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Ministry Of Development | Decree Three


that short girl
Mar 18, 2020
Reaction score

From the desk of the Development Minister, Duchess Tuija Nordhjem
1st of July, 310 AC



I. Preamble
This is a short and simple decree which will be announcing the position which are now filled by members of the public to better help members of the area or district reach out to discuss or propose ideas to these individuals.

II. List of New Additions
Here is a list of the new and old Representatives and District Assitants which are affiliated with the Development Ministry. If the Minister is not around do seek out these individuals to propose things within their overseen districts.

Representative Registry

If you wish for a more indepth review of the positions please look to Decree Two.

Old Town Representative [Currently held by Bernadette Beckett]
New Town Representative [Currently held by Sol-Ëss Finelor Valloaan]
Imperial Isle Representative [Currently held by Lars Nok-apaan]
Crookback Representative [Currently held by Harlow Ketch]

District Assistant Registry
Old Town District Assistants:
Velheim DA is currently held by Baroness Revna Jarnsund
Floral DA is currently held by Aeda'lyn Kee'lyth
Asha DA [Open]
Note: I am still willing to open a fourth & fifth DA position for the Songaskian & Qadir district. However, I would need an individual to speak to me to show their interest and want to help.

New Town District Assistants:
Allar DA is currently held by Marquis Harta Bahtera
Elven DA is currently held by Sol-Maëss Mene'lainn Cassintojei
Ithanian DA is currently held by Alexandre de la Cour

Imperial Isle District Assistants:
Imperial DA [Open]
Eronidas DA is currently held by Countess Enheduanna Abansaddi
Dwarf DA [Open]

III. Closing Remarks
I apologize for my hiatus but now that my more personal life and matters have been handled I will be taking up more activity in the upcoming weeks. I wish to thank all applicants which have applied and to please advise others to seek me out if you are interested in any of the open positions. Thank you again for your patience.

Tuija Nordhjem
Minister of Development
Duchess of Risøyhamm

OOC TLDR: I'm back in action and that means this will be progressing. Marty will be rewriting a few things in the government I am almost 98% sure so some things may change with how this office functions but for the most part it will remain the same! Thanks everyone for dealing with me while I went through my rut and DM me if you are interested in a position!

Important Tags:

@joglak @notjayp @Iyyiushi @Stellarrix @brattyboochie @Ampers07
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