Miss Aloria Art Contest!


The True Queen of Nerds
Jul 26, 2014
Reaction score
Kakariko Village; Eldin Providence
Hello Massive!

I got to thinking earlier that a Miss Universe type
competition would be interesting on Massive :O Especially with all
the different races and cultures. Soooo, here's Miss Aloria!

How this works.

You MassiveCraft nerds will enter your role-play character on this thread.
Your character must be a girl. Sorry boys, this ones a girly thing.
Your character does not have to be approved.
Your character however must be lore compliant.

Please enter only one of your characters!

Once all of the contestants have been entered, a roster will be posted.
On that roster, each contestant will be put in a poll at the top of the page.
You may enter the contest up until June 16th at 6pm CST
At the end of the day (10PM CST) on Friday, June 20th I will announce the winner!

The winner will receive art by me of their choice from this list:

Full Body - Flat colored
Waist Up - Full Collored
Head Shot - Full colored

Examples of my art can be found here & here.

If interested, please post the following information about your character.

What they want for Aloria:

Yes, your character's answer may be as cheesy as "World peace."

Good luck! :D

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The contestants!

Yung-Li Galasta
"I want a clean, peaceful world filled with understanding of all, let it be cultures or races!"

Rowena Veres
"A very diverse, artistic environment where everyone can enjoy art and culture."

Irina Katgarr
"For a world ruled by Pease, and Sense."

Oakley Pratt
"For all of Aloria to have the privilege of having me as their 'divine' leader."

Esyae Ancalime

"Free of judgement."

Tsura Ahni Serghelia
"To have everyone be colourful and show their true beauty, Be with who they love and live happy."

Runielle LaCosta

"Aye! I wish that all conflicts could en' wit'out bloodshed an' that all o' those wit'out food or shelter could fin' somewhere t' seek refuge an' fill their tummies."

E'llari Y'vonne
"Foods for alls. No hurts kin. (To end the hunger of those in Regalia and protection rights of Q'uerbo.)"

Arabella Montaigu
"Free muffins from the tavern from 7-10 A.M. on Sunday mornings."

Q'iet Daino
"For everyone to be happy and safe, and always have full tummies!"

N'omiel M'triche
"Is want no more smelly meats be eats. Is want big home for all kin, is make much welcome. Is want all no hurts others or eats others. Is wants much yums for all so is no be hunger! Is wants much more F'est E'ma Estel 'n is want more flowers all over for good smells!"

Megiel Thogna
"Free cookies for all!!!"

Meria Eilert
"Marry me Isaak! Zhat is all I vhant!"

Marie Voclain
"For all the doves and magpies to shine with grace and beauty! "

Elizabeth Tenebris
"To demolish poverty in every corner; and make sure food is given to ones who need it most."

Teresa Esmerlda de la Casa de Anahera
"... What sort of Jacobin question... I want for Aloria what she's destined for. Conquering -- by the Empire, of course. My family has always served the Empire most-faithfully, you know. It is our house's purpose to serve at the height of command -- for the Empire. For Humanity."

Ishryniel Nhaddarrin-Au'cence
"For the North to unite and become a hospitable place, if only for personal gain."

Llewellyn Aeglossiil
"Eh? Aloria can do wha'ever the feck it wants, jes' leave me an' what I do alone... An' to stop people feckin' with the undergrounds, ain' their business."

Camila Anahera
"A society in which the Ailor can thrive without the fear of other races becoming too overpowered"

Niantha 'Ni' Alvira
"For the beauty of Estel to shine once more, and for the greatness of the Virtues' to be felt within all."

Acioa Hevea
"For the forests that have been cut down for wood to be reclaimed by the plants, the Essiphuale to be destroyed, and for Estel's influence to grow and shape Aloria once more."

Ta'ra Ichii Baal
"Magic is the art to do things, which can't be done by science!"

Avdotya Pajari
"To have an unlimited supply of berries, and not having to worry about people stealing her food."

Adina Jannali
"I want Biyanga Burra's watchful gaze to protect all he sees from harm."

Aeawyn Deadhrognith
"For everyone to live life's adventures without the need to fear"

Rchkchk Trichk
"What I want? I want what all Mekett want. I want the Meriac to return. I want you all to bend knees to the rightfull rulers of this forsaken place -- Mekett. It's the only thing that makes sense in this world. It's what the Circci taught me."

Katilwyn Satradyr
"For justice to rain down and hit Aloria like a long awaited rain shower after a thirsty drought. This will fill the cups and wineskins of many, bringing flowing peace to the land as the virtue flows back into their parched mouths. and souls. That is what I want for Aloria."

Hadiyya Al-Layali
"Aloria should not be filled with the weak and the strong." she insisted, "If everybody is strong, nobody is hurt. People need to swallow their weakness and fight with their strength if they wish to ever survive."

Mama Morbash
"Soup for all!"

Bethany Arlane
"Death and desc- I mean World peace! yeah!"

Mercia Dertycia
"I want for Aloria to be a place where peace, knowledge, and understanding is equal among all it's people as well as opportunity. Also a lot more flowers to brighten up the place a bit."

Sophia Du Polignac - Valor
"Oh it is Marvellous that the second ranked citizens enjoy some rights. But /do/ keep them of the grass."

Jocelyn Black
"For everyone throughout Ailoria to always be able to focus on the positives in life, let no one feel negativity any longer!"
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Name: Yung-Li Galasta (name subject to change)
Race: Chi'ijen
Culture/Descendance: Chi'ijen
Age: 43
What they want for Aloria: I want a clean, peaceful world filled with understanding of all, let it be cultures or races!
Name: Rowena Veres
Race: Ailor
Culture/Descendance: Lusit Descent
Age: Thirty-Two
What they want for Aloria: A very diverse, artistic environment where everyone can enjoy art and culture. {Very cheese, I know.}
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@Lazzulai #LazzulaiMissAloriaExistandVoid305A.C.
Name: Irina Katgarr
Race: Ailor
Culture/Descendance: Nordic/Northern Ellador
Age: Seven-Teen
What they want for Aloria: For a world ruled by Peace, and Sense. (Eww.)
Name: Oakley Pratt.
Race: Ailor
Culture/Descendance: Ceardian
Age: 27
What they want for Aloria: For all of aloria to have the privilege of having her as a 'divine' leader.
Name: Esyae Ancalime
Race: Nelfin
Culture/Descendance: Northerne
Age: 46
What they want for Aloria: World peace. (Too cheesy, but too true)

Tsura Ahni Serghelia
Race: Chien'ji/ Ailor
Culture/Descendance: Yang-tzu isles early life then, began new life in Fenderfell and traveled.
Age: 35
What they want for Aloria: I want to 'ave everyone be colourful an' show their true beauty. An' that they be with who they love and live 'appy.
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Eh. Why not x3 It's worth a shot!~

Name: Runielle LaCosta
Race: Ailor
Culture/Descendance: Daendroquian
Age: Twenty-seven
What they want for Aloria: She wishes that all conflicts could end peacefully and that all those without food or shelter could find somewhere to seek refuge and fill their tummies. She's... Sorta pathetic. :>
So quick question haha, Torikku has been mistaken as a woman many a time. If he were to cross dress (Which he totally would do) and enter this contest looking like a woman how would that turn out~?
So quick question haha, Torikku has been mistaken as a woman many a time. If he were to cross dress (Which he totally would do) and enter this contest looking like a woman how would that turn out~?

Girls only friend. ^-^" Considering this isn't exactly an IC thing, he wouldn't get
to really sneak into anything.
OH so that was a quote by them ^^; Runi'd sound much less... Proper :>

"Aye! I wish that all conflicts could en' wit'out bloodshed an' that all o' those wit'out food or shelter could fin' somewhere t' seek refuge an' fill their tummies."

Ooooooops. ou o
OH so that was a quote by them ^^; Runi'd sound much less... Proper :>

"Aye! I wish that all conflicts could en' wit'out bloodshed an' that all o' those wit'out food or shelter could fin' somewhere t' seek refuge an' fill their tummies."

Ooooooops. ou o

I'll update it xD
Name: E'llari Y'vonne
Race: Q'uerbo, A'rafa
Culture/Descendance: Eroque (My bad if that is wrong)
Age: 11
What they want for Aloria: Foods for alls. No hurts kin. (To end the hunger of those in Regalia and protection rights of Q'uerbo.)
Name: Zetra Saliz
Race: Mu-Allar
Culture/Descendance: Sendras?
Age: 34
What they want for Aloria: Happiness. 'Nuff said.
Name: Arabella Monataigu
Race: Ailor
Culture/Descendance: Daendroquean
Age: 13
What they want for Aloria: Free muffins from the tavern from 7-10 A.M. on Sunday mornings.
Name: Q'iet Daino
Race: T'oree Q'urebo
Culture/Descendance: Daendroquian
Age: 20
What they want for Aloria: For everyone to be happy and safe, and always have full tummies!
Name: N'omiel M'triche
What they want for Aloria:
Is want no more smelly meats be eats. Is want big home for all kin, is make much welcome. Is want all no hurts others or eats others. Is wants much yums for all so is no be hunger! Is wants much more F'est E'ma Estel 'n is want more flowers all over for good smells!

Translation: I would like to see meat products forbidden, and all other food products made available in surplus so no one will ever go hungry or be food-sick again. I would like a big home for all Q'urebo to house safely, in turn keeping us out of your homes and cupboards. I want there to be peace, with no one hurting or trying to eat others. I wish to see more celebrations for the good lady Estel, and I want flowers to cover Aloria in beautiful smells.
Name: Megiel Thogna
Race: Dwarf
Culture/Descendence: Baker of Cookies
Age: 23
What they want for Aloria: Free cookies for all!!!
Name: Meria Eilert
Race: Ailor
Culture/Descendence: Alt-Regalisch
Age: 24
What they want for Aloria: "Marry me Isaak! Zhat is all I vhant!"
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Name: Marie Voclain
Race: Ailor
Culture/Descendance: Ithanian
Age: 27
What they want for Aloria: For all the doves and magpies to shine with grace and beauty! (not literal doves and magpies)
Name: Teresa Esmerlda de la Casa de Anahera (or "Terrie the Terror" in her youth)
Race: Ailor Human
Culture/Descendance: Daendroque-Ailor/D'Ithanie-Ailor of the noble House Anahera
Age: 57 (And quite fat. Like. We're talking huge chicken-legged arms, cellulite, and rolls. For days.)
What they want for Aloria: "... What sort of Jacobin question..." Teresa paused, pinching her chin in light contemplation. She began again, in her characteristic plastic, political tone,"I want for Aloria what she's destined for. Conquering -- by the Empire, of course." She paused, her dried-date of a face squashing into a vaguely pleasant smile,"My family has always served the Empire most-faithfully, you know. It is our house's purpose to serve at the height of command -- for the Empire. For Humanity."
Name: Ishryniel Nhaddarrin-Au'cence
Race: Isldar.
Culture/Descendance: Northerne
Age: 96
What they want for Aloria: For the North to unite and become a hospitable place, if only for personal gain
Name: Llewellyn Aeglossiil
Race: Isldar
Culture/Descendance: Ellador, Northern
Age: 125
What they want for Aloria:
"Eh? Aloria can do wha'ever the feck it wants, jes' leave me an' what I do alone..." The Isldar would probably pause a good few moments before adding, "An' to stop people feckin' with the undergrounds, ain' their business."
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Name: Camila Anahera
Race: Ailor
Culture/Descendance: Daendroquian
Age: 18
What they want for Aloria: "A society in which the Ailor can thrive without the fear of other races becoming too overpowered"
THIS is why I need #Menenism. The matriarchy is
Showing true misandry to keep down man.
Do female-presenting Yanar count? We're doin' it anyway!

Name: Niantha 'Ni' Alvira
Race: Yanar
Culture/Descendance: Nelfin Seedling with Northerne Ailor roots.
Age: 24
What they want for Aloria: "For the beauty of Estel to shine once more, and for the greatness of the Virtues' to be felt within all." She announced with pride, almost as if she had waited her whole life to preach this very line. It was an eye-roll worthy answer, but she seemed very pleased with it. A sunny (read: cheesy) grin rested high upon her face, the branches on her cheeks turned up to the sunshine.
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Acioa Hevea
Race: Yanar
Culture/Descendance: Nelfin Seedling, from a Lothar Tribe.
Age: 16
What they want for Aloria: "For the forests that have been cut down for wood to be reclaimed by the plants, the Essiphuale to be destroyed, and for Estel's influence to grow and shape Aloria once more."
Name: Ta'ra Ichii Baal
What they want for Aloria:
"Magic is the art to do things, which can't be done by science!"
Name: Avdotya Pajari
Race: Ur
Culture/Descendance: Ur
Age: 36
What they want for Aloria: To have an unlimited supply of berries, and not having to worry about people stealing her food.
Name: Adina Jannali
Race: Thylan
Culture/Descendance: Thylan [Aboriginal]
Age: 34
What they want for Aloria:

"I want Biyanga Burra's watchful gaze to protect all he sees from harm."
Name: Aeawyn Deadhrognith
Race: Lothar elf
Culture/Descendance: Daendroquian/elven
Age: 46
What they want for Aloria: "For everyone to live life's adventures without the need to fear"