Archived Massivemobs, Taming And Mcmmo

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Former Leader of Tyberia
Dec 3, 2015
Reaction score
Tyberian Empire
As the server stands at the moment, 12-16-2015, there is a lack of compatibility between Massivemobs and Mcmmo, mostly when it comes to the taming skill. This may manifest in other forms, but the most prominent of which, and the one I am here to suggest a fix to, is how taming mobs.. doesn't actually improve your taming. Not directly, at least. Combat with wolves, for example, still provides xp, but the actual taming of wolves doesn't.
This is clearly erroneous, and compatibility should be added. I am not a coder, myself, but this seems like a somewhat possible fix to be added, simply by making the trigger that tames creatures in massive mobs be the same as the one that triggers the xp on MCMMO.
Thank you for reading, and good day.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
They do make Massivemobs, though, they can use that side of the program, hopefully, to fix it. After all, it's massivemobs that is making the taming non-functional with mcmmo by editing how it works.