Archived More "attention" On Regalia's Tavern

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Free as a bird - And this bird you can not change.
Nov 25, 2012
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Recruit more bartenders who are active or just make the tavern sistem like it was before, WIth a shop. The bartender idea was great, So maybe you could do the old drinking sistem ( Drink Shop ) and the bartender thingy. That's what I think. Feel free to comment what you think...
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I do agree with this completely. They should re-make the drink shop since it seems there is never any bartenders and the tavern is ALWAYS busy. Barkeep are deffiently good for roleplay and give the tavern a more authentic feel. But, if there will not be any avalible bartenders out normally.. They really should install the drink shop again.
I think we just need a new center of attraction, most rp happens near the tavern
The drink shop is a good idea, but then who would the money go to?
I roleplay as a bartender a lot, it's fun till some idiots comes in screaming fake and I was disrupting roleplay. I lnow I'm not a hired bartender I do it for fun I don't even charge people.
I think the problem is that the bartenders have other things to do. Of course, an easy solution is to hire more and have them take even shifts.
The old system was flawed. We're currently accepting applications for a bartender or two, so fill it out if you wish. Do note that we will not return to the old system.
The old system was flawed. We're currently accepting applications for a bartender or two, so fill it out if you wish. Do note that we will not return to the old system.
Writing such a sweeping statement is fine but back it up with information, how was the old system flawed? Or is that just because igel was the owner and now he's not a mod you don't want to copy his legacy? Which btw would be totally understandable
Writing such a sweeping statement is fine but back it up with information, how was the old system flawed? Or is that just because igel was the owner and now he's not a mod you don't want to copy his legacy? Which btw would be totally understandable
lolno. The old system was flawed because Igel made so much silver and all he had to do was set up chest. It wasn't fair to allow one person to make so much money on something only he could do. Then he had all those "employees" who did nothing and got paid for it.
lolno. The old system was flawed because Igel made so much silver and all he had to do was set up chest. It wasn't fair to allow one person to make so much money on something only he could do. Then he had all those "employees" who did nothing and got paid for it.

How about some admin makes the shop owner (of the chestshops and thereby the one who recieves the money) either @hawkeye or @console? Since both are only token players who do not really exist no Person would get the silver.

IF and only IF it is possible for an admin to transfer money from one/both of these acounts it could be used for refund situations (for example when a owners of regions that get deleted get refunded) instead if having the staff member pay it out of his/her own pocket. Of course there would be more POSSIBLE uses for that money such as a low pay for suppliers of the shop (unless you can make it auto self sulplying).
I think that would be an acceptable variant IMAO, altough I have to admit that I do not know IF that whole thing would be doable since I dont know if an admin/mod could do that and would be willingly to do that.
You (the server) could create a character called "Regalia" and use that to set up all the shops. That way the silver goes to Regalia and can be used to help fun Regalia events (like lottos, pvp tourneys, human chess matches, and the pay people for jobs that can only exist in Roleplay [like guards or Crimsons]). Really, it wouldn't be that difficult to make something work I think.
Mecharic The point of the tavern is to encourage roleplay, which is why we have actual people roleplay as bartenders instead of chest signs.
Mecharic The point of the tavern is to encourage roleplay, which is why we have actual people roleplay as bartenders instead of chest signs.

Then have those people send the silver from profits onward to Regalia? It's not as secure but it would work I think.
Mecharic The point of the tavern is to encourage roleplay, which is why we have actual people roleplay as bartenders instead of chest signs.

Maybe there should be a mixture so that players could still buy drink when a bartender is not online? And maybe specific drinks can only be sold through a bartender so as to keep them useful?
Nope. We're keeping the system as it is. If the need arises, we'll hire more bartenders.
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