Preserved Sheet Mishor Leroh

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Right Proper Bastard
Mar 26, 2014
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Mishor Leroh
  • Age: 143
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Lesarra Altalar, Alais Vampire
  • Sexuality: Homosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: N/A
Skill Information

Total Points: 50 (5+45=50 Total, character is 143 years old)
  • +5 Theatre Art (5 Alais Bloodline)
  • +5 Dance Art (5 Alais Bloodline)
  • +10 Bodycare Training (10 Talent Points)
  • +15 Alchemy Science (15 Age Points)
  • +10 Perception Training (5 Age Points, 5 Racial Boost)
  • +11 Medical Science (11 Age Points)
  • +6 Vocal Singing (6 Age Points)
  • +5 Stealth Rogue (5 Age Points)
  • +5 Needlework Art (5 Hobby Points)
  • +5 Gardening Art (5 Hobby Points)
  • +8 Mixology Art (8 Age Points)

Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 0
  • Toned Body Shape
  • Low Body Fat
  • Modern Altalar (Learned from Childhood)
  • D'Ithanie (Learned from Teenage Years)
  • Common (Learned during Travel)
Basic Information

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Bright Blonde
  • Hair Style: Fine and Medium length
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Height: 5'8"

Personality and Abilities

Vampire Bloodline: Alais (Active)

Vampiric Abilities:

  • Crimson Lies
  • Crimson Curse
  • Crimson Guiding
  • Crimson Guile
  • Crimson Cloaking
Vampiric Form:
  • A six foot tall pale elf with a slender body, four arms, bright red eyes, long dark red hair and curled black horns. Their outfit varies from time to time, but it is always consisting of dark colors with a prevalent red theme.

Option Two: The Core List
  • Character Alignment
    • True Neutral
  • Character Personality Type
    • Debater
  • Character's Religion
    • N/A, Vampires do not care for religion and this includes Mishor
Life Story
  • 165 A.C: Mishor Leroh was born to a normal Altalar family living in La Portée du Paradis, Ithania where they crafted beautiful silks and clothing to sell at their store. Mishor lived amongst them for many years as he grew up, or he would have if it were not for being kidnapped at the age of 19 from his family's home at night where he was ransomed by a group of thugs. These common brutes and cutthroats cared little for the gentle nature of the Leroh family and had eyes only for their money, Mishor was held hostage for two days before suddenly there came many a crash and clattering outside the room he was tied up in. After a while of silence the door swung open slowy to reveal a man covered head to toe in dark clothes that obscured his identity. He said nothing, but instead cut him loose and offered a hand to the young elf. Mishor took the hand and left with the stranger, oddly deciding to leave his family behind to run off with this random person. His family had assumed he was dead.
  • 180 A.C: Years had gone by since the incident and Mishor had lived with the man who rescued him for six years. The man's name was Albert Ernest and he was a thief who previously lived as a cutthroat for a gang that robbed people on the roads outside of the city. He claimed that he grew tired of beating up people and attacking random travellers who were too foolish to pay for mercenary protection. How ever, the wealthy and cruel of the upper echelons of Ithanian society were much nicer targets. While they laughed and snorted over their overly priced wines and sugar glazed hams. Albert would sneak into their back rooms and 'relieve' them of a few things from their home. Mishor at first was scepticle of this sort of thing, however he over time grew to trust Albert and decided he wanted to help him. Albert didn't like the idea at first though overtime he was worn down by Mishor's constant pestering and eventually relented. Albert began to teach the Altarar the art of theft.
  • 200 A.C: As time passed Mishor learned more and more about stealth and subterfuge, how to avoid being seen and even how to take things from people right under their noses, literally! Albert taught him many tricks and all the tools of the trade. Mishor had stopped aging, but over time Albert started getting older and eventually Mishor had begun going out on his own without his mentor. Though never to any high risk targets, Albert consistantly reminded him that he was not yet ready for that. While Mishor was exceptionally good at slight of hand, he took more time to develope his skills in the other styles. Though he refused to do anything related to conning for some reason or another, simply insisting that it was beneath him. Yet stealing things directly somehow wasn't.
  • 220 A.C: Many more years passed and Mishor continued to improve greatly with every moment he spent learning from Albert, yet Albert was human and while Mishor had stopped aging as elves do, Albert got older. He was over sixty years old by now and time was catching up, he couldn't climb up walls like he used to and barely had the dexterity to pick a lock anymore. He continued to teach by way of word though, telling Mishor everything he knew.
  • 240 A.C: Another twenty years had passed and while Mishor remained consistently healthy Albert had fallen gravel ill. His old ages was rapidly catching up with him by now and Mishor grew worried, he was concerned that he might lose his mentor, he expected this, he knew it would happen eventually, but he did not want to let go. Thus, Mishor began to search, he searched high and low and in all sorts of books to find out what he could do to cure Albert of his ailments, but no medicines helped him. Until one night he heard tell of a party going on in a mansion just outside of the city limits. Rumor has it that it is a society of high class entrepreneurs who had come to possess a miracle cure for all ailments, including the apparent ability to halt the march of death by way of age! Mishor began planning immediately...
  • 241 A.C: Mishor had spent a whole year developing his plan to break into the mansion and steal this 'miracle cure' from the high and tight snobs that hoarded it for themselves! And on the night he intended to execute his plan he told Albert; Mishor had kept it secret till then, Albert begged him not to go, saying it was too dangerous. But the old Ailor had not the strength or breath to stop him and the elf left anyway. Mishor climbed in through a window and snuck about the place, there were the sounds of celebration and partying from the top floor, perhaps the roof. It didn't matter much to Mishor though, his goal was the cure. He though came face to face with one of these high up big wigs though when rounding a corner! He didn't even know they were there, all there were in this hall were statues! They quickly grabbed him by the wrist and he shouted out "Release me! I demand to have the cure you boast of!" the aristocratic Ithanian laughed and replied simply "Of course. We will give it to you gladly, but first, a drink." and he was led away to the celebration, the grip on his arm was like iron. They didn't seem even slightly alarmed by his presence and over time, he seemed to relax, the mansion was quite pleasant. They offered him a drink which he gladly accepted, it tasted odd but he cared not, all was joyful at the moment. Not a single concern.
  • 307 A.C: Mishor does not speak often of what happened between now and sixty years ago. But one might be able to gather if they spoke to him and knew him better. Now he has sailed off to Regalia, paying his way into the city and setting up somewhere known only to him.
  • 308 A.C: Currently happening.
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Hey there, @yuomr/jason! Not staff, but I thought I'd give you a quick peer review. Let's get started:

Total Points: 60 (5+55+10 Hobby=70 Total, character is 143 years old)
  • +5 Linguistic Knowledge
  • +25 Dexterous Rogue
  • +15 Stealth Rogue
  • +15 Burgling Rogue
  • +5 Threads Arts (Hobby)
  • +5 Culinary Arts (Hobby)
Altalar are afforded an additional 10 proficiency points during character creation. You aren't obligated to include such, but I thought I'd point it out regardless.

Slightly pedantic thing here, but, you might want to change this to Slim Body Shape, as thin isn't an option. Everyone should know exactly what you mean, but it's nice to keep your terminology in check.

  • Modern Altalar (Learned from Childhood)
  • D'Ithanie (Learned from Teenage Years)
  • Common (Learned during Travel)
You might want to mention which of these languages (I'm assuming D'Ithanie) is learned through your Linguistics Knowledge, just to make everything easier to check (although, you should be entitled to D'Ithanie for free, as you are able to take a parent language and a local culture language at character creation, and as your character was raised in Ithania, this should be all good).

Vampire Bloodline: Shilôt

Vampiric Abilities:

  • Vinteaar Stasis
  • Vinteaar Lingua
  • Vinteaar Drawling
  • Vinteaar Elegance
You might want to specify if this bloodline is active or not.

Character's Religion
  • N/A
In a world were the existence of deity-like beings is nigh undisputed, you might want to add a sentence or two discussing and justifying your character's religious stance. If they are a vampire, perhaps consider explaining what their view was prior to turning, and how that has morphed post-infection.

Hope this helps!

Additionally, if thief RP interests you, I run a Thieves' Guild-esque organisation on the server. If you're looking to get into some good criminal escapades, feel free to get yourself involved! Link to our forum page is here!
@Caelamus I have updated this character and changed around it's stats. Is everything in order?