Preserved Sheet Mikayla

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professional meme-lord who does mineman rp
Feb 10, 2020
Reaction score
Lost Girl / Used to This / Just Breath
Character Information:
Name: Mikayla (Last name forgotten)
Race: Ailor (Daendroque)
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Occult: Exist Mage

Core Concept:
Mikayla is a kindhearted, yet anxious girl who has forgotten or surpressed some of her past. As a result of a failed summoning ritual, an Exist demon known as Cassius became bonded to the girl. With the help of friends and family alike, she has managed to come to terms with this other being and now seeks to better her life as much as she can, seeing the second chance she has been graciously gifted. Mikayla bears no belief in gods or religion. However, she is a tad intrigued by the Faith of Estel, due to her frequent visits to Petal/Floral Court.
- Cassius has since separated from Mikayla and now exists as their own independent being, although the two remain on good terms.

Appearance Information:
- Mikayla was essentially a guinea pig for multiple mutations, but notably one was present since she was born. Her left iris bears a strange, white- glow, the sclera around it a whiteish blue. This eye possesses partial blindness. She bears a small, bony horn coming out of the right side of her head, an even smaller horn on the opposite side, often hidden under her hair due to its size (Horns). Her tears are pitch black liquid (Tears/Blood), and her forearms, shoulders, back, and neck, possess patches of black and grey feathers (Protrusions). Finally, Mikayla has a medium sized pair of bird wings sprouting from her back as well that reach about halfway up her arm span (Wings).

- Mikayla, when you strip away her forced mutations, has long, unkempt black hair. She isn't particularly strong or muscular and is quite thin for someone her age. She bears tan skin, with a couple scars strewn about her body. She is 5 feet and 5 inches.

Mikayla (art by me!)

mika art 2.webp

The Duo TM
(Art by @Marbzmarbles !)
Cahal Form, "Cuerva":
Screenshot 2022-05-04 203825.webp

Proficiency Information:
Strength: 0
Constitution: 0
Intelligence: 1

Tech Lasso
Wisdom: 4
Chem Bang
Medical Barrier
Medical Rescue
Medical Resist
Dexterity: 1
Disguise Pack
Faith: 0
Magic: 3

Magic Revive
Magic Shove
Magic Warp

- Common (Free)
- Daendroque (Mother/Native)

Life Story Information:
- Mikayla was born to her mother and her father in a small village. The father died shortly after her birth to protect her from his clan, who wished to exploit the mage, notably due to her innate potential in magic, bearing a good amount of her current abilities at a very young age.
- Mikayla struggled when it came to a social life as a child, due to being a brood. She learned healing magic from her mother around this age.
- Mikayla and her mother's home were attacked by occult fanatics, and Mikayla herself became a test subject for several magic experiments. This lead to the girl being inadvertently bonded with her Exist spirit, Cassius/Cass, who was brought into the mortal realm unwillingly.
- Mikayla eventually managed to escape, Cass in tow, suffering amnesia from injuries in said escape. She eventually ends up in Regalia, where she hopes to find a second chance at life. As well as learning more about who and what she is, learning to control the
volatile presence within her.
- Mikayla and Cass learn to balance time withe eachother after many trials, moving forward together to both live the lifes they've dreamed of.

The Full Story:
Mikayla was born to her single mother, a well-trained sorcerer, in a small village in the woods.
She never knew her father, but perhaps it was better she didn't. For he was part of a small, fanatic group of Exist cultists, that found power in using demons from the Plane to empower themselves, believing it to be the greatest way to connect to the Arken and Gods of Estelley. Upon Mikayla's birth, the cult grew interested in indoctrinating the young girl to join him in his pursuits, for she was born with a mutated, Arken-born like eye, taking it as a sign of something greater. But her innocence of youth sparked a change of heart in the man, and led to his sacrifice to protect her from their influence, buying his wife and daughter time to escape and flee away from the village. Her mother helped her control and deal with the innate magical ability she possessed at a young age, as they moved from village to village. She met her animal friend for life, a Crow she named Kuro, in the forest with a damaged wing, to which she and her mother helped mend.

Her strange mutation became a problem when she interacted with other children, often resulting in teasing or bullying, as well as claims from adults that she was a threat. To which her mother responded by keeping her inside the house. During her time, she had taught Mikayla healing magic.
Unfortunately, it wouldn't be long before the fragile peace of their mundane life was broken. The cult of her father had managed to catch up to them, and- without their father to buy them time to escape, were both captured. The mother being killed in front of Mikayla's very eyes, as she was dragged away in chains. There, they performed crude rituals onto the girl to attempt to bring out her potential. One ritual in particular leading to the accidental bonding of a spirit of the Exist to her soul.

One day, Mikayla, Exist demon in tow, was finally able to escape her captors, with the help of her animal companion and her magic, allowing her to wound her jailor and unlock her chains. Running as fast as she could into the woods. In her rush, she tripped and fell down a cliff, injuring her head. She recovered, but her memories were jumbled and blurred because of it. Suffering amnesia and forgetting the existence/origin of many of her innate magical abilities. Her travels eventually led her to the City, where she hoped to find some way to rid of her mutations and curse, as well as find answers on who and what she was. Mikayla is found by a kind Kathar named Zadicus, taken into his home and given a second chance at a normal life. Through her ventures, she develops many friendships, fears, curiosities, and even a love-life.

Mikayla and Cassius struggled to maintain a balanced/symbiotic relationship at first, once their presence was fully acknowledged by the girl. Ever since the bonding ritual, Cassius would inadvertently emerge, taking on the visage of a monstrous bone-like crow, in an effort to defend both of them from harm. Initially born out of implicitly selfish need of self preservation, quickly became a more genuine care for their host. These actions were reasonably misguided, however. And eventually, Mikayla began communicating to Cassius through the use of mirrors.

Mikayla, after various encounters with more Exist occult, something awake within the spirit. Taking bits and pieces of Mikayla's memories, she manifested her new form that sported a new wardrobe and minor mutations. Taking on the shortened name of 'Cass'. Following this, Mikayla and Cass went onto endure the war that was the Bralona occupation, learning to balance their time in control with their shared body.

The Exist-born Cass, having experienced the labors of love and companionship she never had, and Mikayla, now having the life of peace and joy she longed for. Despite formerly being aggressive in her control of Mikayla's form in the past, the two have formed a mutual bond of understanding and empathy with the little time they have spent together. And while this didn't disqualify Cass from being morally dubious or controlling from time to time, Mikayla's loving nature has grown onto the demon, now caring for others and those closest to them in a very similar way.

They currently struggle with the onset of new and varied magical abilities, perhaps as a symptom of their bond weakening back to its former state or outside factors of the people around them. Abilities they hope to master, before it destroys them from the inside.


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@Yurs Updated page and point spread to align with recent Ailor changes.
So far so good, there's just some small edits that need to be made before I can approve:
Once you've made the necessary edits go ahead and tag me again for a review!
Young feather girl has been getting an education :D
Added 2 Alchemy packs, upped Medical Proficiency a bit, and a Sorcery spell, due to IC learning/prepping for IC learning in the future.
Updated sheet for the Racial ability/Mutations rework.
Feather girl gets more education :D
Added some proficiencies due to IC events.
Also switched out the mundane version Spirit Familiar 1 from sorcery for the Ailor Familiar seeing as they serve they exact same purpose. Also because it frees up some more points.
Howdy! App looks good for the most part, I just have one note about the proficiency section:
  • In regards to Engineering, Alchemy, Sorcery and Roguery, generally when reviewing apps I try to slim these down to a maximum of three (but preferably only two) of them. These four proficiencies are very high-skill specialized fields, and would require a lot of commitment on the part of the user in order to master. Because you've only got a single investment (or two, in Alchemy's case) in each I'm fine with allowing this under the pretense that the character is a "jack of all trades master of none" type, but will more heavily scrutinize it moving forward if they invest more into any one of these proficiencies. Just something to keep in mind for future updates!
Minor change/addition to backstory.
Also, removed Healing Alchemy in exchange for free prof points due to its redundance with healing magic, as well as your comment from last time.
Imagine having an awesome character with a cool backstory to boot, and a cool unique design based on the smartest bird, along with an original twist on a Brood's Cahalic form. Pffffft!!
Prof Update update!

Reworded a couple things where appropriate. Also, for this char's Cahal form I added an aspect of her non-transformed form (in this case her scarf), as the new Cahal Brood rules they still have to be recognizable to their normal self in some way. Hope this is okay?
May have been a formatting issue on my end, I only put two points into this prof.
I was clarifying which branch her engineering was in and the one pack I picked out for her.
Reworded it so it is clearer.
All good, looks neat. Approved!
Unsure of who to ping as Volaie is no longer staff but:
Scratch this ^^
@Yurs I'm assuming I ping you still since you've reviewed it up until Volaie did.

Small profiency update!
Additionally, Mikayla is slated to become a Cahal very soon, it's currently marked inactive until then but will be changed to Active once infected! Added additional Cahal Form detail for the active Cahalism as well in grey, will change once infected.
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Heya! Did some staff ticketing and decided to make Mikayla a Justice Silven!
Added onto and changed around Backstory and Concept in lieu of this, as well as a minor proficiency update.
Also also, she is now a Vowed Cahal.
She's a lot of things now.

Changes made in BLUE.
Bumpin' again as this app is on the 3rd page now
doing this literally 5 minutes after reading the newesr ability changes
Swapped out Sensor Magic with Afflicted Evasion for Commutable Point buy.
Updating app to account for all recent changes.
Added two magic packs for IC learning, as well as a couple other misc. details from the new Ailor wiki.
Also, Mikayla will be cured of Cahalism soon, the change of such will be made when it occurs sometime this weekend hopefully.
Retconning Mikayla's Silvenism in lieu of the new update, as well as other various reasons.
She's just a normal Cahal brood now :)

Mini prof update:
- Changed around Engineering/Alchemy for the update
- Added more magic
- Decided that my anxious teen with weak nerd arms having more strength points then my ex-vigilante arcane scholar was a bit silly, so lowered her strength stat and took some points away.

Changes in BLUE.
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probs should have waited on the combat update for this
small edit for combat profs as necessary
probs should have waited on the combat update for this
small edit for combat profs as necessary
To be honest, you're better off probably committing to the mage identity/aesthetic and putting that point into magic. A single point in strength probably isn't going to make the character very viable in melee combat whereas just committing to mage opens more doors and opportunity.