Archived Massiveitems Plugin/massivemobs Drop Suggestions.

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Shadow of Hisoka
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
Hello there. This idea is similar to the thread to post custom mob names, but it's also an idea for a plugin.
This is currently a sketch, and might change depending on the feedback received.

In a nutshell, a plugin, that runs together with MassiveMobs and produces drops with custom names. Maybe even uncommon, rare and epic items. Suggestions for these drops can be posted here in the future, if the feedback received is good enough.

The system would work in something around these lines:

-Player kills an undead cultist.
-The cultist was carrying a written book.
-The book can drop in different conditions:
  • Tattered Journal- just a normal paper.
  • Unreadable Jounal- a normal book.
  • Slightly Readable Journal- a book with content. Some pages were ripped off, and some text is unreadable, but there are some useful Lore information on cults and religions, as well as some magic spells.
  • Shadow Fang Summary- a complete book, with the history of a cult, spells, and more useful stuff for RP. As this is something really useful, the drop chance may be really rare. (If this is implemented, some work will have to be done to prevent mass printing of these).
People might have caught the gist of what I'm suggesting already. I would love to see a plugin that created drops from mosters, like the item suggested above, or other stuff, which could be open to the community for suggestions.

The cultist's book above is my suggestion for a MassiveItem, but the community might have a lot of great stuff to share.

I can expand on the idea, making something like this:

-Player kills an undead pilgrim.
-The pilgrim was a skeleton, carrying a stick, and wearing the white dyed leather gear.
-The plugin opens a row of primary possibilities:
  • normal mob drop(40%)
  • armor drop(30%)
  • held item drop(20%)
  • rare drop(10%)
Now let's say the plugin chose the item to be an armor drop.
-The plugin opens a row of secondary possibilities:
  • helmet drop(10%)
  • chest drop(40%)
  • pant drop(30%)
  • boot drop(20%)
The plugin chooses the item to be a pant drop:
-The plugin opens the last row of possibilities:
  • Tattered Leggins- just a piece of leather.(50%)
  • Ripped Leggins- normal leather leggins.(30%)
  • Unusable Leggins- normal leather leggins.(15%)
  • Cultist Leggins- normal leather leggins, with a green uncommon name.(5%)
I will wait for a primary feedback, as I developed former ideas a lot in other suggestions, which received really little feedback, but I hope people like this one. I ask that you don't leave just a like or other rating, as I actually prefer people commenting and giving feedback, making the thread active.

As always, thanks for reading. :)
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