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Ministry Of Development Report #1


Mar 27, 2020
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Ministry of Development Report
From the desk of Her Eminence, The Minister of Development
Report 1 - 24/02/310 AD


Before the most Recent Upper House Assembly, a ministry was made called the Ministry of Development. With this created, and with many applicants, the Baroness was appointed. With many thanks to his Imperial Holiness, today marks the first report that the Minister will be putting out monthly which updates the general public as to what is happening to Regalia - our home.
As the Minister of Development, it is Her duty to:
- Redevelop or commission new buildings for Regalia.
- Be the Liaison of all Boroughs of Regalia.
- Communicate with the Borough Councils and convey issues between the central government and the Borough Councils or the relevant other authorities.
- Be aware of the needs of the Boroughs.
The Ministry of Development is the only authority with the right to send money to the Boroughs, and may also subsequently close the finance tap.

On the Matter of Representatives:

People who connect well with their district, and are well known for their communication skills are sought out and employed under myself. These people are then representatives to their housing districts.
With their position they can:
- Take meetings with residents under their portion.
- Request private meetings with the Minister of Development.
- Communicate with their district to better the quality of life in Regalia.
This position has currently been taken up by multiple citizens in Regalia and those are listed below. These representatives are open to anything you may ask of them regarding the Ministry and all of them have certain areas that they specialise in. If a member of the public has a worry or question about a certain district, those listed below are the one to visit. As well as this, the Duke Radomir Novak is a right-hand to the Minister. If you can not get in contact with the Minister, then you should go to his Grace.

- Ser Harlow Ketch (For Crookback Only)
- Kauhet (For Crookback Only)
Faran Hasylas (For Petal Court Only)
Great Mother Aeda'lyn Kee'lyth (For Petal Court Only)
Sol Cyrillian Aredeth bel Tannar Ivaëlle (For the Altalar Districts only)
Zzuros Als-Yaotl (For New Town barring the Altalar Districts)
Sihn-Fallar Va'la Mae'Tahlruil (For Old Town barring Petal Court)

On the Matter of Crookback:

Crookback is a heavily special case when it comes to re-development, and so, a lot of Her attention will be put into creating a Crookback better for its residents and the Empire. After attending a recent Assembly in Crookback, it is found that many residents aspire for change: so she thanks them for joining her in this endeavour to create a profound new, better-quality Crookback for all its residents.
Currently, there is a portion of money that goes towards the Borough of Crookback that allows for a constant flow of changes.
Alongside Ser Ketch and Kauhet, there is a plan of action to better Crookback through development. With prices being developed alongside large plans, the re-paving of roads is our first order of business.

On the Matter of Recent Developments in Regalia:

In this part of the report, it is quite obvious to state that any and all people are welcome to approach the Minister of Development, should they deem construction or re-development is needed in any part of the city.
Many different people have come forward asking for developments in the city that benefits all its citizens. The first being a new construction project in the Eronidas District, this was proposed by the Duke Gishkim; seeking to create a brand new temple there for both religious expression and a place for community gathering. Both being beneficial for an increase in quality of life in the Eronidas district.
The second development in progress has been a garden in Bilge Court. This was proposed by Ana Cervantez after the clean-up event in Bilge Court. This garden is hoping to be about a third of the Court's size and have a water well, vegetable patches and herb patches all for the benefit of the Bilge Court community.
There are also multiple other developments underway. Such as getting the fresh water from Mt. Agnes to the surrounding areas for a clean, fresh water supply with a lack of disease with can severely help the general public in the medical areas.
Natharia Mac Conall
Minister of Development
Baroness of Atherdin


@fantuinn @Naramm @SevenBirds @SneakyLinguine @PuffyPigeon @Ghirko @ZiggyStarDusted @BeashSlap