Mice And Warriors.

It was a simple spar, simple rules. Do what you had to win and it ended when your opponent or you dropped your weapon or fell unconscious. Juliette, dressed in wrinkled green held her shield straight on her right arm, prepared to block herself, a wooden training sword held tight in her left hand. Elizabeth stood a good few feet away, her own wooden blade held in an unsure grasp. She held no shield.

"Jou first, mon amie."

Juliette spoke the words calmly, preparing for an attack.

Elizabeth drove forward, going to slashed her sword and unsteady the Ithanian, who countered the attack by stepped backwards in a flash and sending her opponent's weapon to the left with a startling crack as the forces collided. Juliette rose her shield, shoving herself forward and slamming the board into her friend's chest, sending her backwards. The two noble girls fought, back and forth the spar went, a hit for a hit. The raven-haired girl was powered by a determination some never find, the one she fought against only wanted the thrill of winning.

Elizabeth knocked Juliette into the snow and stepped back, considering her next move as her current enemy stood from the frost. She drove forward and Juliette acted on natural reaction. To stop her from getting to her.

Her shield rose and came in contact with the the blue-dressed girl's chin, her teeth would have snapped together, but caught her tongue and she bit it hard enough to draw blood. Elizabeth drew back and Juliette shoved her sword forward into a sharp jab to the girl's stomach, causing her to bend forward as bile rose in her throat, which the determined Lady Black fought down before going to sling her blade at the Vauclain, who stumbled and fell on to sit as her shoulder had the wood crack over it. Juliette jabbed her sword upward to hit her rival's stomach again, which in turn, caused Elizabeth to slam her weapon into the Ithanian's shoulder once more. Juliette kicked her feet up, slamming them into Elizabeth's stomach and sending her flying into the snow behind her, skidding slightly through the frost.

Elizabeth bounced back to her feet, stumbling and going to pounce upon the already fallen Juliette, who was easily tackled. The Vauclain slammed her shield to the side, it colliding with the Black's head as a voice yelled from nearby;


The two girls ignored the man, Juliette slamming her shield once more into her best friend's skull, Elizabeth finally rolling off her in pain. The Ithanian regained her footing and stood, sending a quick, but pitiful, kick for her Alt-Regalian friend as she attempted to stand once more.

Elizabeth fell flat back to the snow, saying painfully;

((OOC info; This would only be known by people in Rothburg, either from actually watching it or word of mouth.))
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It was a simple spar, simple rules. Do what you had to win and it ended when your opponent or you dropped your weapon or fell unconscious. Juliette, dressed in wrinkled green held her shield straight on her right arm, prepared to block herself, a wooden training sword held tight in her left hand. Elizabeth stood a good few feet away, her own wooden blade held in an unsure grasp. She held no shield.

"Jou first, mon amie."

Juliette spoke the words calmly, preparing for an attack.

Elizabeth drove forward, going to slashed her sword and unsteady the Ithanian, who countered the attack by stepped backwards in a flash and sending her opponent's weapon to the left with a startling crack as the forces collided. Juliette rose her shield, shoving herself forward and slamming the board into her friend's chest, sending her backwards. The two noble girls fought, back and forth the spar went, a hit for a hit. The raven-haired girl was powered by a determination some never find, the one she fought against only wanted the thrill of winning.

Elizabeth knocked Juliette into the snow and stepped back, considering her next move as her current enemy stood from the frost. She drove forward and Juliette acted on natural reaction. To stop her from getting to her.

Her shield rose and came in contact with the the blue-dressed girl's chin, her teeth would have snapped together, but caught her tongue and she bit it hard enough to draw blood. Elizabeth drew back and Juliette shoved her sword forward into a sharp jab to the girl's stomach, causing her to bend forward as bile rose in her throat, which the determined Lady Black fought down before going to sling her blade at the Vauclain, who stumbled and fell on to sit as her shoulder had the wood crack over it. Juliette jabbed her sword upward to hit her rival's stomach again, which in turn, caused Elizabeth to slam her weapon into the Ithanian's shoulder once more. Juliette kicked her feet up, slamming them into Elizabeth's stomach and sending her flying into the snow behind her, skidding slightly through the frost.

Elizabeth bounced back to her feet, stumbling and going to pounce upon the already fallen Juliette, who was easily tackled. The Vauclain slammed her shield to the side, it colliding with the Black's head as a voice yelled from nearby;


The two girls ignored the man, Juliette slamming her shield once more into her best friend's skull, Elizabeth finally rolling off her in pain. The Ithanian regained her footing and stood, sending a quick, but pitiful, kick for her Alt-Regalian friend as she attempted to stand once more.

Elizabeth fell flat back to the snow, saying painfully;

((OOC info; This would only be known by people in Rothburg, either from actually watching it or word of mouth.))
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Oh no, are you no longer friends? Rip
Obviously Elizabeth wouldn't hold this against her friend. They were told to spar and if anything it'd be Elizabeth's fault for "trying too hard" Lizzy could have said 'Yield' and ended the match but she was trying to win against Julie.
OOC wise it was a series of really bad and unlucky rolls paired with really successful rolls on Julie'a end