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Ministry Of Development - Decree 1


that short girl
Mar 18, 2020
Reaction score


From the desk of the Development Minister, Duchess Tuija Nordhjem
14th of May, 310 AC

I. Preamble
As the new Development Minister, I would like to thank the Emperor for appointing me for such an important job. I will be explaining my job as Minister and where I wish to take this ministry in the near future.

II. The Minister's Duties

This has been taken from the Government Officials Manual.
- The Ministry for Development may redevelop or commission new buildings for Regalia (within limitations set by World Staff Lead).
- The Ministry for Development is the Liaison of all Boroughs of Regalia (Crookback only for now). This means they should communicate with said Borough Councils and communicate issues back and forth between the central government and the Borough Councils or the relevant other authorities. They should also generally be aware of the needs of the Boroughs.
- The Ministry for Development is the only authority with the right to send money to the Boroughs, and may also subsequently close the finance tap.

III. Upcoming Plans

Looking back at the first decree from the past minister, I wish to keep most things the same. This means the following:
- Representatives for each district are needed.
- There will be open floor meetings for individuals within the Empire to propose any plan they wish.
- Progress and accepted developments will be recorded with each new decree to keep the public updated on the Ministry's ongoing and finished projects.

IV. On the Matter of Representatives

As Minister, I will be reinstating Mister Harlow Ketch as a Representative for Crookback. There can of course be multiple representatives for each district, however, past representatives will be first considered if they do reapply.
The following individuals, if still interested in the position, please letter the Minister to set up a time for a short meeting.
Kauhet (@Naramm )
Faran Hasylas (@SevenBirds )
Great Mother Aeda'lyn Kee'lyth (@SneakyLinguine )

Sol Cyrillian Aredeth bel Tannar Ivaëlle (@PuffyPigeon )
Zzuros Als-Yaotl (@Ghirko )
Sihn-Fallar Va'la Mae'Tahlruil (@ZiggyStarDusted )
What Will Representatives Do?
- Help propose and organize requests from each community they are in charge of.
- Sit in during meetings to listen to the community's proposals and help decide their necessity.
- Assist in gathering funds for any approved plans for their community's approved proposals (if needed).

If you wish to apply, please letter the Minister of Development at your earliest convenience.

V. Closing Remarks

Initiative and activity will be key to making this ministry successful. I encourage any individuals wishing to be involved in the betterment of Regalia's development, please apply to be a representative or attend one of our public meetings. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, do not hesitate to letter or catch me during meeting hours. I hope to see a prosperous future and I am thankful for this opportunity.

Tuija Nordhjem
Minister of Development
Duchess of Risøyhamm
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