
Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by slurmancer, Mar 11, 2019.

  1. slurmancer

    slurmancer catgirl enthusiast

    Nov 11, 2017
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    Mekhit - Dahrin of Baskarr

    Basic Information
    Full Name: Mekhit
    Age: 28
    Gender: Female
    Race: Warran Varran
    Preferred Weapon: Claws and Paws

    Skill Information
    28 | 28 Points | 0 To Spend
    10 Athletics Proficiency | Racial Bonus
    10 Unarmed Proficiency | Racial Bonus
    10 Perception Proficiency | Racial Bonus
    10 Sailing Knowledge | Points
    10 Religious Knowledge | Points
    8 Admiral Knowledge | Points

    Body Shape
    [10 Sailing] = 10 Physical Points
    Slim Body Build - Low Body Fat


    Visual Information
    Eye Color: Yellow
    Hair Color: Brown
    Hair Style: Mane
    Fur Color: Brown
    Clothing: Satoor with Chestwraps
    Personality and Abilities

    How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    In a truly terrifying situation, Mekhit finds herself relying on her faith in Baskarr to see her through. Sometimes, it seems like Baskarr is telling her to stand her ground, but most times it sounds as if Baskarr is commanding her to live another day.

    How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    In a minor, common-day stress situation Mekhit often tries to defuse the situation with light humor. In a heavy stress situation however, the jokes are gone and Mekhit becomes a frazzled, nervous ball of energy, finding solace either in her faith or in the promise of opium after the situation has passed.

    How would your character express feeling Happy?
    If something truly wondrous happened to Mekhit, her immediate response would be to throw a party about it. Even if some mundane fortune happened upon her, like finding a twenty-regal coin in the street, she would immediately try to energetically try and share the story with everyone she knew, as if to have them share in her happiness.

    How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    Mekhit is fiercely devoted to the tenets of the Baskarrite faith, but she is less so respectful of Ailor Laws and Authorities. She does not necessarily try to challenge the law, but she does ignore it every which way she can.

    How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    Mekhit finds no real fault with most races other than in aesthetic preferences. She believes that the Daendroquin, for example, are the most beautiful people (besides Varran) to walk Aloria. She does however take vicious joy in degrading or otherwise offending Nelfin as a whole, considering them to be ‘the ugliest creatures to ever have tarnished Baskarr’s land’.

    How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    Mekhit is fiercely devoted to her duties as a Dahrin of Baskarr, and is keen on preserving her faith even in the heart of Unionism. She feels differently about different faiths; she vaguely respects Unionists, downright despises Estellites, and is rather indifferent to the rest.

    How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    Mekhit takes after the majority of Varran in that she does not feel any particular way about the arcane. She is mildly interested in it as a vessel in which to commune with Baskarr, but other than that she hardly spends any time thinking about magic.

    How does your character feel towards their family?
    Other than her mother, who herself is a Dahrin, Mekhit does not have any particularly strong bonds with her family, especially considering how large it is. Towards her mother however, she has becomes almost devoted to preserving her legacy.

    What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    Zealous faith and typical Varran overconfidence equates a Baskarrite Dahrin who is very sure of herself. She does have a weak spot in that she feels she might not be able to live up to her mother’s legacy, which compels her to often proverbially bite off more than she can chew.

    What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    Mekhit is very proud of being Mekhit. She is proud of being in the semi-unique position of being both a learned Dahrin and an accomplished woman of the seas. She is proud of having gotten so far in life at such a relatively young age, and feels that she can take on the world.

    What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    Mekhit is propelled partially by her devotion to her Lady, but she is also propelled by her obsession with her own image. She is her biggest admirer, and could not bear to see herself suffer from poverty or lack of comfort.

    What is your character's biggest fear?
    Mekhit has two great fears in the world. The first is disappointing her Lady; she would not be able to live with herself if she managed to garner Her scorn. The second of her great fears is becoming disfigured; the self-absorbed Varran would take it very hard if she somehow became something other than what she believes is the most beautiful Warran around.

    Life Story
    Mekhit was the first and only daughter of the Dahrin Athirat and the Corsair Za’soud in Ssil. While the Dahrin had many sons and daughters after Mekhit, she was the first and the brightest of them all, and thus was the one groomed to replace the Dahrin in her duties. Mekhit had a relatively luxurious youth, spoiled by riches plundered from Nelfin shores, and she was well on her way in becoming a traditional priestess of Dahrin.

    So it was only fitting for Mekhit to be anything but traditional. An unusual (for a Varran) obsession with life on the high seas and a purported vision from Baskarr herself propelled Mekhit into a life at sail. There she learned how to manage herself on a ship and eventually, after many years of plundering foreign coasts, rose to become a close confidante of her ship’s captain. She was his first mate in all but name.

    But as sure as the winds change, so too did Mekhit’s calling. In the midst of an opium-fuelled fever dream, Mekhit heard what she believed to be her Great Calling, a Great Calling that demanded she go to the City of Light. So she put on her jewellery, said her farewells, and got off her long-time home to catch a ship towards Regalia, which is where she is today. Who knows what Baskarr will tell her next?
    • Winner Winner x 7
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 6
    • Powerful Powerful x 3
  2. booette

    booette liar and milf lover Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Hello mister Duwuterte!

    I have claimed this application for review. Expect it shortly!
  3. booette

    booette liar and milf lover Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 6, 2018
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    It's a bit brief, but nothing that would urge me to reject this app. I encourage you to expand on the life story where you can, as you roleplay more, but it's not a requirement! Approved!
    • Powerful Powerful x 1

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