Archived Mcmmo Skill: Spears

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Holy Emperor of Belgistan
Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
Hey all,
I remember of having heard that you would be able to put enchants on everything in a future update. So you could have a fish with Lure I. So I thought, why wouldn't I suggest this. Think of how much fun it would be to have a new weapon known as the Spear. Even though it is a shovel...
Anyhow, it might be a bit OP, but don't flame at me since I don't make suggestions like this very often. :p I'm open to listen at any idea. :)

Steady Kill:

This Active Ability is activated by right clicking and then left clicking. What it does is simple, you hold your spear (shovel) tight and put the end in the ground. Everyone coming in the reach of the Passive Ability 'Long Reach' will start taking damage. How closer you are, how more damage you'll take. This can be very OP when used tactical. Imagine a gate of 5 blocks wide, with 5 very talented players in the Skill Spears, is almost unbeatable.
However, when you move this skill has a chance of being cancelled.

Pin Down:

This Passive Ability starts at the level of 500 and stops at level 1000. This literally pins your foe to the ground and stuns him for 2 seconds. At level 500 you have a 0% chance of this happening and at level 1000 you have a 25% chance of this happening. Meaning you get 0,05% each level.

Long Reach:

You start with a reach of 4 blocks and at level 1200 you cap with the reach of 10 blocks. So each 100 level you grow stronger, you gain an additional reach of a half block.

Steady Lad:

This Passive Ability lowers the chance of canceling 'Steady Kill' when you move. You start with a 100% chance of canceling 'Steady Kill' when moving at level 0. However, at lever 1500, you only have a 25% chance of canceling this skill and here it caps.

Well, this was my idea, I hope you like it! ^^

Friendly greetings, Theboomyfly.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
first,i like the idea behind this
second, waaay to OP (especialy the first skil you propose)
thirth, why post that here? i mean like, shoud'nt this belong on whatever site the makers of MCMMO take sugestions?
Perhaps I can work the idea out much further here, before I send it to the creater of the Plugin. :d
Sounds like a suggestion to the mcmmo team rather than us.
I like the idea of incorporating a new weapon with it's own abilities and such for some more possibilities. As said before, Mcmmo is not developed by massive, so I don't know if this is possible without the makers of Mcmmo getting word of the idea and deciding to add it into their plugin.

As for the idea itself, a few things bother me. You suggested Pin Down to cap at 25%. Though 2 seconds isn't long to be stunned for, if you were to get stunned, an opponent could hit you again and again, and you'd get stunned, again and again, and be helpless. Now, imagine this in conjunction with the Long Reach ability. You get your enemy stunned, so you back up out of their hitting range and continue hitting them from about 8 blocks away. You can continue killing them and they can't hit you OR run away unless they throw a pearl. Even without the stun ability, Pvping against somebody that can reach over twice what the normal distance is is simply unfair. This isn't to say these abilities should be completely scrapped, but they would be unbalanced in their current state, and I honestly don't even know how you could possibly beat a spear user if you fought one with an axe or sword.
One block is pretty much one metre, a spear reaching ten metres is not only OP but extremely unrealistic. It's OP because a spear wielder could sit by your half a damage you through the walls causin most defences to be useless.
reach of 10 blocks ... No plz
A spear is a projectile like an arrow from a bow. So maybe you could use those same physics to create a heavier and more weighed down bone point. (If you understand what I am even talking about) To use a spear you could need a glove, as to not get splinters. Then once you have launched the spear you can't pick it back up unless you go and retreive it, like an arrow. So by taking the coding from bow and arrow, adding a different ID to both different codes that are now 'heavier', and adding a bit of art to your new weapons, you could make a spear. But that's just an idea.
You could add a self-harm rate as well. Say a person leaned into the throw too much? It could be a timer from when you pull the spear back and aim it.
Tell me what you think.
The base damage for this weapon would have to be nerfed a ton compared to swords and axes, probably in the order of 33% less damage with a spear all the time. Also, the suggested abilities would have to be severely nerfed too, as stated above. Otherwise it sounds okay, but currently I am not really a supporter of McMMO in general and dislike it.
Swords and Axes are mainly offensive weapons, so I just thought what a variety it would bring if we added some defensive weapons. I'll try to nerf it a bit here and there and see if it is still OP.

Uhm... I meant with Spear the weapon that you hold to pierce and stab people, that you could also use to throw. Perhaps it has a different name? Anyway, besides that. I like your idea. I think I'm going to add it. :)

Friendly greetings, Theboomyfly.
How about half of your reach you can't hit your opponent? If you can reach 12 blocks, than you can't hit something 6 blocks or closer. Then, add a command that sets your reach (maximum of above, minimum of 4) that you can use when out of combat. This would be simulating spears of different length.