This is a diary entry of an Intenian Soldier a few hours after a great battle at the faction of Steadfast. The entry is dated for April 18, 308 AC.
I write this entry now as I hear the cheerful voices of my comrades outside this tent, where they are singing a drinking song and dancing a jig to an instrument unknown to me. They have good reason to celebrate; we have just had a glorious battle at the gates of our enemy, Steadfast. I look now outside of my tent, and see Thurindir, our leader, dancing with his soldiers as well. I realize that without his leadership, we may have never come to stand against the tides of Steadfast as we did today. I go into details about the battle below.
We began today early, marching out of our camp before the sun bathed the land in its light. We all knew what enemy we were facing today. Many of us were cheering with glee for the upcoming battle, but an equal number sullenly marched without speaking to one another. I marched with the former group, and I yelled for the glory of Intenius. Thurindir led us at the front, yelling battle cries while raising his sword far above his head. He also wore a great war horn upon his breast, an artifact from ages past. It seemed to inspire everyone, including me. As we continued marching, the sun rose above the horizon, and our morale increased yet again. Thurindir's cries seemed to be answered by more voices each time. Eventually, it seemed that everyone was chanting his battle songs. However, as the sun rose even higher, Thurindir paused and called for silence. Our morale seemed to falter; it had been he who had maintained it. At first, I heard nothing. However, I too soon heard the galloping of hooves slowly approaching. Soldiers began drawing their swords, and moving into a rather disorganized defensive position. The first horses broke the foliage on the right of our company, with their riders wielding bows and axes. They were far too fast for anybody to attack them. Nobody did, because Thurindir called for us to hold our fire. I witnessed a short dialogue between the apparent leader of the horseback company and our leader, who turned to us after a few minutes. He told us that the faction of Dauntless has come to help us fight Steadfast. We then resumed marching, flanked by the men on horses. Their leader wore a black cloth over his face, so you could see nothing but his battle-hardened eyes. Some soldiers behind me whispered of the great lord, whose name I could not catch. We marched for only about an hour more, until we saw the gates of Steadfast.
Thurindir called us to create phalanx. We stood before the gates of Steadfast, no sound coming from within. The air itself seemed still with apprehension. After we stood still for no more than five minutes, Thurindir took the war horn into his hand and blew with all his might. The horn was powerful and loud, so much so that many of us covered our ears. A few moments of silence ensued, until the gates of Steadfast slowly creaked up. Our troop stood ready, with their swords in hand. It was then that the first arrow flew from the wall, landing neatly between two of our men. With a mighty blast of his horn, Thurindir and the Lord charged forward the meet the Steadfast troops that were pouring out of the gates. I soon found myself in a deadly duel, and I fought the same person for about a minute before I finally hewed off their head. I had a similar experience for over half an hour, fighting opponent after opponent. However, I could clearly see we were being pushed back. Finally, the painful call for a retreat came. Steadfast seemed equally eager to regroup for another attack. Thurindir consulted with the Dauntless leader, while Azurian medics rushed to both sides. After order had been restored, we were told to stay back while Dauntless went forward with axes. For the first few minutes I was confused, but I quickly realized the strategy. After Dauntless had led a crippling 'suicide run' against Steadfast, we charged in to attack the already exhausted Steadfasters. We finally pushed them back to the heart of their city, where they had set up artillery. Thurindir knew better than anyone we stood no chance against that, so we burned what we could and left the city. Steadfast closed the gates and tried to fire a few shots at us, failing for the most part. We then returned to the encampment, where I am writing this entry now as night falls.
I write this entry now as I hear the cheerful voices of my comrades outside this tent, where they are singing a drinking song and dancing a jig to an instrument unknown to me. They have good reason to celebrate; we have just had a glorious battle at the gates of our enemy, Steadfast. I look now outside of my tent, and see Thurindir, our leader, dancing with his soldiers as well. I realize that without his leadership, we may have never come to stand against the tides of Steadfast as we did today. I go into details about the battle below.
We began today early, marching out of our camp before the sun bathed the land in its light. We all knew what enemy we were facing today. Many of us were cheering with glee for the upcoming battle, but an equal number sullenly marched without speaking to one another. I marched with the former group, and I yelled for the glory of Intenius. Thurindir led us at the front, yelling battle cries while raising his sword far above his head. He also wore a great war horn upon his breast, an artifact from ages past. It seemed to inspire everyone, including me. As we continued marching, the sun rose above the horizon, and our morale increased yet again. Thurindir's cries seemed to be answered by more voices each time. Eventually, it seemed that everyone was chanting his battle songs. However, as the sun rose even higher, Thurindir paused and called for silence. Our morale seemed to falter; it had been he who had maintained it. At first, I heard nothing. However, I too soon heard the galloping of hooves slowly approaching. Soldiers began drawing their swords, and moving into a rather disorganized defensive position. The first horses broke the foliage on the right of our company, with their riders wielding bows and axes. They were far too fast for anybody to attack them. Nobody did, because Thurindir called for us to hold our fire. I witnessed a short dialogue between the apparent leader of the horseback company and our leader, who turned to us after a few minutes. He told us that the faction of Dauntless has come to help us fight Steadfast. We then resumed marching, flanked by the men on horses. Their leader wore a black cloth over his face, so you could see nothing but his battle-hardened eyes. Some soldiers behind me whispered of the great lord, whose name I could not catch. We marched for only about an hour more, until we saw the gates of Steadfast.
Thurindir called us to create phalanx. We stood before the gates of Steadfast, no sound coming from within. The air itself seemed still with apprehension. After we stood still for no more than five minutes, Thurindir took the war horn into his hand and blew with all his might. The horn was powerful and loud, so much so that many of us covered our ears. A few moments of silence ensued, until the gates of Steadfast slowly creaked up. Our troop stood ready, with their swords in hand. It was then that the first arrow flew from the wall, landing neatly between two of our men. With a mighty blast of his horn, Thurindir and the Lord charged forward the meet the Steadfast troops that were pouring out of the gates. I soon found myself in a deadly duel, and I fought the same person for about a minute before I finally hewed off their head. I had a similar experience for over half an hour, fighting opponent after opponent. However, I could clearly see we were being pushed back. Finally, the painful call for a retreat came. Steadfast seemed equally eager to regroup for another attack. Thurindir consulted with the Dauntless leader, while Azurian medics rushed to both sides. After order had been restored, we were told to stay back while Dauntless went forward with axes. For the first few minutes I was confused, but I quickly realized the strategy. After Dauntless had led a crippling 'suicide run' against Steadfast, we charged in to attack the already exhausted Steadfasters. We finally pushed them back to the heart of their city, where they had set up artillery. Thurindir knew better than anyone we stood no chance against that, so we burned what we could and left the city. Steadfast closed the gates and tried to fire a few shots at us, failing for the most part. We then returned to the encampment, where I am writing this entry now as night falls.
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