Monthly Arch February: Battle Over Perith-migaad


Staff member
Jun 29, 2012
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Written by @MrHappyTinkles

The conflict between elves and orcs entered a bitter crawl. As the fighting entered into the deepest stretches of Daendroc's jungle, skirmishing and scouting rose to the top of priorities for both the greenskins and knife-ears. On the cusp of a cold March evening, a warband from each side forayed into the valley of Perith-Migaad, though the orcs had already taken to calling it Ped-Gad in their brief occupation of those darkened marches a season prior. As coincidence would have it, both scouting groups consisted of opportunists and adventurers supporting each of the two warring factions. And each had the same goal, which was to discover the location of hostile raiders and pave the way for a reckoning by larger armies. Emerging from Talar-controlled territories was Relveth Vinthracia and Rand Kholin, led forward by the keen eyes of Kinna Wrightblood. Ducking slowly from the orcish encampment into the dark was William and Alistair Coen, Percy Ravenstad, and Cedric Bancroft. Fate would have them meet at the stroke of midnight.

Darkness flooded the jungle floor, and Cedric and Kinna were first to suffer its mire. Wrapped around every gnarled tree were vines and plants of freakish nature, thorns and treacherous floor threatening any who would dare throw themselves into the thick of it. Attracted by the soft jingling of buckles and steel held by both parties, the scouts made the plunge through the woods. Cedric fared better, perhaps by luck or divine providence. A careful step or two brought him to the edge of the clearing where Relveth and Rand stood in waiting. They awaited Kinna, who forged through the vines and brambles bravely in spite of her inexperience. In spite of her Tigran eyes, she was unable to discern the way forward and retreated to the safety of that clearing. Cedric waited just long enough to see the Tigran emerge from the bushes before silently making his way back. Before long, the cohorts of the orcish army received their scout and knew the location of their foe.

It was Alistair's decision to strike. "Take out their eyes" was the mantra for their assault. Cedric faithfully led his comrades through the weald and brought them a few paces before the clearing where Kinna's band lay waiting. One could only bring a band of warriors through for so long before the sound of metal and leather rose above the noises of the night. The orc's scouts rallied behind William, and with a rallying call of "Coen! Regalia!", they rushed towards their enemy. In the midst of their charge, William suddenly yelled to take them alive, forcing all of them to bring up their shields and lead their assault. Relveth took the brunt of the surging warriors, falling to the floor and receiving a bruise and scratches from the brambles below. There was a clatter and confusion at the collision, which the beleaguered band of elven scouts took advantage of in full effect. Kinna whipped around and feigned the presence of a flanker to Cedric and Percy who were the vanguards of the charge, allowing Rand to grab Relveth and pull him away. He then pulled up a horn that he had been given by his superiors and blew hard, alerting the second scouting party of the presence of attacking enemies. Within three heartbeats, arrows started to fly out from the gaps of the jungle trees and occupy the orc's scouts long enough for Kinna, Rand, and Relveth to disappear into the woods.

Fortune frowned upon that retreat. The elven scouts pushed too far, too quickly and slammed right into an orcish patrol marauding around the sparse patches surrounding the orcish encampment. Eager for blood and excitement after an hour or two of shambling around, the patrol immediately swarmed the scouts and tried to chop them down. Relveth, in his haste, fired off a volley of lightning magic to no effect and made himself a target. Clubs and axes swung his way and brought him to the floor, leaving him with a cleave across the shoulder, a broken arm, and many bruises. Kinna brought herself through the crowd and managed to ham-string two of the attackers, buying Rand just enough time to pull Relveth out of more trouble and flee in the opposite direction. They ran for their camp.

But the orcish scouts got there first, and signalled for support. William took four arrows to the abdomen in the impromptu ambush made by the patrol called over by Rand, and he was carried off by two older orcs from the reinforcements. The patrol that had savaged Relveth joined with the scouts and let Cedric lead them into the slaughter. What was a relatively serene encampment of elves mere moments before became a blooding field. Orcs swarmed into the tents and cut down the Talar soldiers indiscriminately, and threw torches at buildings where they could not press through the rallying survivors of the camp. In the blind fighting, Cedric brought himself too far into the camp and was punished with a sword strike to his temple for his recklessness. He was perhaps the only casualty in that raid, and was promptly rescued by his orcish comrades with haste. With half the camp in flames, the orcs decided to retreat and let fear do the rest of the work. This approach was won in the name of the Clans.

Rand arrived at the elven camp with Relveth in tow, brought to haste by the fires that had suddenly appeared in the distance. In the glow, he caught sight of Percy and Alistair hauling off the unconscious body of an elven officer who did not stand long enough to unsheath his beautiful sword. Rand swiveled around and called out to Kinna to fall back and make for the nearest town. They escaped in silence, the flames of the camp lighting their way out of Ped-Gad and into less troublesome lands. In a few day's time, they knew that the orcs would cut down or burn the majority of the vegetation at that valley and make themselves a road straight into what was once thought to be safe Elven territory. Their eventual escape back to Regalia had to be swift, for the elves had lost this side of Daendroc.


Relveth: Axed in the shoulder and broken arm.

Weapons and Relveth's arms do not get along.
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This is going to be interesting to rp about since Lithiels home village is in the deepest parts of daendroc. O_O
I'm going to have to maybe conviene with another mod about this maybe write a blurb about it?
Awesome and thrilling read.