Mother & Son: Part One


Thorlad: 16 + 4 (age in story) = 20
Cerridynn: 36 - 16 (years she has had him) = 20

Wearing a robe and her hair full of knots, Cerridynn padded down the hallway to the main hearth of her home. A glow of coals from the hearth, located at the center of the room, illuminated the spacious area.

Drying herbs hung from a rack at the ceiling which was attached by lengths of cord to the rafters arching across as support beams for the roof. Logs held said rafters in place and were decorated with fabrics of reds and blues, runic carvings ran the length of some logs to bring flare to the room. Few wolf furs piled neatly across seats surrounding the hearth which made way for eating at the fire itself or at the grand oak table which was located further to the back of the room running lengthways. Pots and pans dotted the shelves of the room as well as a plethora of growing plants, books and containers holding dried meats or other cooking necessities, a shield hung at the end of the square room which faced a large, dark oak door also etched with runes.

Eirik Valdemar (Ulfmaerr), her brother, stood in the arched doorway to her home with a bundle of cloth tucked neatly into basket laying at his feet. The doorway was miniscule compared to a bulky man like him. Cerridynn stopped a few paces further from archway and faced Eirik with a curious expression but said nothing as he reached down and passed her the basket with tenderness.

"Ye sure you want him?" He grumbled through his northern burr.

"Yknow I can' let him be given to another." Cerridynn replied after a moment of awe.

Her hand reached into the basket and revealed the face of a small, sleeping, four year old boy- Thorlad. She was to adopt the boy and raise him as if he were her own, this task was rather large for the twenty year old priestess but she was adamant to give the babe a home. It was a secret she was to keep until Thorlad was ready to know. With a nod and a rough goodbye, Eirik shouldered past the entrance and closed the door with a soft click leaving the sleeping Thorlad and Cerridynn alone together.
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I can see a grand, exciting, and tiresome future for Cerri. :P
