby thing is all filled up but do you do commissions?

Your art is amazing.

Happy Holidays
Oh, I forgot that dere was a question; I could take a commission if you wanted.

Eee, I have all the art ready to line; just haven't had a chance to finish them off.
dese r rlly gud, i luf ur rt. it insprs mi 2 drw.
AHHHHHH If you open up more slots I'mma just drop this here I am fantastic with time management I promise.
IGN: Thorodax
RACE: Ailor Human
APPEARANCE (u need to be very detailed): AH ITS STILL IN THE WORKS BUT HERE
BACKGROUND COLOR: Darkpurple? I dunno I'll leave you down to your superb judgment

omg, edited the picture @Vyi

Eeeee, Camel I luv ur art too.~

I'll probably get around to doing Thomas Kade's, since I need to practice drawing men.

How about dis? I'll just attach the file anyways.


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IGN: 0romir
CHARACTER NAME: Telvos Aicanasso Vanimba
RACE: Nelfin of the Lothar subrace
APPEARANCE (u need to be very detailed): All of the written details are here-
Though for your benefit, I'll post the specifics c:
  • As is custom for Nelfin, Telvos' face is rather angular with a slanting jawline (leading down towards a cleft chin) and high, defined cheekbones. Between these sit his nose, a rather long and pinched feature of his face with a pointed septum and small nostrils. Alongside this, Telvos has the normal pointed ears of a Nelfin.
  • Telvos possesses small, ovular eyes underneath narrow brown eyebrows, with the appearance of being slightly sunken in. They are of a soft steel-blue hue, the irises well-rounded and keeping a bright, glistening shine. Being of a usually cheery demeanour, his lips (despite being somewhat pale and thin) are usually curled into a smile.
  • This particular Lothar bears dark chestnut-brown coloured hair upon his head, kept long and well-tended to. It hangs low down his back, reaching in-between his shoulder blades. His hair also features two twisted braids which lead to the back and form a ponytail, held together by a thin golden clip. His fringe consists of two thick locks of hair each side of his face which hang roughly to his cheek level, but do not impede his vision.
  • His face has no scars at all or any other form of visual injury, and Telvos maintains a youthful, handsome visage of a 23-year old. Jewellery-wise, Telvos has a slim iron ring through his right earlobe inscribed with a serpentine inlay of golden celebalda metal. This is the only jewellery he possesses, as his light narcissism pushes him to better his appearance and he keeps it as one of the sole things left bequeathed to him by his dear Yave.
If you'd like some reference pictures, then have some right here!
images (1).jpg
His fringe
Meant to look somewhat like this facially
images (2).jpg
Something along those lines for the hair, but with the ponytail longer and coming over his shoulder.
BACKGROUND COLOR: I don't mind really, any range of greens or blues would do.
Oh my god, I'm loving the black and white ones =o

You know what I'd love for my character? A black and white one, but with the orange-autumn hair, and perhaps the light-orangish auburn eyes. Imagine how nice that would look as a contrast against the black and white o3o

I'm no artist but this stuff is awesome x3
Eee, you don't have to pay me; I like being a generous person when I can!


Added 12-31-14 [A'ishah Zahira]
If you're still taking commisions, I'd love to order some art.~

IGN: Eledana
GENDER: Female
RACE: Talar Elf

APPEARANCE (u need to be very detailed): An elf with big, icy blue eyes(though I know you're going for black and white, if you're looking for detail, I'll throw in the colours anyways), and a smirk. Her cheekbones are high, yet don't dominate her face. Her hair is long and slightly waved, almost a white colour, and she tends to wear nice dresses that suit her frame well. She isn't particularly strong, and her collarbone continues past her shoulders. She's a neat hourglass figure, being somewhat thin, yet not ridiculously.

Her nose is button small, making her eyes the highlight of her face, giving her somewhat of a cute look. You could totally either give her a somewhat blank or worried expression or a smirk with her eyes closed and amused. Go for whatever you think suits her best. In terms of her personality, she's a big believer of Estel, and appreciates nature, particularly plants and flowers, and she's pretty polite and calm. Other than that, I think I can just throw in the skin and some idea of what she would look like. If you can pull it off, you could try having her somewhat in the position of the reference picture, but you can pretty much just go wild.

BACKGROUND COLOR: #fee0ff or some other pastel colour. Whatever looks best!~


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*kawaii sparkly eyes*

I'll be working on the other requests over the the next week, 'cause school is coming up. Here's quick sketch since I enjoy doing traditional. I'll clean it up later, I think.


Reserving if you are still doing commissions-free thangs. I'll do it after I get outta the car ride back from the mountains.