
Does this modpack satisfy you? If not, please let me know why in the forum responses.

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Resident Foxgirl
Apr 19, 2014
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MassiveNecessities is a continuously growing modpack that is designed for RPers, by RPers. If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, please let me know @Napoleone_!

@Napoleone_ - MassiveNecessities Lead Developer

Q & A

Q: Why create the Massivecraft Necessities pack?
A: I created the Massivecraft Necessities pack because I noticed there are people who don't have their profiles modded because they don't know where to get the mods, or how to mod in the first place. This pack was created in hopes that people would finally get to experience Massivecraft to the fullest, meaning both mods, and resourcepacks are involved.

Q: Is this even allowed?
A: I see no rules against it, but if there's any that I'm unaware of, someone let me know.

Q: Will you maintain this 'modpack?'
A: Yes. I'll update it as both the server, and its mods are updated.

Q: Any Easter Eggs?
A: I may, or may not have included something in the Splash text that could possibly prove difficult to find.

Q: Do you need any help with anything?
A: Not at the moment, but I'll be sure to get back to you all on that.

Q: Why does the logo say "Massive RP?"
A: I created the pack with more of an RP purpose than a PVP/Factions purpose. That's because of things such as Shaders.

Q: Any pre-configured controls/settings?
A: Originally, yes. Though they didn't save when I pushed the update, so what I'm working on is getting optimal Optifine settings set up, as well as nice controls. I originally had a shader pack enabled when I started configuring, but that might not be necessary.

Q: Where can I download this "Modpack," and how?
A: First thing's first, you need the Technic Launcher, which you can download here. Next, things can go two different ways. You could click here to go to the web page link, or, in the "MODPACK" section of the launcher, search "Massivecraft Necessities." Here's an excellent video to explain.

Q: Are you running out of questions to ask yourself and put on this thread?
A: Yes. Meaning, if I get any FAQ's in the comment area, I'll be sure to put them up here.

Q: Does this modpack include a discord chat?
A: Yes! To get to it, just click on this link.

Q: What mods are included?
A: Currently, More Player Models, Better Foliage, OptiFine, Xaeros Minimap, Dynamic Surrounds. More will be involved in the future if there is more immersion to be added.

Mod List (Updated Live)
  • AdvancedSkinCustomization
  • BetterFoliage
  • Blur
  • Controlling
  • CraftPresence
  • MorePlayerModels
  • OptiFine
  • ReAuth
  • SoundFilters
  • DynamicSurroundings


Massivecraft has all rights to do as they wish with the Massivecraft Necessities pack, including, but not limited to: Telling me to take it down, requesting a mandatory update, or requesting permissions to take control of maintenance. Please support the Massivecraft server, its staff, and the owner. Credit to @Zacatero for the Discord channel's structure and moderation. Credit to @CS_Birb for the MassiveNecessities designs and logos. Thanks to @UrsaMajor for the creation of the installation tutorial. Credit to @mcmann for the initial project and development.


  • Banner.png
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If I can give some suggestions for mods to add, I find the following really help with my immersion! :
  • Dynamic Surroundings (An audio pack: better sounds, really nice to listen to!)
  • Better Foliage (Fluffy bushes, falling leaves, ambient grass.)
If I can give some suggestions for mods to add, I find the following really help with my immersion! :
  • Dynamic Surroundings (An audio pack: better sounds, really nice to listen to!)
  • Better Foliage (Fluffy bushes, falling leaves, ambient grass.)
Wow, I feel dumb for not thinking to add either of those! Yes, yes, thank you! I'll go on and add those tonight and push the update. Thanks!
As of this post, Massivecraft Necessities has updated to 1.2, specifically featuring those recommendations shown above! Thanks again to @Donnarumma_ and @Eccetra !
I'm having trouble using it. I hit "play" whilst in the launcher, and it gets all the way to right about when it should launch, but then the Technic launcher crashes and reopens. Somebody says it has to do with not having a specific version of Forge. What version of Forge do I need? Do I need Forge?
I'm having trouble using it. I hit "play" whilst in the launcher, and it gets all the way to right about when it should launch, but then the Technic launcher crashes and reopens. Somebody says it has to do with not having a specific version of Forge. What version of Forge do I need? Do I need Forge?
Try updating Java before I push any fix updates.
Come one come all, to Massivecraft Necessities Version 1.4!!!

Yes, it means what you think.
Massivecraft Necessities has updated to Minecraft 1.12.2!!!

Here's the current list of mods:
BeterPvP (Fairplay)

Minecraft Forge was also updated, as that's fairly important.

Keep this forum watched for more major updates!
does betterPvP fix the hit detection or should I use it with 1.8.9?

Generally, it makes everything more clear to the user. It alerts you when you're at 1/2 heart, it will alert you if someone is shooting at you or shooting in general with a bow, and it will clearly show you your armor status. There's obviously more, but I'm a RPer. You'd have to try it for yourself.
Generally, it makes everything more clear to the user. It alerts you when you're at 1/2 heart, it will alert you if someone is shooting at you or shooting in general with a bow, and it will clearly show you your armor status. There's obviously more, but I'm a RPer. You'd have to try it for yourself.
I've seen as much. thx. a 1.8.9 version would be amazing though.
MassiveNecessities Update 1.5
Welcome everyone to the next big update for MassiveNecessities! Here's the changelog!
EDIT: I'm trying to find out why the heck Technic Launcher's failing to load the game, as I'm able to load it up in the normal Minecraft edition.
EDIT x2: Turns out I am a complete idiot, and forgot to remove a few of the old, incompatible and obsolete mods... As well as used an old build as the base. Whoops! Pushing update 1.5.1 now.
  • - Added Ambience (Add your own music to the game!)
  • - Added "Blur"
  • - Added Controlling (Adds the ability to search for keybinds using their name in the KeyBinding menu, this allows players to easily find a key binding in the menu)
  • - Added Discord Rich Presence
  • - Added "FullscreenWindowed" (Self-explanatory mod)
  • - Added ItemPhysics
  • - Added "Real First Person Render"
  • - Added Schematica
  • - Added Sound Filters (Things sound more immersive)
  • - Added Stellar Sky
  • - Updated More Player Models
  • - Updated OptiFine
  • - Removed Lite Loader
  • - Removed Tabby Chat
  • - Removed Herobrine
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Will this run on... a tablet.... with..... no ram........ and the worst specs you've ever seen....?
This should honestly get more attention and/or advertisement.
I never thought this game could actually be immersive.
I use a majority of the mods in here with my own potato setting to compensate. Definitely makes things better.
This should honestly get more attention and/or advertisement.
I never thought this game could actually be immersive.
I'm glad to hear it! In the latest build, I've even gotten reports of people's games running faster! So, I suppose we're currently at a win-win! Remember to join the MassiveNecessities Discord if you'd like the latest information on upcoming updates, and if you want a voice in what mods are chosen! Suggestions welcome.
So I'd like to just put y'all at easy with the current situation involving the release of the next MassiveNecessities. I got a new computer and couldn't recover the data on the old computer's hard drive, so until I can reconstruct the modpack from the ground up, 1.6 will be released.
I revised the update name since 6.0 implies there have been 6 fully updated versions and that is false. Lol.
So I'd like to just put y'all at easy with the current situation involving the release of the next MassiveNecessities. I got a new computer and couldn't recover the data on the old computer's hard drive, so until I can reconstruct the modpack from the ground up, 1.6 will be released.
I revised the update name since 6.0 implies there have been 6 fully updated versions and that is false. Lol.
Will it be in 1.13?
Hey @mcmann! Great work on this MassiveNecessities pack. I think it's so cool how simply doing research and arranging things for people can be a valuable resource.

As of last week, I have completely transferred ownership and development of the MassiveNecessities modpack. It was truly a joy to maintain and continue to update this modpack made for the community, by the community for the nearly four years since the modpack has been officially available to everyone, however, though I have been quite pleased by the success and reception of the modpack in previous builds, it's unfortunately been increasingly difficult for me to continue to competently update the modpack and provide the necessary update notices. We can honestly thank work and college for this.

As of the past week (or so), the modpack has been completely transferred over (Discord, assets and Technicpack) to Scafuto. Any further development and PR will be done by him and, should he acquire one, his team.

Again, I appreciate everything from everyone. Maybe I'll put my foot back in the door to continue a project similar to this in the future, but until then I'm occupied by work and university. Thank you all.
