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Minister Of Law Decree 1 | Tsarsʹka Pravda


in love with aleksandra
Jul 21, 2021
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
House Dragić





With my appointment as the Minister of Law by the College of Princes, I, Countess Aleksandra Dragić of Kyizamok, will uphold the law and bring justice to the peoples of Regalia with an iron fist. Pragmatism and efficiency are the focus of my court as we move on to a new era, as stated by His Imperial Holiness, Alexander I. With sobriety and understanding at the forefront of this ministry, it is our wish to create an active and adaptable legislature in the lands regarding Regalia for the future of its citizens and communities.

Due to the recent Doctrine Of Peculiar Judgement, inquests have been extended to all afflictions and have changed dramatically. As frustration is evident in the people of Regalia, this decree will help outline the Prince Regent's vision for the future. Do not give up Afflicted, for Regalia is just and your cause will further the Great Way.

On the Matter of the Ministry of Law:

Minister of Law

  • The right to create laws with the College of Princes' approval.
  • The right to hire and dismiss Justicars at will.
  • The right to announce trials and inquests.
  • The right to hold trials and inquests.
  • The right to approve inquested citizens.
If a new Law Minister is appointed, all Reprieves are rendered null and void, except those granted Soulburdened Status by the Princes/Emperor.
  • The right to hold trials and inquests.
  • The right to deny citizens of an inquest.
  • The right to recommend a citizen to the Minister of Law, to give approval.

Current Official Justicars

  • Countess Kaya Sorenvik
  • Lord Allestane Vikström
  • Mister Pellegrino di Orazio
On the Matter of the Civil Court:

The Civil Court will be set once the Lord Commissioner requests the Minister of Law to assign a Justicar to preside over a trial.

The Minister of Law will then announce a trial date with the consent of both the Justicar and Speaker in question.

The court proceedings will begin once the Justicar steps into their pulpit and announces the opening of court. There may or may not be a jury depending on the opinion of the Justicar. The Justicar will ask for the Defense to step up to the Plea Maker's stand and for the Prosecution to step up to the Accuser stand. The witnesses will be asked to sit in the witness benches.

The defense will begin by having the speaker state their plea before having the rest of the defense support their statement. The prosecution will then be called up by the Justicar to counter the claims of the defense. The defense will then be given the chance to counter the prosecution's remarks. Witnesses will be called by the prosecution or defense during their time to question them.

The Justicar will step back into the deliberation room when they are ready to make a decision and will go over all information presented. When they have done so, they will step out onto the pulpit and explain their decision. The Justicar will then close the court and dismiss all in it.

On the Matter of Inquests:

Proceedings shall begin with the official opening of court, by the Justicar, who will have officiated a regular time of attendance and made it public knowledge. The Justicar will then announce themselves and call the speaker to the stand. The speaker will be questioned in any way seen fit by the Justicar, possibly including hypothetical scenarios and questions regarding morality and general disposition.

Following this, the prosecution will be asked to the stand and will present their evidence, arguments, and witnesses to interrogate. The Justicar may intercede at any time during this phase and may ask questions to the witness as deemed necessary.

The defense will then be allowed to bring forth their argument in support of the speaker. They will similarly have the power to provide evidence, testimony and witnesses.

Finally, a judgement will be passed by the Justicar, which will either recommend approval from the Law Minister, or reject the proposal of the speaker. This will end the formal proceedings of the Inquest.

If the speaker is Afflicted, they have twenty four hours to leave the courtroom and to find their way away from the streets of Regalia in order to give them a chance to hide once more.

Official Illegal Afflictions

The Crown Regent has identified the following distinctions: 'Vampire', 'Cahal', 'Geist', 'Undead', as 'Particular entities of threat and imminent Danger to the Great Way and the Empire in being', these entities remain universally banned in Regalia (law does not apply to Boroughs such as Crookback) unless given reprieve by the Ministry of Law following an Inquest in which they can identify explicit value to the Great Way, or the Empire. Reprieve granted to one person of particular surname, grants reprieve to all persons of that surname, with responsibility of good conduct levied on the holder of the reprieve

'Silven', 'Archon', as 'Particular entities of medium threat and imminent aggravation to the Great Way and the Empire in being', these entities are Legal with provisions. These provisions are: A. These particular entities are not to be employed by individual, business, or organization without a reprieve by the Ministry of Law, and: B. These particular entities are not entitled to property ownership or personal property rights or citizenship classification, though will be protected as domestic aliens as defined by Residency (thus banning any violence committed upon them without reason). Additionally however, this Residency qualification is rendered null and void if such a person is employed by the State Military or State Metropolitan.

Signed and officiated by the seal of the Minister of Law,


Countess of Kyizamok
Minister of Law


TLDR: The Minister of Law explains how each court works. All afflictions are illegal and are written out. I'd recommend reading the entire page as it's all important. Silven and Archon are medium threats. Vampire, Cahal, Geists, Undead, Marken, and Crimson Witches are imminent threats. Marken are not recognized by the state and Crimson Witches are essentially Vampires to the state as well.

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Dwarf saw the decree, starting to laugh as he read trough the list of illegal afflictions
"They are outlawing Silven and Archons? New goverment really decided to appease purists. Good that I am mundane" he said, before thought crossed his mind "Hmm. I wonder if they will dare to pass more anti-magic laws. I don't want Rorik to be fucked over by this" after he spoke, he walked away, as worry filled his mind
Azrael would gaze forth to the decree within Greygate with eyes of silver-blue as he was awaiting to provide a testiomony. Amidst the paper catching his gaze, the knight moved forth to read the newly stamped notice. The Silven of Justice just blinking multiple times in complete and utter frustration. Moving off from the notice board with utter distain as he'd speak forth.

"The fact I, an Aelriggan, have to prove why I should be legal in a city I was stationed to go to should be ridiculous in its own right. Nonetheless because of the fact I was born with silver-blue eyes."

Moving off from the paper, The Ward-Knight would shuffle off with the steps of boots clacking against the city streets towards the nearest Justicar, off to find himself his supposed legalization.

Azrael would gaze forth to the decree within Greygate with eyes of silver-blue as he was awaiting to provide a testiomony. Amidst the paper catching his gaze, the knight moved forth to read the newly stamped notice. The Silven of Justice just blinking multiple times in complete and utter frustration. Moving off from the notice board with utter distain as he'd speak forth.

"The fact I, an Aelriggan, have to prove why I should be legal in a city I was stationed to go to should be ridiculous in its own right. Nonetheless because of the fact I was born with silver-blue eyes."

Moving off from the paper, The Ward-Knight would shuffle off with the steps of boots clacking against the city streets towards the nearest Justicar, off to find himself his supposed legalization.

Clovis overheard this statement and commented.

"Sounds like you need a lawyer, Mister."
Conflicted Sami reads the decree, as she wants to find more information on Inquests. Since she, as an Archon, would also have to take an Inquest
"But what happens if one fails the Inquest?"
Worry was on her face
Viatrix looked over the parchment, gritting her teeth. "You're fucking kidding me.. I'm not going to be in court over being a Silven. Fuck that." She grumbled, crumbling the paper up, and tossing it away.

River grimaced at the paper, gritting his teeth. He tore the page in half. No one would know he was a Marken anyways..
updated... :see_no_evil:





With my appointment as the Minister of Law by the College of Princes, I, Countess Aleksandra Dragić of Kyizamok, will uphold the law and bring justice to the peoples of Regalia with an iron fist. Pragmatism and efficiency are the focus of my court as we move on to a new era, as stated by His Imperial Holiness, Alexander I. With sobriety and understanding at the forefront of this ministry, it is our wish to create an active and adaptable legislature in the lands regarding Regalia for the future of its citizens and communities.

Due to the recent Doctrine Of Peculiar Judgement, inquests have been extended to all afflictions and have changed dramatically. As frustration is evident in the people of Regalia, this decree will help outline the Prince Regent's vision for the future. Do not give up Afflicted, for Regalia is just and your cause will further the Great Way.

On the Matter of the Ministry of Law:

Minister of Law

  • The right to create laws with the College of Princes' approval.
  • The right to hire and dismiss Justicars at will.
  • The right to announce trials and inquests.
  • The right to hold trials and inquests.
  • The right to approve inquested citizens.
If a new Law Minister is appointed, all Reprieves are rendered null and void, except those granted Soulburdened Status by the Princes/Emperor.
  • The right to hold trials and inquests.
  • The right to deny citizens of an inquest.
  • The right to recommend a citizen to the Minister of Law, to give approval.

Current Official Justicars

  • Baroness Revna Nordhjem
  • Countess Kaya Sorenvik
  • Graf Yngvarr Viduggla
  • Miss Murielle Beausoleil
  • Mister Pellegrino di Orazio
  • Mister Bonsh Brindelheim
On the Matter of the Civil Court:

The Civil Court will be set once the Lord Commissioner requests the Minister of Law to assign a Justicar to preside over a trial.

The Minister of Law will then announce a trial date with the consent of both the Justicar and Speaker in question.

The court proceedings will begin once the Justicar steps into their pulpit and announces the opening of court. There may or may not be a jury depending on the opinion of the Justicar. The Justicar will ask for the Defense to step up to the Plea Maker's stand and for the Prosecution to step up to the Accuser stand. The witnesses will be asked to sit in the witness benches.

The defense will begin by having the speaker state their plea before having the rest of the defense support their statement. The prosecution will then be called up by the Justicar to counter the claims of the defense. The defense will then be given the chance to counter the prosecution's remarks. Witnesses will be called by the prosecution or defense during their time to question them.

The Justicar will step back into the deliberation room when they are ready to make a decision and will go over all information presented. When they have done so, they will step out onto the pulpit and explain their decision. The Justicar will then close the court and dismiss all in it.

On the Matter of Inquests:

Proceedings shall begin with the official opening of court, by the Justicar, who will have officiated a regular time of attendance and made it public knowledge. The Justicar will then announce themselves and call the speaker to the stand. The speaker will be questioned in any way seen fit by the Justicar, possibly including hypothetical scenarios and questions regarding morality and general disposition.

Following this, the prosecution will be asked to the stand and will present their evidence, arguments, and witnesses to interrogate. The Justicar may intercede at any time during this phase and may ask questions to the witness as deemed necessary.

The defense will then be allowed to bring forth their argument in support of the speaker. They will similarly have the power to provide evidence, testimony and witnesses.

Finally, a judgement will be passed by the Justicar, which will either recommend approval from the Law Minister, or reject the proposal of the speaker. This will end the formal proceedings of the Inquest.

If the speaker is Afflicted, they have twenty four hours to leave the courtroom and to find their way away from the streets of Regalia in order to give them a chance to hide once more.

Official Illegal Afflictions

The Crown Regent has identified the following distinctions: 'Vampire', 'Cahal', 'Geist', 'Undead', as 'Particular entities of threat and imminent Danger to the Great Way and the Empire in being', these entities remain universally banned in Regalia (law does not apply to Boroughs such as Crookback) unless given reprieve by the Ministry of Law following an Inquest in which they can identify explicit value to the Great Way, or the Empire. Reprieve granted to one person of particular surname, grants reprieve to all persons of that surname, with responsibility of good conduct levied on the holder of the reprieve

'Silven', 'Archon', as 'Particular entities of medium threat and imminent aggravation to the Great Way and the Empire in being', these entities are Legal with provisions. These provisions are: A. These particular entities are not to be employed by individual, business, or organization without a reprieve by the Ministry of Law, and: B. These particular entities are not entitled to property ownership or personal property rights or citizenship classification, though will be protected as domestic aliens as defined by Residency (thus banning any violence committed upon them without reason). Additionally however, this Residency qualification is rendered null and void if such a person is employed by the State Military or State Metropolitan.

Signed and officiated by the seal of the Minister of Law,


Countess of Kyizamok
Minister of Law


TLDR: The Minister of Law explains how each court works. All afflictions are illegal and are written out. I'd recommend reading the entire page as it's all important. Silven and Archon are medium threats. Vampire, Cahal, Geists, Undead, Marken, and Crimson Witches are imminent threats. Marken are not recognized by the state and Crimson Witches are essentially Vampires to the state as well.

"Next are the mages and sorcerers I guess. And then maybe even the fucking Brood. People shouldn't have to explain why they have a right to exist, and if peaceful or otherwise shouldn't have to serve Gods they don't believe in or serve the Empire martially! Besides, what happens if one fails an inquest? They have now knowingly revealed their nature in an attempt to merely live and now have to escape and have 24 hours to get their affairs in order. What then? Are they to be executed? Locked away like the Marken for all eternity? Barbaric. Should any Archon, Silven or otherwise come to my door looking for shelter, or look for work, I shall more than happily oblige. Fuckers." Asra says, obviously infuriated and sickened by their callousness and cruelty.