Archived Month Plugin

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Nov 22, 2012
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The Senate and People of Rome
I was thinking that there could be a month plugin where basically, depending on the type of month it affects the length of the days. Example :From months October-February the sun sets earlier than usually and from months May-August it sets regularly later, and for the rest of the months are default. This plugin would benefit vampires and at the same time not benefit the vampires depending on the month. In my opinion a month would be around 10 in game days.
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I like the idea of a seasons plugin, seems very interesting.
I like the idea but there are 2 problems I can foresee.

1. Days in minecraft are short. Very short. You could base it on real days like you suggested but then seasons would go on for thousands of day. Would you have the seasons based on minecraft days for it to make much sense meaning the years would be very short. Either way, it is a problem that must be considered.

2. Northern/Southern hemisphere. When days are shorter in the USA and Europe they are longer in Australia and New Zealand (just used those places as examples, don't get angry at my if you are from somewhere else). If you were to make days longer and shorter based on the Northen hemisphere season everyone in the southern hemisphere would be opposite to what is happening in massivecraft, and vice versa. Maybe this is not a huge issue but it is still worth thinking about.
Depending on where they go on the World Map of Aloria different worlds would have different seasons and timings. Here's how I see it:

Month: June/Summer Season

Ellador - Days Really Long, Nights Really Short. Snow retracts northward (if possible to code). (northern hemi)
Ithania - Days Long, Nights Short (norther hemi)
Deandroc - Days and Nights are not affected.
Regalia - Days and Nights not affected.
Kelmoria - Nights Long, Days Short (southern hemi)
Farradeen - Nights Long, Days Short (southern hemi)
Jorrhidr - Nights Really Long, Days Really Short (southern hemi/pole)

All instances unaffected (all are located near the Regalia and Silverwind, aka, near the equator).

New worlds get day/night cycles in a similar manner - this would help with creating world maps because you could tell how north or south something is by the length of its days.

I envision each MC month as being 15 days long and each season being as follows:

North/South Pole - Summer 6 months/90 days, Winter 6 months/90 Days
North/South Hemi - Summer 4 months, fall 2 months, winter 4 months, spring 2 months. 4 months = 60 days, 2 months = 30 days.
Equator - No Seasons, No Change in Day/Night Cycle or Weather Patterns.

Weather during the seasons would be as follows:

Summer - Standard Rain, Crops Grow 3/4ths rate if not within 2 blocks of water.
Fall - Less Rain, Crops Grow Standard Rate.
Winter - Rain becomes snow across all Northern Hemi and Southern Hemi worlds. Standard Rate of Rain/Snow. Crops grow 1/4th Rate overall.
Spring - Snow becomes Rain across all Norther and Souther Hemi worlds. More Rain/Snow. Crops Grow Double Rate overall.

Note on Seasons: Summer = Hot Season, Winter = Cold Season, Fall = Dry Season, Spring = Wet Season. They are inversed between Northern and Southern Hemi worlds.
I like this idea and I've considered coding something like it a few times. But then sharding took all my time :3. Perhaps now I will have some more time over for projects like these. I can see how a plugin for these features would make the world feel more alive.
Ideas regarding the month plugin.

Summer- If you stay in the desert without shade, you start taking damage.
Fall- Lots of rain, breaks saplings.
Winter- Snow accumulates up to 4 blocks high, except in desert regions.
Spring- Tree's naturally plant saplings down near them.

I think these would be nice if they're added
Man... Sometimes i think that it would be better If the working of massivecraft just better be the same as earth (except for lenght of days) WHAT I MEAN: one of the best rp suggestions IVe seen great job!!!!
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